Why can't normalfags into mecha?
Why can't normalfags into mecha?
Alright lets get this party started early this time: Getter Robo and Mazinger are both shonen trash shows with atrocious art direction, very often mediocre animation (exceptions being Mazinger SKL for example), horrible character writing and subpar audio direction
>but they were influential
Irrelevant to the overall quality of a product. A concept or idea being good, does not that the product in its entirety is. I can take inspiration from a 2/10 flick because it was original, but that doesnt mean that I think of the flick as good. This is basically Mazinger and Getter: They were influential because they were more or less the first, so people obviously adapted concept and ideas and got inspired by them, but that does mean that the shows had any actual merit beyond those concepts. They are shit, plain and simple.
The only good thing about Aldnoah Zero was the second OP.
I was never a mecha guy because I never really tried it, but I coincidentally watched the Break Blade movies some months ago and liked them so much that I decided to give Gundam a chance.
It's still on my backlog but I am pretty excited.
Because mecha frequently falls into the category of geopolitics for babies.
I love it how all of these, even eva, are ripoffs of star wars posters to various degrees.
Star Wars invented movie posters.
>watching Getter Robo
>subpar audio direction
You mean that OST in Getter Armageddon is not godlike?
TTGL sucks bra. No need to take it out on Go Nagai.
What? the whole
>characters standing looking at the audience or in random directions, some of which are giant and in the background
trope has been around for a very long time.
Take a wild guess when it became popular, and why.
CG looks like shit though when you aren't 14 and its on toonami
so is the troll here that Aldnoah Zero is even remotely close to the other five?
/m/ is gonna kill you
Getter and Mazinger are the laughingstock of /m/, so no, not really. We banish these shounen trash children into their containment threads so that they dont annoy the rest of us while we spam Kamille ad 90 other Gundam threads.
You're not wrong that Star Wars popularized it, but it has existed for longer.
Do people actually like Aldnoah Zero? I don't think I've ever heard anything positive about it from anywhere.
It's terrible
>laughing stock of /m/
>not Zetafags
Nice try Kamille, but Zeta Gundam is a piece of shit anime. There's a reason why zetafags are the most delusional people on /m/.
The fact that you came here to .Sup Forums to vent at Mazinger and Getter shows your insecurity. It'll be good if you stay here.
Because they like Gundam instead of Patlabor
Kinda am forced to come here since the mecha genre simply doesnt have enough good shows to fill the time. But dont worry, Ill continue to crossboard like Ive done for 10+ years now.
>vent at Mazinger and Getter shows your insecurity
Nah, this thread pops up once a week and it always goes the exact same way. So instead of postponing the Getter/Mazinger shit until 150posts in, I thought it would be nice to just start it immediately. Slight change of pace, you catch my drift?
>So instead of postponing the Getter/Mazinger shit until 150posts in
Too bad, because I actually feel like talking about Getter Robo and Mazinger. If you think your pathetic shitpost about them is gonna stop me, THINK AGAIN.
By the way, /m/ is tearing Tomino a new asshole once again. Maybe that's why you're so frustrated? Not my problem.
The love story was the worst in all of Gundam history and unfortunately, since it was the focus of large tracts of the show, ruined the best shot we had at a good "realistic" Gundam.
>Somebody, hate on MS 8th team. Go ahead, I FUCKING DEAR YOU
Sure. It's a piece of shit anime with badly written romance and obnoxious characters.
I love Getter Robo!
>containment threads
I recall several Gundam containment generals. I don't recall a single Getter general. It's not a thing. But I do enjoy your butthurt. Keep it up.
Maybe it's the Macrossfags who are out there to get you.
Eva series is garbage except EoE
>Edgy shock value: the movie
>Not garbage
>I don't recall a single Getter general
It's not popular enough to keep a general going. Getter threads only last when they get filled with massive amounts of spic shitposting.
Exactly. Which is why it doesn't need to be contained. Thanks for agreeing with me. Thank God I'm not a popularity contest fag like you though. I enjoy stuff regardless of what people think. Seems like you have trouble with that, zetafag.
>massive amounts of spic shitposting.
Yeah and we have fun. Can't say much about your threads.
mecha are like trains, one of those things that attracts autists for some reason
Evangelion was gay AF, it literally ruined mecha genre for me.
Exactly who do you think you are? I don't remember voting for an official representative of /m/.
Gundam 0079 is great, the animation is kinda janky at times, but it is real good.
Stop lying.
Only new types are allowed to be part of the /m/ council. Sorry user, turns out you didnt have the necessary skills.
About what?
This is a horrible thread. Please don't reply.
tomino gundam sucks ass.
even ibo is better. get a life faggot.
About 079 being good
Honestly, lets be real here. The Alaya-Vijnana System is basically IBOs version of new type powers.
But it is.
Wel yeah, almost every AU has not!newtypes.
What do you think coordinators and X-rounders were?
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I really hope for the reboot to be a thing in the future
They haven't actually seen many mecha shows, they just don't like the idea of mecha shows for what ever reason. Then they watch shows that have features that are appealing to them anyways despite the mecha and act as if they know something about other mecha shows they have never watched such that they could actually say that they don't like them.
The other thing is that mecha has a huge advantage in that the toy sales are the marketing force, which often allows all the other elements to go as far off the rails as the staff want it to. So you get lots of weird narrative and character choices in mecha because where other kinds of anime have to ensure that their characters and plots are marketable to some degree, mecha shows are selling based off of their mecha designs primarily, at least that's how it was in the70s, 80s and 90s, when most of the good stuff in the genre came out. You got a lot of interesting experimentation that won't be appealing to your average viewer, like Tomino's jarring but highly evocative writing and directing style, to give one example.