Be me

> Be me
> Having a nice day w/ family
> gf/wife, mother and kid
> some shit is said and gf/wife of 5 years says she's a feminist
> tfw i've heard that before
> answer goes like "feminism is just crap that gets fed to stupid cunts"
> claims ye ol' "not all feminists are radicals"
> utterbullshit.jpeg
> mfw when I know this crap ideology is being fed to my gf/wife through unknown cannals
> she seems to be anti-abortion and conservative overall, but every now and then brings this shit of how "every woman is necessarily feminist"
> the degree of retardation in that sentence
> was gonna have sex tonight, not anymore because i don't feel like banging someone who says stupid shit like that, plus i'm pissed off
> all i can think of is how i want to dump her over her adopting an ideology that pretty much hates me, but i can't because of the kid
> i was brought up without a father, so i know it will difficult for the boy
> i know single mothers tend to raise sociopaths, researches on the matter were extensively posted and discussed on pol
> mfw i can't stop thinking how dumb some fucking people are adopting those broken ideologies that just bring down the fabric of western civilization
> want to live in the middle of the woods so the degenerates can't piss me off.

What to do pol? Am I blowing this out of proportion? Am I right to feel my gf/wife may become 3rd wave feminist scum?
Also, feminist hate thread.
Also, UMA.

It's Brazil, just behead her or something idk. I know y'all are basically animals.

i think you mean wifes gf


What the hell is a “gf/wife”?

Don't be a douche.
You burgers have the same problems up there.
We should figure a fitting solution.

Nah, she's my gf but we live together, so the saying down here is that we are "married".
Marriage to me, though, is a churchly matter.

Wow, what a significant problem.

Just be a strong man. Don't debate it with her, just lead by example.

Who the fuck cares

she has become a lesbian now, move on.

Can't because of the kid.

That will only feed the fire. You'd know this if you'd ever had to deal with people like this.

If I were you, I would start preparing your arguments, your emotional appeals, and whatever else you can bring to change her mind. When you're ready, go sit her down, confront her on the topic, and just go through as many arguments as you can. Don't let her squirm away, don't let her deflect. If I were you, I'd look up some redpill stuff on how to deal with a woman because they dont think like a man.

Nip this in the bud because it only gets worse from here.

>i know it will difficult for the boy

Dude I get my son on the weekend and pretty much whenever else I want(because she needs free time, too) and have a civil and cordial and friendly relationship with his mother because I kept my promises to her regarding support (even going as far as to sell useless shit when I was short) and didn't sperg out the first time she tried to flex her control over me. The first time she suggested going to court over formal custody and support for "clerical reasons" such as taxes and etc. I told her I would sign and keep any promise she needed within reason but I would not step foot inside a court.

When she pushed the issue again I said to her: "Do you want court dates and nothing? Because this is how you get court dates and nothing." And basically told her I would be willing to leave the country or go to jail in lieu of having social workers and a bureaucracy interfere with my relationship with my son. And I meant it.

It's been a blissful two years, I have a great relationship with my son, and am free to do what I want all week long. And neither me or her wants to kill the other any more. It is pretty sweet.

You write like a jungle nigger...

> she seems to be anti-abortion and conservative overall
Chill she's not one of those feminists from youtube cringe compilations, you'll be fine

You are exaggerating

Part of the reason I did it this way is because I come from a broken home myself, my father was an abusive drunk, paid no support (except on our weekends and on birthdays and holidays to "bribe" me for affections he would always over spend on these days which did not make up for the rest of the year I went without because of his lunacy) and constantly went on rants about my mother and tried to turn me against her (don't be like that).

She is obviously a feminist.

man your syntax is awful


Thanks, burgerbro.

Didn't care that much about proofreading it :P

not overreacting.
“what is not emphatically rightwing, will turn left with time.”
don’t divorce.
never forget convo.
keep on being ChadHusband.dmg
hatefuck regularly.

word fucking salad


>be you
>frame her for cheating
>keep evidence
>file for divorce
>bring evidence and claim all kinds of wild shit
>get divorce... no alimony due to abuse
>move to Japan and start over

I'm a relatively fit guy.
Always going to the gym, eating properly and shit
She seems a bit insecure regarding other women too (pretty much the reason why feminism never works, since women are always at each other's necks).
I really love her and want what's best for the kid,m and feminazism is not one of those things.

