Murata is streaming.
One-Punch Man
Finally defeated.
This will never get old.
Why no one is in this thread. Is the hype dying?
second season of the anime's going to end with monster arc. It's going to be so good.
Look at those legs and crotch.
Yeah. Time to stop coming to these threads.
Vol 15 Cover.
It wouldve been more active if Murata was doing the next chapter, but im glad he looks to be done with Vol 15 content.
I don't know how to feel about the way the manga is going. Sure, the webcomic was rushed on this part, but the tournament arc is just... Meh
>the tournament arc is just... Meh
Garbage taste.
It would look better in the anime, if Madhouse get top tier seiyuus again to carry the load. I hope they get Dekus seiyuu for Suiryu and Bakugous for Garou.
The tournament is long over user.
And the manga will have more detailed fights as a rule.
>And the manga will have more detailed fights as a rule.
I'm not so sure about that. Most Saitama and Suiryu fights are supposed to end in one attack, and the studio won't give a flying fuck about the other competitors. Well, maybe LinLin vs Max, but that would be it. The only real fight is Suiryu vs Choze and it's already pretty long.
Did you reply to the wrong person or something? I was talking about upcoming fights in the manga.
The tournament was just some backdrop for properly introducing MA.
lack of mangastream translation killed the hype.
Not animating Sourface vs Jakumen would be a missed opportunity.
Might use Sourface as comedy relief, LinLin as FS bait, Max, Snek might get anime original scenes to make their moment(saving Suiryu) look like a big deal.
The Hero fights should be extended(MB vs Garou, WDM vs Garou, Fubuki vs Do-S, all Genos fights).
Oh wow they legit dropped OPM, I didn't even realise.
I'm mainly interested in an extension of MB vs Elder and Fubuki vs Dos. I want to see how her group got brainwashed offscreen.
Volume extras? Got more?
Did they? They said it somewhere?
user. You, uh. You know this is Sup Forums, right?
Go shill somewhere else.
can a girl pull off that cosplay in real life?
Probably happened in a gag fashion.
They rush in toward Do-S, believing their bond would make them immune to her brainwashing and get brainwashed.
Fubuki shows a gag face ala Tatsumaki in episode 12.
>look at these irrelevant people fighting between themselves
W-whoa. As if the Garou arc didn't already have plenty of that shit.
On several websites, user.
Like for example?
That makes my nose itch.
And then?
UK translations.
Yeah Murata should just skip to Saitama vs Garou, don't you think?
I want Murata to draw Fubuki and Lily together wearing bunny suits.
fuck off retard
fuck off spoonfeeder
The translate the chapter after 3-4 days of the release
At least half the people in these threads wish for exactly that. On that note I was reading the MA raid again the other day and in retrospect most of it is weak when go back to it. The comedic bits work because that's what ONE's good at, but the rest of it definitely needs to be fleshed out. There's a lot of scenes to jump between and the narration gets awkward at times, and ONE doesn't figure out the pacing until he gets to King's last stand where he brings all the characters back together. King is definitely the highlight of the arc.
>At least half the people in these threads wish for exactly that
> source: my gaping asshole
OPM season 2 animated by JC staff
KEK this series is dead
What's the actual source for that? Or it's just a bullshit rumor ?
We'll see how it goes
(You), now fuck off
Confirmed. I don't expect a third season.
Didn't madhouse have some rights for this? did they get bought out?
>not your first post in this thread
But why.
Yeah, that's a completely blatant lie. Webcomic fags make up a much smaller portion of that. They only seem like a lot because they're autistic loud mouths.
Shingo Natsume isnt returning? WTF.
Madhouse is putting all their money on Card Captor Sakura, and there is also Overlord Season 2.
That'll be one hell of a downgrade.
S2 doesn't matter beyond Garou's VA anyway.
Thank YOU
Yeah, the only memorable series JC Staff has done is the Slayers.
Prison School was pretty good but it's not really the same kind of series.
