Is Deku really that plain looking?
Hero no Boku Academy
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Only ochako calls deku plan , what a bitch
"Plain looking" is a genuinely useful (and arguably quite attractive) description in the mutie-filled world of BnHA.
>Most plain looking character in the show
>Calls someone else plain
yeah I'd argue plain looking is the "chad" of Boku no Heroverse
>no tail
>no horns
>no discoloration
>no 6 webbed toes
>no 3rd degree burns
>no neck scratches
>no bags from lack of sleep
>no bird brain
Deku is prime husband material
The only CHAD in bnha is mineta
In that world he is plain. You know because "people" like this exist.
Jesus Christ imagine giving birth to that
Reminder all might could have ended Deku's career right then and there.
He's got big hands
this means one of that guys parents look similar to him, i wonder how she/he was able to find someone to fuck
career? You mean life. I want an AU where he killed deku and ended the cycle of OFA.
Fuck off. He can't even into sadpanda.
Toga is MINE!!!!!!
I sincerely hope this guy can transform into a snail monster and isn't like that all the time
M-Maybe is just a transformation quirk...right guys...
Do Quirks of the offspring always have to be similar to the parents
Don't worry, he apologized right after.
Anyone want cake?
It's either one of your parents' quirks or some kind of mix
>next episode
Is there more?
By anime standards he's pretty plain.
Realistic hair, freckles, no odd accentuations like Kaminari or Jirou who have streaks in their hair that represent their quirk.
>girl makes fun of guy for being a virgin when she is one herself
Double standards are a thing, user.
his hair is green aleast
Man, i wish the xrays were like half a second longer. The cut is too sudden. Otherwise this would be perfect
Doesn't that page confirm Deku at least thinks Ochako is cute?
Shut up twice, she's only interested in Izuku
Well thats probably just a stylistic choice for black so we can see the curls.
Speaking of which, japanese people don't really tend to have curly hair do they. I mean we already got hair colors in the series you'd never see in japan i suppose
Mostly for being the first girl that has actually talked to him. But sure, I expect he finds her attractive.
yes and she also thinks she is hot wen she wear her hero costume the first time
>yes and he also thinks
All heroes are love.
>finally get a day off from work
>check to see the new chapter of bnha
>Hori is ded again
aleast you can see kachan and deku get beat the shit out of them
Can someone explain the Todoroki doesn't like mutants meme to me?
He called the doggy police chief a "mutt" and looked at Tsuyu funny once, that's about it.
>tfw you have to sit next to the mutant
It's been stated that some animals receive quirks. Maybe it was a horse that has an underwater animal quirk.
>be the result of a perfect genetic fusion
>have to deal with untermenschs whose superpowers are the ability ot make 6 dicks
Based big toga working the hero smarks
shouldn't Toga have a hero license now?
From the last thread.
You doing anymore?
Thanks senpai
I'm the one who's drawing all this shit
I'm only staying up a bit longer for the Tomo-chan chapter to get translated. I have one more in me.
>not loving the mutant
why is this series so shit without all might?
it's simple
Todoroki has shit taste
Do Jirou and Kouda pls
Hey come on, Shouji is one of the good ones.
Yeah, its that filthy Kouda we have to worry about. Rock mutants that talk to animals? Can't trust him as far as you could throw him.
Damn, Deku is thicc
Todo is fine with Kouda and Shouji. Its Tsuyu whos the issue.
How does Kurogiri's quirk work? How come Shouji could literally hug it without anything happening to him?
Naw, she is one of the good ones. Comes from a respectable family of home owners. Do you know property value wont go down.
Anything that isn't a portal is just mist and/or his real body. Shouji is grabbing the latter.
I wonder if he has a physical body underneath the mist or if he's just physically made of mist
imagine giving birth to the centipede that has additional centipedes for arms and legs
Maybe he looks at Tsuyu funny to hide his lust for her feet
Where's the spinning Ochako gif?
So the portals are his body? Shit's confusing.
Stain cut him and licked his blood so he does have a physical body.
Did you just stop reading after that pet? He has a real body somewhere in that mist.
He's got a physical body that those armor plates are attached to. He just hides it with the mist.
Spaghetti galore!
Uh are you ok? I just asked how his portals work not his actual body I even posted it here
Ok I have to ask whats the deal of giving femdeku a gun?
Quick, guys. I really, REALLY need a still frame or manga panel showing Mineta's side profile. I'm this faggot:
Actually no, but most commonly It is
I don't think there's an instance where that wasn't the case, but I guess it's possible.
Hmmmmmmm..... good but not enough. I need something like pic related.
Sorry I got nothing.
Does that mean that Tokoyami's Mom or Dad fucked a bird?
Jesus fucking Christ that's brutal. It's a wonder he didn't fucking blow one of Deku's limbs off cleanly with shit like that, if not just exploding his torso flat out.
I'm guessing one of them has a bird head and the other has something like dark shadow, but weaker.
Shut up!! TOGA IS MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
No user, that isn't how it works. Toga is you.
no means no, no matter how wrong in the head she is
Why would you want her? What if she kills you?
Poor Kaminari.
>Deku unknowingly keeps cucking Twice
Why can't Ochako just confess to Deku or something so we can get teenage love drama off the table and focus on working together to punch villains and save children?
Do shipping wars really result in so much buzz and extra attention for series that authors are forced to keep things just floating around until an epilogue?
Do you think you can do a cute Shoto/Momo one?
>Do shipping wars really result in so much buzz and extra attention for series that authors are forced to keep things just floating around until an epilogue?
Yes, is this your first anime?
what's this from
So whats going on with Lemillion right now? Only one I care about aside from Himiko
Just give it an arc or two.
It hasn't even come up at all this arc.
I'd almost think maybe it'll come up if Deku has to be taken out of the place on a stretcher, but I think he will probably come out mostly unscathed, partially because he needs a win against villains that doesn't send him to the hospital
>he doesn't find petty ship shitposting endearing
What will Mineta and Momo's children look like?
Nevermind, last week's episode has a lot of them. I'll just rewatch it.
No, that was probably Dragon Ball which (besides any faults) had the sense to resolve any "romance" subplot within the same arc it would appear.
>shit taste
Delusional mutant.
Lets see where their relationship is by the end of this semester. I feel like some progress has to be made by then.
You know, some drawfags think mutants are cute.
nigga in my school days I spent THREE YEARS building up the courage to confess to my oneitis and then getting rejected