Tenshi no 3P! Episode 12

Last episode soon
Jun bathes to prepare for her first night with her husband Kyou


Zomi and Hamu have come to watch

Sultry unyaa

Wasted, just like her show, by making old hag win.
Flop well deserved.

Hey man what's up
Glad you could join us for the finale

no op


old hag is totally fucking old man

Yeah, I'm so glad I could witness how the best loli fanservice of the decade could get murdered by a retarded decision of the author.








Good, good, glad to hear it
Let's all have fun!





>no Jun butt
Oh come on, they can do better.




She's pure, even purer than Zomi.

I want to sleep with them.
I can't promise it'll be pure cuddling with no sexual, but I'll at least try.





>drawing live on the stage

why would she even in the band










Don't give that phrase into the mouth of that faggot who chooses high school shit above them.

Dem hips

Subs soon.

>Tenshi no 3P! - 12 [720p]

God I want to cum inside her.




>Imouto and Dragon fighting over Kyo
The lucky bastard.


Also, a lot of legs shots this episode, the director must be a real fan of legs.



A-are you selling rock cds here?

He has good taste.





Not much advertisement in the earlier episodes that I could remember strongly and I think even if there were any the names were changed a bit too.



A shame they didn't give us a full view of Imouto and Dragon in this dress, it's a cute dress.

they sure can jump


Hag didn't win there's no proof.


>blocked by monitor


Truly the master here.

He didn't even say 小学生, how horrible.
>Constantly on Kyo's lap
Is she the secret winner.


She always got her thumbs up, winner confirmed.


Trying to keep the semen from flowing out.

What a nice and cute series, gonna miss the lolis and loli noises. Hopefully I get reminded every now and then for some out of season healing feels.

>dat easy animu music
If its so simple even user could do it! I'm almost sure it doesn't even require being a loli or average highschool student.




>living under a rock


I'm gonna miss this show. My mondays will feel so empty.


Nobody won
All the rage for nothing. Sad!


Well that was a nice ending. Let's pray for more loli series in the future.

It's the last episode and I still don't know who I like best. What a dilemma.

I want to massage Jun (10)'s flat chest!

Fresh OC

Watch this kids, this is NOT how you professionally compose a song.

What do you mean, user? Both tunes sounded good to me.

You don't just strum chords to some melody, you need to them to compliment each other through theory.

Was this after the credits?
Seems to be missing on the Crunchy version

Aye, every episodes actually have some sort of loop after the credits that Crunchy seems to constantly removes.

>Ongaku wa saikou daze
The concerts were really good, but he's still a fag.

Habataki no Birthday!
I'm gonna miss my wife Jun ;_;

Jun a shit, only good for her body.