My gf is a shitlib but she's really nice

My gf is a shitlib but she's really nice.

What are some good resources to redpill her? I'm looking for moderate commentators like Jordan Peterson, Sargon, etc.

Your girl will never be redpilled by listening to some middle aged political/social commentator drone on for 30 minutes. That’s not how women operate. Only through action do women learn. They have to see firsthand that your way leads to greater comfort and stability.

Bump for common interest. I have the same problem and all I have been able to do is direct her to leddit discussions that are moderate yet anti sjw/fem. Also have shown a few youtube social commentators that are centrist enough to show rational discussion of shit 3rd wave fem and other sjw. SomeBlackGuy and ChrisRayGun are the most reasonable for centering her I have found, but now I dont know how to start the real redpilling

1791L is a very good place to start. Then move farther right slowly but surely

As a man, you have to lead. Women do not learn from reason as well as from emotion, so just make sure you're effectively impressing upon her the things you believe in.

just tell her to google sweden lol

Drop her off in the hood as the sun goes down and make her walk home. That'll red pill her.

Logic does not work for the womens, emotions drive them. They need to see the damage that their ideology does. Find some subtle ways to show them, destruction of the nuclear family, dependency on the state, no such thins as a "free" meal, and the damage it does. those kind of things.


Also OP, be subtle; too many red pills will do no good, just drop the occasional one-liner that sounds convincing and she won't think too hard about and will feel the need to believe because you are the one saying.

redpill od is nasty thing to deal with...

And causes shitstorms.

user, just fuck the living shit out of her over & over. Find the man in the boat & work him over viciously.

Its what she wants & need. Make her cum so many times shes dehydrated.

Then she'll listen to whatever you say. Its the only way.

I'd aim for libertarians, anti-statists and (actual, non #metoo) anti-rape
You may only get one shot, so taylor specifically for her, it has to be a silver bullet

Writer: George Orwell
Youtuber: Stefan Molyneux
Movement: #120db

Maybe your "shitlib" sister could teach you to be a better person and not a bitter cunt.

big time

you have to do it yourself user. It has to come from someone she trusts.

Start small. Start with a conspiracy theory that has been proven to be true. Start with JFK and follow drop the breadcrumbs. We know now it was a conspiracy (by definition more than one person), so who benefits? Drop hints. JFK was seeking to inspect Israelis nuclear program, seeking to move us to a silver standard to end dependance on the Fed, refusing to escalate the war in vietnam, refusing operation northwoods to enter into war in Cuba. Refer to the banks not the jews behind the banks.

And for the love of God, be careful with the order of the red pills. For instance: explaining race realism right out of the bat will probably just get you a knee-jerk reaction. Be wary the knee-jerk.

Kevin McDonald's Twitter feed.

I can teach her how to squirt if you want

Throw her out of your car in the ghetto loop around the block and kill the niggers trying to rape her when you fully loop around. Lmao reminds me of when my grandpa used to leave suitcases full of snakes in the black part of town.

>My gf is a

You can't redpill someone who's already been bluepilled. Sorry OP but you have to kill her. Also fuck off leaf.

Argument is circular. If you're trying to convince someone that right-wing ideology is better or more realistic than left-wing ideology, you shouldn't use a basic traditionalist right-wing tenet (women should be controlled by men, women are not capable of using reason) to base your rhetoric or actions. You need to simply relate to her by showing it would be in her interest to believe in X rather than Y.


I bet you're a nigger

That doesn't make sense. I don't even have a sister.

t. leaf

I'd rather be a leaf than a nigger

If you believe women can be redpilled then you're not redpilled yourself.

What you should be concerned with is instilling in her a sense of duty and obeyance, not a working knowledge of political abstractions that her brain did not evolve to understand or appreciate anyway.


What kind of shitlib she is?

Just a standard centre-left Trudeau-loving white girl. Not particularly interested in politics, just knows what her profs talk about.

Being a strong man is the only answer


>I'm looking for moderate commentators like Jordan Peterson, Sargon, etc.
Don't worry, she is just as braindead as you are. Send her some infowars stuff so she knows your intellect

I don't see how this plan could possibly go wrong.

But this is precisely why women cannot be redpilled. They are solipstistic creatures, just as you're implying with your advice. But the reality is, the truths embedded in the red pill are innately universal, which has value beyond the self. It's a pointless exercise to try to get women to see the value in abstractions that don't relate to them, as you suggest, but you cannot BE redpilled if you don't see the value in abstractions that do not relate to self.

Which is why all women need is a sense of feminine duty and obeyance. If you're worried about how she'll vote on election day, fill out her absentee ballot ofr her. Lots of men do this. Apart from that, her political opinions are completely immaterial, and men who want their women to echo their politics are just training parrots.

You can redpill her by dumping her.

Show her the consequenses of centre-left. I think psychological literature would be the best. Like destruction of a family leads to children not getting required behavioral patterns.

for u

Seriously mods, just fucking ban leafs. All they do is fucking blog post and make these gay fucking threads that have nothing to do with Sup Forums

If she is not particularly interested in politics, maybe political commentators aren't the best approach.

>"how I redpill my gf"

just dump her

or maybe you're totally cucked and she has power over your lonely existence and are only redpilled yourself because it provides excuses that comfort to your insecurities

I redpilled a few girls during the election with Molyneux's Untruth About Trump and the Can't Stump the Trump series and my brother-in-law redpilled my sister with 1791l.

If you're giving a girl dat good dick she'll believe literally anything you tell her, videos just help because most people are visual learners.

Pic related is how you redpill women. Everytime she says some stupid shit you give her a black eye until she learns.

>redpilling a shitlib leaf girl
never gonna happen drop her ass

>caring about a woman's political opinions


We have laws against that kind of thing in first world countries.

>first world countries.
no burgerland doe

>Argument is circular.

>he thinks that women's views are shaped by logical arguments

Took me a couple years to drag my wife from batshit leftism closer to rationalism.

I never talk politics with her. I'm always open and welcoming even if I dont agree with shit and point out why something concerns me and drop it quickly.

The main thing I've done to help her was make her aware of her emotions when it comes to decision making and her beliefs. Once she became aware of her feelings she dropped a lot of irrational beliefs and left fantasy land for the most part.

I've given her the gift of critical thinking instead of her previous critical theory indoctrination without ever pushing my own beliefs on her and now she comes to a lot of the same conclusions that I do.

It's hilarious how her SJW friends alienate the shit out of her now and she's oblivious as to why.

pic related when my wife referred to a vagina as a weenie hole

Worst advice ever
Wacky conspiracy theories are not the way to go

Agreed, starting off with talk about ovens is a BAD idea

Maybe start with the obvious stuff: media bias, virtue signalling, group think.

Also, maybe you don't have to do anything, just immerse her in groups of people who think more libertarian.
If she disagrees with things, you can always pitch in a little to make sure she stays on course.

Once she's a libertarian, feed her the next red pill

This is a fake post.

Go away.

>dating someone you disagree with on a fundamental level

are you just hatefucking or both utterly retarded?

lol, they will never change. women are born like that, she might get on your side for a decade or so, but eventually she will relapse and wreck your life.

all leftists are nice until you start winning, then you see their true colors.