LoGH: DNT trailer subbed


Does Sup Forums think this will be a worth adaptation or will it just be another flashy anime using the name of an established series to make a shit-ton money?

I think it'll be alright, but it won't live up to the old one in terms of plot, characters, pacing and the excellent political and historical insights and discussions that help build the world and give you a better understanding of these systems of government.

I'll say just this: We won't get a history of space episode in this show.

Just how moe will Mecklinger be in the new adaption?

>Does Sup Forums think this will be a worth adaptation or will it just be another flashy anime using the name of an established series to make a shit-ton money?

They want the fujobucks.

Probably just mediocre. Not good or terrible. Just okay.

Since it's gonna be an adaptation of the novels rather than the anime, I just hope it'll portray some scenes in the novel that were overlooked or underemphasized in the OVAs.

Fuck. No.

I rather die.

>We won't get a history of space episode in this show

Those episodes were some of my favourites. I usually hate it when shows just cram exposition, but at least with the LoGH anime, it wasn't done at the beginning of the show and it felt very much in tone with the show's themes.

You have till Spring 2018 to save for your funeral.

Then die already.

Sup Forums has a LoGH general now?

Ow the Edge

This designer obviously only knows how to make one type of character

I very much agree, which is why I mentioned it. It was wonderful for building the universe and did fit very well within the themes and context of the show. Even the small interruption helped break it up a bit and give us a breather before being thrown back into the history.

There isn't a lot in this show that I don't like.

will Sup Forums survive this?

We're going to survive this like Oberstein survives the final episode: fucking dies, but had cryptic things to say in the end.

I want to see Admiral Bucock and the old men in the Alliance. They'll never fit the Space Jam atmosphere.

>Dogs eat dog food
>Give the dog chicken
> But chicken is human food

HOLY SHIT What did he mean by this?

He could have meant a million different thing by that. Obestein's specialty was using metaphors like that to explain things to people, and allowed them to conclude whatever they wanted to believe.

What scenes in particular would you like to see this time around?

This is suicidal.

Destroy all of that subtly and powerful visual characterization for sameface and silly hair colors.

Well, at the very least the animation won't be shit when Siegfried Kircheis dies, right?

They're going to play sappy J-pop music when that happen

That's an edit right? that's just the cast of koroko no basket.

If Mecklinger doesn't have a kickass stache I'm gonna fucking riot.

If you say so, user. Even if they don't, I hope someone edits j-pop on the scene so you can cry more about it.

I would like to believe that for all the selfish actions he made the empire go through, like letting Westerland happen and taking civilian hostages, he repented like a true egalitarian. He realized his hypocrisy and wanted his set standards to go with him.

Someone would play classical music edits like they did with the 2016 Berserk with penpal.

>That's an edit right?
Look at Hilde's uniform.


Does this mean Dusty will have a diminished role this time? I heard he's barely present in the novels.

He's not in books 1 and 2, but in 3-4 he's in it the same amount as we see in the show more or less.

The "selfish actions" saved millions of lives.

How's Japan reacting to the trailer?

half is same as Sup Forums, other is excited.

>no yellow subs
It's shit.

I wanted to buy Laserdisc collection but no one in nipland ships it to my country, fucking hell

I would need to pay more for shipment than all LD Boxescombined and still no one even bother to send it, lazy nips are lazy

Is that the new design for Iserlohn fortress? Still better than the new character designs.