Reble territory

the FSA Free Syrian Army is being destroyed by the Dictator of Syria what should be done ?

Trump needs to know about how close the FSA is to total destruction and stop it why cant we just invade and kill Assad ? wtf is going on


Eat shit

Middle Eastern countries need to be run but murderous dictators or they are run by murderous theocrats.
Out soldiers lives are not worth a bunch of ungrateful goat fuckers' freedom.

I cant believe how many traitors there are in this country you people should be on the terrorist watch list I hope Trump kills people like you

>Middle Eastern countries need to be run but murderous dictators

Sorry kike. Not this time. This is Israel's bigggest and most deserved loss since their inception. The land of Moses is now kikeistan. Looking forward to the sacking of the modern day Pharisees.

Poor rebles are looking for love and understanding; AND LOVE.......

PEaceful rebles

how are there even Christians in Syria ?


so what? fuck those shitstains. I hope they all fry. We should never have been there to begin with.


He's Donny Moscow, that's why. The Russians make sure betraying our country pays well.

Fuck al Qaeda

Fuck off, Jew. It is illegal to invade other countries without a declaration of war. We are not going to war. Syria is not our problem.

>Not removing a nations leader because kikes cry about it is treason

>Free Syrian Army
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. A gang of smelly islamist murderers by any other name...

>supporting dictatorship
I know you edgy pricks are used to censorship bu jesus christ reddit. You have to go back

Obama supported the FSA and it created ISIS. Stay the fuck in your own sphere of influence meme flag faggot.

Holy shit you retard do you think Putin cares if its illegal or not? Or China? You have to be willing to do anything if you want to win, or are you a traitor?

Because those are the men who keep the religious fanatics in check. Ghadaffi is a good example of why you don’t remove these people.

>Destroy entire countries because the jews said so or you're a traitor

In ya go.


Point of fact, Putin has already charged the US with multiple illegal wars at the UN security council and various summits. His criticisms are powerful and they are listened to. We have fucked up the international order with our unceasing bullshit on behalf of Israel and KSA, user. Enough.

The winning hand is to either help Assad, or politely get the fuck out of his country.

Look, I understand your logic, but why should we support the UN if the outcomes of its decisions are always against our own interests? If we allow the UN to be neutral we're letting Putin use it against us.

This. If we had any backbone left every president from Clinton to Trump and every Secretary of State for the past 40 should be indicted for murder. Shit's got to stop.

fuck the rebels. let assad gas the shit outta them. obama the retard is responsible for isis

FSA is a terrorist organization and the very definition of radical islam. Unironically kill yourself

clearly you don't understand my logic. I agree with Putin. We're engaging in illegal wars and fucking up the international order. You are cheering for murder and supporting the spread of terrorism to the point of destabilizing everything and causing world war 3. You are a fucking asshole.

Might makes right kid.

Assad asked Russia for help, therefore it's not illegal.

Russia is a Syrian ally and was actually invited by Assad to help Syria fight against the (((moderate rebels))). Meanwhile the USA have absolutely no business being there, we pretty much just showed up and started arming the islamists because muh based Israel muh ebil Russia. Keep lapping up those MSM talking points and sucking on that circumcised neocon cock though.

Like it or not those neocons are the only reason we can afford our current living standard.

Lebanon invited us in 1983 when the Beirut barracks bombing killed 250 of our Marines, yet I bet you'll still side with the Hezbollah fags in this case and call the US peacekeepers invaders that should not have been there in the first place.

International law, treaties, UN rhetoric only matters when the US is violating it it seems, but when Russia or China or anyone else does it, it suddenly doesn't matter.

Based Assad wiping out "moderate" rebels

The infestation is in Ghouta is being cleansed at a rapid race that even the ZOG machine and their lackeys in the US armed forces did not anticipate.

They were preparing a propaganda offensive similar to "Aleppo under seige, 2016", but it looks like the Based Tiger is a one man Barrel Bomb and he will not even give them that opportunity.

2018 is going to be a good year. The ZOG is going to suffer it first serious setback in the Middle East since the USSR collapsed in 1991.

Lebanon "invited" us after the kikes invaded and sparked a civil war. Syria today is Lebanon 1982 all over again for Israel. This time they kiked America into the invasion part. The result will be the exposure of their utter corrupt nature and their moral/ethical weakness.



>Trump needs to know about how close the FSA is to total destruction and stop it why cant we just invade and kill Assad ? wtf is going on
Watch this, flaggot.