Best girl of the year by far.
Best girl of the year by far
Less shit than Kirino at least, nice dubs.
And imouto of the decade.
She's just too cute, Sup Forums. Not for lewd though.
That isnt Elf
I thought all of the girls in Eromanga were great, but Sagiri is the best.
One of the many girls that I fap to, but never watched the show. I can generally tell with great accuracy which shows are only good for fapping.
Oreimo is dead and Eromanga killed it.
I want to do unspeakable things to her.
I wish she'd go back to short hair, it was far cuter.
I want to procreate with Sagiri.
But she can't be a mother yet, user. She's only 12!
Fuck off Isin.
>implying implications
You would be very surprised at the age of the youngest pregnancy As fucking disgusting as it is that people that depraved exist in this world
I was just memeing. 12 is actually generally fine to have a kid if we are talking solely from a biological standpoint
The youngest I ever heard was a girl who was pregnant from 7 months at the age of 8
Pretty sure it's younger than that user
She should be afraid of rapists.
She doesn't know any better. Good thing she's safe from her brother because if anyone is raping there it's Sagiri.
>Literally tried ripping her brother's pants off in order to see what a penis looks like so she could draw them properly
Is Sagiri the most depraved loli? Name one worse
Also she basically rapes other girls
Reminder that she canonically uses her own cunny as reference material
O lawd
Kirino, Sora and Mikan are old and busted.
Pic related is the new hotness.
Kirino was always busted, Mikan is still the best and who is Sora?
A girl without twintails can't be the best.
reminder not to lewd sagiri
>Not Astolfo
Of course not. The girl's like 10.
Where are her parents.
I don't know, but I was her dad I'd probably be in jail by now.
What the hell is she doing here?
I like.
She was an annoying retard with no redeeming characteristics and no personality other than being vaguely bitchy. This would have been at least an 8/10 show if Elf had slapped her in the face a few times.
But since best girl came up, pic related.
She has a super puffy vulva!
My best girl of the year can beat your best girl of the year.
Sora >= Mikan >= Sagiri >= Kirino
Please don't lewd my daughteru, thank you
user, are you gay blind?
Was not expecting that of edit but I like.
I'm the only one who thinks the original is more boner inducing?
sagiri a shit. elf chan is best
W-what is going on here.
People are sexualizing the Sagiri.
Knock Knock
Best girl coming in
Sataniaposting should be a ban-able offense at least till a new season starts airing.
I've seen screenshots and sorta wanna watch, what animu is this?
Haha, us loli lovers huh?
Anyway guys, I'd like to get together to discuss loli in more detail. Shall we post our addresses? I'm sure many of us have very interesting and specific ideas about loli that we can't discuss here.
>Imouto of the decade
>not komachi
shit taste right there
Gabriel Dropout
Loli Dragon wants to have a word with you.
Not even the best girl of her own season.
Try 5 years 7 months.
A lot of candidates this year.
Sagiri, Tanya, Kanna, Astolfo and Raphiel come to mind.
Is light purple hair the true master race?
they're silver haired tho
Why do people make such a huge fuss over this show being such a pedo bait when there was much worse out there, without the redeeming qualities even.
What's going on here!?
You people better not be doing anything depraved to these underage girls. In fact, if you even feel a twitch down there you're in trouble!
Is Tanya wild in bed and likes to be on top, or is she fragile and into vanilla and hand holding?
That's a really tricky question and I'm making real mental effort to find a plausible answer
They are not real, officer, they don't even have nose
Yes and yes
I wonder what would interfere more on her behavior, the female body and hormones or his previous life consciousness.
It makes for an interesting discussion honestly.
Sex with Sagiri.