While our family courts have some benefits here like a possibility to separete patrimonies (you can marry a woman and, if it goes to shuit, get out with all your shit witout even having to pay alimony), her cheating is not something that would prove useful to me in court - at least not at a legal level.

It's also my understand that this is a probable shit test since she has done this before.
"Hmm let's see how the machine behaves when we push the red button". Women do give us shit tests.

(Old) Feminist green text story by guy posting most of these pics...
>have girl for many years
>she goes to college, buys into that liberal feminist crap
>stops shaving important places
>I tell her I don't like it, it's a turn off
>She says it's something about her "inner goddess" or some crap
>sexy time.gif
>tell her I have new fetish
>she's not 100% insane yet, but getting close. She asks what is it?
>I like girls who chew gum like a high school teenager during sex
>She's into it.
>Having sex
>She wants me to go down on her
>Bitch, I'm not the predator hunting Arnold in the jungle
>Tell her to do something first
>that Juicy Fruit gum is turning me on. Please chew an entire pack at one time
>She says fine.
>We go on for a while. I wait until she's chewed all the pieces together a bit.
>I tongue kiss her passionately.
>I take the gum out of her mouth
>She's all into it
>I go down on her
>I put the gum in her bush and spread it out
>Suddenly I say I have to go to the bathroom
>I leave and get dressed and leave her with a massive wad of gum in her bush
>54 emails and 22 text messages later
>Apparently I'm Gum Hitler, the enemy of all bushes
>I bought myself an entire box of cinnamon rolls, got a 2-liter of diet coke and celebrated
>new gf knows I don't like unkempt women
>la-la-la-la life goes on

the only solutions to this is: murder. yes, you have to kill her and the kid too. do it today, then it's over and you can start looking for a new wife.

She is your wife. I asume you have a normal relationship.
Bring the subject again and debate it with calm. You´ll end up winning. It´s fine.

Meu, tu teve filho com essa mina sem casar?

This kd isn't from Brazil, tho. He is from Santo António (don't know if it's in Portugal, other countries have cities with that name).

>"Not all Feminists are radicals."
Yeah, just the ones in charge.

You can change her mind user, just have patience and be emotionally honest and rational without exploding.

The biggest and most well-known is San Antonio in America.

Honestly just jave her sit through q white feminist meeting. I have a GF from Santa Barbera and she "said" she was a feminist, took her to a feminist thing in D.C. when I picked her up she said she wasn't one anymore.

Aconteceu né véi.
Eu não ia abortar a criança.

Thought of that too.
She seems fairly reasonable, so I thought "maybe if she goes to see those nutcases have a reunion she'll come back disgusted".

I think he's trying to say Q Predicted this

Put her in her place. Shes a women. The rib. If you follow traditions then so should she. Instead of attacking her like a cuck. Just ask her questions about it. Rebuttal with the blatant faults and holes in her ideas.

Problem solved with no aggressiveness

But the text is written in portuguese, so I googled it and found out what g.a.s.a is. The difference between our portuguese and the original from Portugal is that if the city was in Brazil, Santo António would be written Santo Antônio.

I agree about not having a abortion, but there is condoms. The shit with the pill is with the woman forgets to take it or takes it later than the time she usually does, well fuck.

>if the woman

hue hue?
banana brazil!

Only a leaf could be bragging about being a part time father.


Man, you are RETARDED.....

She is shit testing you to see if you are so pussy whipped that you will agree to her dumb opinions, no matter what they are.

So, she tells you she believes in something stupid, to piss you off, so that you can disagree with her, so that then she can fight with you over it, and then later get fucked by you, because she wants to make up for it. If you agree with her, she will not fuck you, and probably will shit on you.

And stop being a retarded for wanting to end a relationship over something so dumb. Women crave drama in her lives, so give it to her, and be happy.


pshhh hearing her call herself a feminist would've made me even harder. sticking your dick in someone like that is the ultimate eff you to their stupid MUH GIRL POWER shit

oh i hate that so much

a woman will browbeat you into submission to go along with her stupid idea and then blame you for not stopping her

fucking women