Trunks x Mai thread

Can we all agree that this is so far the best thing that came from whole Super?

And 17.

And Zamasu.

And Caulifla.


Why trunks hair turned blue?

Except for needlessly retconned blue hair and him becoming a Gary Stu who gets SUPER SAIYAN RAGE; the manga with him becoming a Kaio disciple was great though

Same shit as Super 17, except worse. Fusion makes more sense than Poachers



dunno about everyone but I'd agree.

It just seems to me, or Japan really loves describing their relationship as highly sexual.

Trunks and Mai was good but it fails to compare to divine perfection.

He was so great. And the best thing was that he wasn't defeated because he wasn't good enough. He was defeated because he was too old and reached his limit.

Pretty good. Only issue is Mai technically being old enough to be his grandmother, but getting de-aged apparently de-aged her mentally too so it's okay.

>getting de-aged apparently de-aged her mentally too
Not really. Whole Pilaf gang was pretty childish, to begin with. Them getting young actually just gave them bodies more corresponding with their mentality.

there's another thing, they confirmed what some fans had been saying form 2 decades, that roshi feats are about skill and not power, he can brake the moon becouse he is THAT good.

It really really matters (just like the focus on characters being BTFO for lowering their guards

after all the power ups and new forms and gods are too much without a proper balance like skill, intelligence and paying fucking attention, the fact a fight can end with someone trapped, or lowering his guard is cool, during DBZ the last time we saw someone doing something like that was krillin and his destructo disk cutting frieza

It's most likely mostly women self-inserting

Well, that would explain why is Trunks so dominative on most of arts.

Women with good taste.

yea cuz i've been a Maifag since the very beginning

Literally pedo shit

I'm an early adopter of the Goten x Marron coupling

get on my level scrubs

get out

Doesn't this make her a cradle robber?

I know that romance is almost inexistent or played for laughs in this franchise, but i really enjoyed how both have great chemistry and mutual support/understanding, unlike most of the couples of this show.

Goku is a fighting autist who doesn't care about love and wasn't even present in his children birth. Vegeta is too tsundere and both Chi Chi and Bulma are bitchy. Gohan and Videl relationship is okay i guess, but they were a lot less boring in Z.

>Early adopter
>Been a thing since GT

Vegeta at least regularly shows that he gives a shit about his family in Super. Goku had a couple of moments too but you still have stuff like the implication that he never even kissed Chi Chi.