Confess your anime related sins.
Confess your anime related sins
I dont even watch more than a show or two a season but I shitpost anyways
I haven't watched any anime in around two years.
I still can not match 500 entries.
I unironically watch harem anime for the actual plot
I like the english dub of smile precure.
I've only watched 25 full anime.
I unironically like Hunter x Hunter
completed less than a 100 anime and for the past years I've only been watching 3 or 4 at most per year
only come here to discuss my old favorites or to just shitpost in general
I have anime from 2013 on my backlog, I haven't watched anything lately because I feel I must finish them.
I keep telling to myself that I will play the Fate VN, for a couple years now.
I have a hard time picking up shit out of my backlog to watch. I really want to watch Flip Flappers, but my autism won't let me get in the mindset to watch anything beyond the first few minutes.
I watched tsurezure children and enjoyed it
I want to get into Monogatari but not for the multiple waifus.
who doesnt..
I was an idiot and watched Fate/Zero before reading the VN, because the anime adaptation came out first. Then, through osmosis I know the basic plot of all three routes. I now just pray that my various filters will stop me from ever seeing anything Fate related, so I can completely forget about the entire thing for when I eventually learn Japanese and read it.
thats adhd from having 20 tabs open and always needing to click shit
Not really, last time it happened I tried like 5+ different things from my backlog but couldn't get into the mindset to watch them, until I tried out Kaiji and got sucked instantly.
>eventually learn japanese and read it
why this? there's a perfectly fine english patch
i actually like jojo
Because at that point my brain will have pushed out all of Fate in order to make room for the kanji.
I go here to steal Pixiv pics people post on here.
I use the phone app Clover and put a auto name filler, but have been too lazy to take it off so anons get triggered, so it's kind of fun not taking it off
what other hobbies do you have?
fuck you're right
I shitpost in threads of shows I haven't watched.
I hate moe-blob shows that have no substance beyond "cute girls do X cutely", but secretly watch their openings and endings.
I more or less enjoy listening to anime and not actually watch it.
I deliberately stop watching an anime an episode or two before the final episode, just to save myself from the inevitable turmoil of knowing that the story is over, especially if it's one I genuinely liked.
I watch some shows on Netflix and
1-2 years ago when i first saw a manga cover of shogukei no soma i legit thought that it was a sol spin off of fsn where shiro was cooking and i even told my friends who also like anime about it.
I'm too depressed to enjoy moe and CGDCT stuff so I only watch and read cringy shonens and DEEP seinens nowadays
I waited 9 months and there were still no good Kuromukuro subs, so I used Netflix to finish it up. Felt fucking dirty.
I'm unironically looking forward to the cancer of SAO 3, Index 3, OPM 2, SnK 3, Code Geass R3, OreGairu vol. 13/14, and highly likely BnHA S3
I think shinji works better dubbed
I actually enjoy anime.
I am genuinely horrified of instrumentality and would rather get torn apart by a kodiak.
Kämpfer was the first anime I unironically enjoyed
I think FMA is criminally overrated as a series and as a battle shounen.
Fuck off, Reddit.
I think Clannad is emotionally manipulating and it's ending is bullshit.
I dropped outlaw star halfway through and never finished it.
I haven't watched anime since the early 00's with the exception of space dandy.
My waifu is from inuyasha
I watched F/Z then F/SN UBW anime.
Never touched the VN cause I've been spoilered to hell and back.
I only have torrents of shit in my backlog which is getting pretty big (50+). I stream the seasonal stuff because I'm too lazy to set something up. If it's a couple seasons old, I'll torrent it.
I'm only here to get (you)s.
I know this feel. Whenever I rewatch K-on the last couple episodes make me too sad so I just skip them and start over from season 1
Zero is superior to Stay Night. Sup Forums is in denial because they spent hours reading an inferior piece of shit.
I still haven't watched Evangelion.
I've recently picked up the habit of when I find a show with a cast that's mostly female and I like it I write shitty dating sims featuring male self-inserts.
