Be American

>be American
>school gets shot up
>police don't even try to save you

>be irish
>run out of potatoes

>be ireland
>get potato blight

Police is a scam i pay taxes to enforce a law but if there was no law then i wouldn't have to pay taxes thus police is not necessary anymore without police there is no crime ever again because the only real crime is taxation.

>be American
>school gets shot up
>police threatening students to go in line with their hands up
>accidentally go out of the line
>get shot

>be American
>get shot

the police weren't completely militarized 20 years ago and massacres were pretty rare so no one was trained for it

>school gets shot up
>police is too fat to reach his gun


>be American
>carry gun everywhere
>never get to shoot anyone, not even a nigger

Why even live?

>cops take ur gunz
>cops sit back and wait to respond while you are unable to defend yourself against illegal gun users
>cops then get paid generously by your tax dollars

>be jewish
>get ovened by germans
>kvetsh about it every chance you get
>become so annoying that other nations want to oven you


>Be Irish
>Run out of Potatoes
>On a fucking Island

Don't forget coward teacher.
Kid called him out on twatter .
Gunman killing kids, him and classmates running for cover and teacher SLAMS door in their face,locks them OUT , btfo , teacher nice safe comfy school kids (targets) keep running under fire.
Teacher," it's protocol to lock doors "
Yup ONLY after children are inside and safe.

>Be american try to be a hero
>get shot

be second amendment
get infringed

>>police don't even try to save you

That would ruin their own plan.

>Be French
>Get raped by Migrants

I forgot that part lmao

Got a genuine laugh out of me Frenchie. Good one.

I hear students are now being told to wear donuts around their necks, to attract police in the event of a shooting.

>be Irish
>get butts kicked by the SAS over and over again.

>illegal gun users

if guns were criminalised, bought back by the government and destroyed, would it really be easy for a suburban white kid to acquire a gun? try and use your brain before responding

>>police don't even try to save you

If you expected them too that's your bad

>would it really be easy for a suburban white kid to acquire a gun

>be american
>pay taxes to police
>get shot