Princess Principal

It has been a great ride Sup Forumsnons

Let's rate this anime as a whole and your hype for S2

Also, what would you like to see happen if there's a sequel?

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I want to fuck Chise.

one of the worst rushed endings I saw in quite some time.

I want to see the face of the girls when princess tells them she's in a relationship with ange

I want more BEATO

Tachibanana interview.

>It has been
That's implying the ride has ended
3Hz is our conductor

I'm sure you started watching anime this year

More Zelda legs.

These and gazelle vs dorothy.Ange's taking down Shoebill for shooting her waifu.

Solid 8/10. Good, fun show.

wrong friend, user. she's a tibetan fox

What the fuck did I just watch? I liked it until the ending.

That reminds me, anyone got a gif of Beato spinning around from this episode?

Wait a minute, that mouth...

I hope one day I also will find my turtledove

Damn, her own very clone.

You spent a minute looking at her crotch, didn't you?

I hope you're a cute 2D girl, then I wish the same to you

just fuck already

Post yfw Zelda turns out to be the daughter of Ange and Charlotte from the future

I'd rather keep being a dude but thanks

>75% of people rated this show 8-10/10 in the poll
>12 hours later threads are filled with people stating that Princess Principal was never good
Boy I sure love this board.

I want to asphyxiate Beato but it's okay because she's a robot.

The final episodes were that bad.

>people stating that Princess Principal was never good

It's dialectics. Negation of the negation.

Some people hate when other people have fun or enjoy something.
It's not the first time it had happened and won't be the last.

I love how those swimsuits are far more conservative than their spy gear.
Hell, Beatrice's spy clothes seem to empathize her curves.



Felt like that should have been the last episode of the first part of a split cour anime.

Ange was going to spill the beans before Dorothy interrupted her, didn't she?

Ange has an interesting face there

>implying it's not

yeah but she was gonna put it on lizard terms

Yeah. Probably it was going to be some shit about how she had an affair with someone back in the black lizard planet.

Was kind of a flat ending with not much feeling imo.

Would like to see a season 2 but that's rather unlikely.

I am disappoint, feel like Beato wasn't bullied enough during the last episodes

If you're a filthy secondary pleb, you probably rate this series 6-7/10
If you're a seasoned anime viewer with decent tastes, 7-8/10
If you're from /u/, 9/10 easily

>Beato wasn't bullied enough
Oh you mother fuckers, I tried to stop the Beato bullying at the beginning of this shit but you fags won't quit, so I'll give you an ultimatum

The only bullying allowed for Beato is forced hugs
and womb bullying

Best partner stayed partnerzoned. She never had a chance.

She's perfectly ok with that though.

The dream. Usually accompanied by the genderswap dream.

9/10 reporting in.

Not every hole is filled by alcohol and little girls.

Hory fuck, girl can love girl in Ange's planet!

Lads. This anime is good.

lizard not so tough after being lied


8/10 reporting. Looking forward to S2

>tfw secondary pleb and seasoned anime viewer at the same time

So who's the girl that can see through lies after all?

Life is unfair.

Everyone goes to New York to spy on the Americans

Princess overlied Ange.

You, user. Inside every single one of us is a spirit of a little girl who shall never be deceived. That's the beatiful moral of Princess Principal.

I hope they get british girls with funny accents for the eventual dub

>Do you have any comment to those fans who have watched the finale and are now looking forward to a continuation?
>Speaking personally, I'd love to make make it. The characters all developed nicely, so I hope that comes across to everyone in some way

Anyone bothered to check the paintings in the background?

8/10, although i'm a /u/fag

>Principal team escapes
>"Oh shit, the final episode with the final boss fight is going to be wicke-"
>They fled to Casablanca
>The End

What the fuck

Princess was breaking Ange wall.

>still using numerical ratings
Sure sign of a mental midget.

Spies need a holiday too.

Let me preface this by saying I have autism. I really want to see more steampunk stuff. More flying battleships, maybe even big clacking mechanical computers. Oh and the antigravity being abused for fun, like dropping a rock from space to blow stuff up like a nuke.

Here we go again.
She never saw Ange as anything but a classmate, comrade and now a friend.
Stop with the bullshit not supported by the series itself.

I miss the show already.

Character song

Me too user, I didn't have so much fun since Flip Flappers

Generic love song. It can mean anything.

Ange is the only one that fits there

I know you are all itching to see more of these cute spy girls in a world of cogs and steam.
You may all be wondering "Oh, what are the chances of Princess Principal becoming a franchise with multiple installments?" and I hold an answer to that question!
All you need to do fellow Principals *wink* is to buy the BDs! That's it! If you show your support that way I'm sure we will see sequel to Princess Principal in no time!

I remember posting on the live watch thread of the very first episode. Barely anyone there besides few Izetta bros. But it gradually grew and got bigger. The threads also have been really fun and have had surprisingly little amount of shitposting considering its popularity. I really want S2

That's just speculation.
If a pairing isn't supported by the story itself, it doesn't exist.

>hide out in Casablanca
>not Japan where Chise introduced them to delicious melonpan

I'm just using Occam's razor user

I'd be down for having an arc take place in Japan with fish out of water hijinks.

If S2 is successful enough to lead into a movie, Japan will probably be the setting

I created that thread out of boredom (it was 4 am and I couldn't sleep for some reason) and curiosity (I had my eye on that show back when it was announced in February, I think?). I remember the Izetta people and the thread not having much activity until the episode started airing.

I wasn't expecting to get this much into the show.

I want an actual yuri ending. A passionate kiss, maybe.


those swimsuits get me every time

Handteasing leading into sensual handholding is the biggest advancement in /u/ moments since Izetta's flying broom scene and movie Nanoha's friendship scene.

Hehe I remember being worried that the thead might go down below page 10 before the first episode starts airing and thought wow it's a pretty bad start on his board

I also laid my eyes on the show way before July because cute girls wearing top-hat and doign spy thing in the Victorian steampunk is literally the taste tailored for me. Glad to see the show turning out so gorgeous

Thanks for making the thread and I hope you do it again when S2 starts one day

Why is it not Yuri shall conquer the black lizard planet?

I hate yurishit and I stuck around for Dorothy and silly stuff
Was okay/10 but the ending sucked

If I'm still alive when S2 airs I will, user.


Get right back to what? What did they leave behind?

I need more PriPris in these lewd outfits

They were talking about resuming their vacation. Watch the episode

Anyone know when the OST is going to be released?


27th I think

I wish I was as gay as princess/ange

I'm gonna miss making Chise edits.

I want to lick those legs so bad

good bye, pal.
My life was not as bad as I thought it'd be.

I'm glad Zelda didn't turn out to be a Sophie-kind. She's cool and professional. Not that I hate Sophie though


cunt punch lmao