Made in Abyss

Mitty did nothing wrong.

Other urls found in this thread:

She got kidnapped.

>Made in Abyss video game
>Except you play as Red Whistle to White Whistle Ozen

Would people play this?

>start reading manga where the anime leaves off
>suddenly kids with tits everywhere
>half a chapter about Riko walking around bare-chested

Was the whole manga like this? Damn


When the time comes, can you protect her smile?

>he didn't start at the beginning
Why are people so lazy? You'll regret it when you're caught up.

If the game doesn't run up until the point where I get a tight little maidboy who I can dress up, chain, and peg, then no, it'd be pointless

Would Ozen be a good mother? How would sex with the intent of impregnation be like?

It would be extremely painful

Why is Ozen such a bitch?

You have to kill Ozen to become Ozen. Good luck.

>The whole game is basically Ozen trying to pay debt after getting Jewed by Orth.
>Every time she almost clear the debt a new pin (coincidentally) appear, getting more expensive and she have to work again
>The story follow her getting stronger and better in abyss but her financial condition turn worse and worse.
>Finally getting her spooky face after revealed the money she payed is just for interest.
>It's revealed that she can't do her final dive and leaving orth because she still have debt to pay.
>The ending is just Ozen in her room imagining her debt getting larger with permanent spooky mode and laughing while Maruruk watching from the corner.

Memes aside, is Mark actually Ozen's sex toy?

>Not becoming a white whistle.

>>It's revealed that she can't do her final dive and leaving orth because she still have debt to pay.
Are the debt collectors going to follow her down? Is bonedaddy who has relics higher class than he's allowed to going to tell on her when she shows up at the hellevator?
>taking it more literally than Riko
Say what you want but she accomplished her goal, unlike everyone else so far.


I hope the BD adds more nipple, but yes


Don't forget to add various anons' reaction to it and a "put me in the screencap" post.

Look at this moff. LOOK AT IT!

put me in the screencap

>Nuthin' at all!
>Nuthin' at all!

Wakuna is the debt collector he's the ((chosen one)) that's why he never appeared from the side it's to hide the pointy nose.
Joking aside i wonder why Ozen didn't trade her pin for other first grade artifact 118 thousand human pin with a pair of grim ripper or star thread will make her job a lot easier.

Jamming over a hundred pins in yourself must be agonizing.

Is the OST out yet?

She is a big girl.

for pins

was it autism?

you're a big guy

>the full volume STILL not typeset or translated

i hope she dies soon so fotm people will forget about her and i can have her to myself

People who deserve to die: Nanachi

People who don't deserve to die: Mitty, Prushka

Why do good girls die but bad girls live?

you too reg

>People who deserve to die: Nanachi
delet this

I will marry Riko!!

>user, your father wandering - did you seen new chapter any where?

Riko by all means deserves to die. Clumsy, reckless potato who's curiosity and arrogance leads her to suffer the curse several times, nearly die several times, and constantly get the shits. She's very reliant on Reg.

Nanachi at the very least survived on her own for the longest time and has accumulated good survival knowledge. Mitty was just as clueless as the rest of the orphans.

Prushka was too pure for this world to deserve her fate.



20 minutes

Why is Natt so gross? Look at these piss stains. No wonder he crushed on Riko.

This mangaka is giving me a fetish for tiny breasts.

No one can.


>>Made in Abyss video game



i would even buy it

Yeah just looked it up, still thanks. Pretty hyped for the OST.

>>It's revealed that she can't do her final dive and leaving orth because she still have debt to pay.
if I had debts to pay, I would do the last dive instead of pay em

And then you reach ancap city and find out you have no value because of your debts so everybody's free to rape you.

I would pirate it.

oh no

I would even feel bad about pirating it, but still would do it.

>20 minutes

wew, this is filled with spoilers. What is this?

my sides

>During flip flappers all I wanted was a Salt x Mimi doujin
>All i want now is a Lyza x Torka doujin
Was I put in this earth obly to suffer?


i need more fanarts of one hand regu

┤┤still buy┤t


Look at this cute picture of Reg

Hng, Mitty is fucking stacked
Post more pics

>батин стержень

В твоей жопе.

Nanachi has an excellent taste in women. Our boy.

Зарепортил тебя Мизулиной, педофил. Твой айпи уже в ФСБ.

>all those juices splattered around
w-why is reg so lewd?

I'm the new fag from a day or so ago, asking if I should read the manga or start the anime. I finished catching up with the manga with all my speed reading skills, but I just wanna say that I love Ozen's design. Strikes a good balance between creepy and beauty. Didn't expect it to be this much of a despair lolis manga.
New chapter when?


Go read it again

There's no fixed schedule. Tsukushi was busy supervising the anime in the past weeks. He says he's working on 43 now. Give him some time.

Read the whole thing and find out, retard.

Is this some concept art? Source?

Is it gay if I reach around and yank on his tiny boy genitals while I pound him

D-don't look at me like that, you know I only have eyes for reg...

nah, just fanart by some chinese dude

Thanks. I'll let my thoughts simmer around for now.
Did Bondrewd really deserve to die?

i would play a metroidvania game set in the abyss

No, and it's a good thing he didn't actually die.

Some art by a Taiwanese guy

don't be so rough with mark!

I would eat this the fuck up, but I would prefer being able to create my own character and explore the abyss with an original story, as much as I DO love the MiA story.

Bondrewd got away with everything he did, simply because a whistle love him and the local bunny is easy to get

>start reading manga from the start
>realize Ozen is a cute old tsundere lady who really likes kids but doesn't know how to show it like a sane person

Why didn't you tell me about this, mangafags?

Yes. And?

why is the author so slow with updates? seems like the show has given the manga some much deserved visibility but its all going down the drain with no new chapters.

You shouldn't be spoonfed.

There's probably some good marketing reason why releasing it after the anime finishes is smart, but I ain't no science man

He did it for science and to eventually discover more about the abyss. His children will be heralded as rays of light in the dawn that he would have brought.

New chapter fucking when?

well i just checked and turns out he is just that slow. chapters can take up to 2 months to release, makes sense considering he was barely able to shit ou one volume a year.
welcome to the boat.

20 minutes ago

Next chapter is the start of volume 7, right? That probably means exposition as opposed to answering all the questions from last chapter, which I'm cool with. I want riko to do something, anything. She's kinda fallen by the wayside. I don't even think she's had a character arc yet.

He's also seeing the 6th layer thanks to Nanachi's eyes. Best boy can't stop winning.

Anyone else here playing Elona? Playing Bondold, an immortal lich wizard, in 1.70. With two leashed little girls as meat shields. Charisma is still too low to get more, maybe I should try a pianist career for a while. If the dungeons were a bit larger, you could RP MiA in this game.

The new episode of Abyss radio is here, is this the one with Tsukushi?

>riko rubbing nanachi's chest
>she doesnt feel lewd

namachi boy confirmed