Also I liked Rio Rainbow Gate.
This was Ufotable's biggest mistake in their entire Fate adaptation: animating Zero first (even though it is meant to be seen last).
>I haven't watched X
Isn't really a sin. There's a lot of good stuff to go through and it's really hard to watch everything, especially if you're a wageslave. To this date I haven't watched Evangelion, Escaflowne, Gundam, Kaiji, etc.
Well that is a damn good video so here's your (you).
ive never watched MSG since the art is too old
I don't see a benis.
I embrace my sin, Father.
Video games and America comics
I love Matou Sakura and I use her from my profile pic on Skype.
whew for a second I thought you might have a life
>too depressed to enjoy moe
You're not living your life correctly
I fapped to four leaf lover
I shitpost in threads about animes that I haven't watched.
I was curious enough to watch the dub of Dagashi Kashi and ended up liking it.
Not enjoying CGDCT is good. It means you're not dead inside yet.
I'm too depressed to enjoy anything but moe and CGDCT.
I don't have waifu.
It's not that big of a deal; just read the VN.
The real sin is you watch seasonal anime.
me too
is there a reason why you only give 10s or 1s on your MAL?
At least you rated K-On correctly.
me too. I try to see how predictable it is by seeing if people don't figure out I havent watched it.
i didn't watch a single anime which aired this season.
I only started torrenting a couple of weeks ago
I'm only watching new anime because I can't find good torrents for the old ones, only Megashit and 0 seeder 10 peers torrents.
That's the opposite of a sin, user.
i am an electionsfag newfag and use Sup Forums exclusively for becoming more cultured in Sup Forums wizadry. the last anime i actually liked was nge and can't get the same enjoyment out of any others.
I watch almost everything every season.
If its a sequel I always make it a priority to watch whatever came before
I skipped episodes 3-6 of endless eight
I only watch anime on gogo and kiss because I have no use for torrented shows after viewing them.
I watch seasonal anime. and i like it.
I also have 1TB of anime on my HDD that I'll probably never watch.
I read almost every big battle shounen and unironically enjoy them, even Black Clover.
I watch ecchi shit to distract myself from hentai.
Also watching ecchi/harem for plot
I give sauce to saucefags just to watch sekrit klub fags mad.
Pic is Citrus btw
I delete everything after watching.
I unironically enjoy Prisma Illya more than any other Fate series
I haven't finished K-on!! for the same reason.
I actually kind of like that feeling.
Watched Code Geass sometime back in 2016 and haven't finished another anime since. It was so good in my eyes that I haven't found another one that has even come close to hyping me up as much as it did...
God I miss that wild ride those last 5 episodes were....
I watch stuff meant for Japanese pre-schoolers
I watch stuff meant for Canadian 12 year olds
I haven't watched any seasonal anime since Fall 2015
I just watched Fate/kaleid liner because of Illya, haven't watched anything that isn't SoL, especially shounen, in almost a decade.
I stream my anime, my 3TB external gave out last Winter and I refused to buy another one. I can't deal with the loss of so many shows and time.
Gonzo made 2 of the best anime this year, only overshadowed by the new Teekyu which I haven’t even seen yet because fuck 2 minutes a week.
I buy localized blu rays.
I come to Sup Forums to argue about anime I've never watched or even like.
I frequently win most of those arguments.
you probably don’t win
ive watched maybe five animes, i just come here because this sub's fanbase is perhaps the easiest to trigger on Sup Forums.
The simple truth is, Sup Forums in general is awful debaters and have to crutch on logical fallacies. It's child's play to tear apart most of your arguments.
>my arguments
Code Geass, especially the last part of R2, was fucking awful. With such a terminal case of shit taste, you should probably just give up.
You're in good company user.
I've only watched around 50 anime, because I'm too picky and most shows I deem garbage.
Why do you keep posting this and which illusion title is this?
I don't see the appeal in CCS.
I've slowly converting from cute moe girls to full figured monsters....