Is this fight going to be the most hyped battle and one of the most iconic anime battles in generell?
Boruto thread
>Is this fight going to be the most hyped battle and one of the most iconic anime battles in generell?
Nope. The Boruto series is nowhere near Narutos popularity.
Are the tattoos part of the new eye hax?
No they part of God killing hax
>implying anything boruto-related will ever be iconic
No they are sick god slayer tats
No everything after Pein (minus the eight gates) has been shit and will continue to be, good animation in small segments will not make Boruto iconic.
>implying that it was accidental with Naruto and Sasuke
You don't lock lips with someone for five full seconds by tripping on his face.
Nardo wanted a taste.
Post hawawas
With honor.
Or Himawari
Gonna be shit and as soon as you'll see Kawaki you'll know he's gonna be a villain because of the flash forward
havent seen this one before
>Boruto alone home watching TV
>Door rings
>He opens it
>Sumire with her villain outfit and an evil grin in front of the door
>"you're all mine tonight" and punches him unconscious
>Boruto wakes up. Tied onto his bed
>"You're mine tonight
>Sumire, no
>She punches him -> "Call me mistress"
>"B-But OWWW!" She punches him again
>"Mistress, please don't hurt me".
>"Good boy. We are going to have so much fun tonight"
>Boruto experiencing both joy and pain during that night
Boruto LIKES it!
>inb4 hurrr fanfiction
please stop posting nepotism: the anime
If Hanabi got her eyes taken away in The Last, couldn't Naruto just use his Sage powers to give her new ones like he did with Kakashi?
Naruto is boruto-related. Checkmate atheists.
Or restore moonman's eyes at least.
>That precious smile
Boruto you need to date her.
I love Sumire!
We all do user.
Why is she such a best?
Because of her two personalities making her the top waifu.
Will salad be like dark hawawas when she finally has to kill for Ms?
decent image, but jpeg ringing artifacts to hell on it...
please, hawawa is a total sub.
every edgy thing she tried to pull was completely half-hearted.
Waifufags were a mistake.
You have to be over 18 to post on Sup Forums.
How come Jiraiya was the best Sannin?
>Fit despite being in his 50's
>Never indulged in eternal youth jutsu bullshit
>Happily accepted his death was inevitable and went out like a champ
Stay mad
Please, dark Hawawa only exists once.
Though we can be sure Salad will go insane in the future
Uchihashits were a mistake
She isn't total edge character but she also have a lovely and cute side for her friends especially Bort
Perfect balance between badass and cute. Ideal waifu.
Sumire strikes me as the type who would seem shy, but is actually just a very sensual and soulful lover
So is graduation next and more team bs arc or can we finally see the movie?
How could Salad ever hope to compete?
Narutards were a mistake.
no u
How would a God slayer stack up in the Naruto Universe? Could they hold their own against the stronger characters?
So... is Kage bunshin even still forbidden or just a common jutsu now
So what are the chances of it getting canned
>Happily accepted his death was inevitable and went out like a champ
He had lost an arm and his throat got destroyed. I don't think he had much of a choice.
Their shelling a mountain of money out. So it'd have to crash for at least a year.
Bort and Salad can do. But Salad literally passes out when she does.
0. even if its not doing as good as Naruto in Japan, it's doing okay worldwide.
It was never forbidden, the mass version is. How do you keep on making this mistake?
So.. they keep tabs, like.. if you get past 9 it's against the law
No, it's forbidden because past 3 you can fuck up and kill yourself with the chakra division.
>Sumire is the franchise's only hope
how do you know? are you a ninja?
But glove girl
Her and goth loli name reveal when?
>past 3
Boruto can do 4 later on
Fuck the ANBU coming straight from the underground
They should just stop beating around the bush and turn Burrito into the battle harem it's meant to be.
A young ninja got it bad 'cuz I'm brown
I'm fine with glove-chan
It's more like you get past nine and then you die from chakra exhaustion.
Japan doesn’t care about the market outside of Japan. That’s literally an afterthought.
yes, big ups
That's not Naruto case. It's even more popular outside Japan that OP, they truly care.
On certain things Japan cares about the outside market if it's big enough to make an impact
Is Namida S T A C K E D?
Sarada likes Naruto, doesn't she?
You know it
Reminder of what?
Don't forget after the next episode we are free from the shitty Kana-Boon OP.
Wait really? Finally
But I liked it.
I dunno maybe his Jesus organ restoration powers have slowly dwindled over time.
Nardo is only popular in the U.S. and even there it's popularity has gone downhill since it ended. One Piece on the other hand is huge all over Asia and it's one of the most popular manga in France and some European countries. In South America it's only second to Dragon Ball.
Reminder that it got cancelled on Toonami due to low as fuck ratings and Naruto is still on it.
Reminder that Toonami is normie central and hasn't aired a single good anime since the 90s.
So you're implying one piece isn't good right?
plus he apparently remembers every single word of the book he wrote and what page it was on, while dieing
If Boruto reaches the timeskip
>went out like a champ
>Still lost despite having a huge handy cap in his favor
>best sannin
What was the handicap? It was fucking six against one.
Please, naruto is number one in France too. And the sales for boruto vol2 where good too here
This is what I could gather so far about Boruto using "filler" from Shippuden as canon since SP has power decision now and fits well. Maybe this might stop some of the autism here.
>maximum autism.png
>Goth, Sumire and Himawari are cute
>They're irrelevant
Irrelevant like 90% of the cast
Please go on.
makes my heart fall each time
plot armor