What are the chances it will still be good? It says it's the director of Naruto, what short series did he do? Naruto still had some very well animated episodes at time, was he related to them?
Is Overlord s2 seriously more fucking important than OPM s2 for Madhouse? The hell?
The worst part will be the censorship. No more shots like the Tats ass shot from episode 10..
The director has directed Majimoji Rurumo and was assistant director on Heavy Object and Little Busters.
>The worst part will be the censorship. No more shots like the Tats ass shot from episode 10..
Shit. That actually is one of the worst things that could happen.
>Director: Chikara Sakurai
On the other hand people will become more appreciative of the manga.
the QUALITY has arrived.
I think Madhouse has financial issues, this was released from the opm anime twitter account.
QUALITY Saitama and Sonic.
It's already a best seller you moron.
Well, Naruto had lots of quality because of it being a weekly anime series. It also still had plenty of well animated episodes.
This might be great news for Hero Academia fans, they get to keep the people that worked for OPM Season 1, and Hero Academia Season 3 should be ready and set for early 2018.
He directed like 7 episodes of Naruto
Lets be happy Pierrot didnt get the rights, it wouldve been Tokyo Ghoul Root A 2.0. With Saitama being nerfed, Fubuki being a complete damnsel in distress, etc.
Was the staff changed because Madhouse couldn't find the time in their schedule or the $$$ for S2?
I'd rather wait several years for a 2 cour S2 by a respectable studio with a good crew than watch whatever JC shits out.
>Hero Academia
but everyone you can't polish a turd.
>different staff
>jc staff
lol rip
>It also still had plenty of well animated episodes.
Not that many.
Wait do you seriously believe that the studio itself is paying for the project? They were hired, nothing more. Especially in this case they merely served as a working place for the freelancing staff the director brought with him. They did all the magic.
In that sense the studio change means close to nothing. The director change does.
>Garou's VA
>JC staff
but Naruto also looked like shit. flat, boring, talentless shit.
Should've worded it differently but I guess Madhouse didn't have the time for the project and maaaybe couldn't operate under the producers' conditions this time? Wasn't S1 made on a really low budget?
Losing Natsume will definitely make a huge fucking difference. What's he doing these days anyway?
The pint is Pierrot have always had good staff, they just adapt a lot of extremely long shonens so most of their animation is cheap as fuck. If they did a 12 episode show based on a popular manga they could easily do a great job with the animation.
im sorry user
>Wasn't S1 made on a really low budget?
no wonder the animation sucks lol. People like le flashy lights lmao. The actual fight choreography are made of stills and seizure effects
They probably couldn't manage the production without Natsume and his army of freelancing talents. I mean for Season 1 all Madhouse pretty much did was providing a working place and put their name on it so with the director and his friends gone they would have to tank the entire production strain by themselves which they obviously couldn't handle at all or to the production committee's satisfaction. So as a result they lost another IP to J.C Staff which apparently has the resources to pull this off. Whether it will be able to measure up in any way to Season 1 is questionable, actually rather unlikely in my personal opinion but we have to see what talent Sakurai can bring in on the project
Basically the question is how good are this Nardo director's and JC's connections, and if S3 will happen at all at this point.
Isn't ONE rich now? Couldn't he just like make s3 happen even if s2 doesn't work well? Tough I doubt it. OPM is super popular. And again, ONE sounded very interested in getting the Anime at least up to the end of the MA arc.
It won't. There's just not a fucking chance.
I guess it will be interesting to compare freelancers working with limited resources to JC's regular staff.
>There's just not a fucking chance.
OPM is a best seller. Stop talking shit.
The manga is a best seller. S2 won't be.
Have JC staff ever produced a great action series 0eecently? With nice animation and shit?
All that matters is if s2 can increase the sellings a bit. That would be enough.
The new director was chief animation supervisor on the Naruto movies so odds are he knows the big names that drop by to work on Naruto once in a while. Whether he can book them is another thing though.
That is my hope at the moment. I hope he's able to bring some Naruto talents over. Since we have lots of martial arts sequences in S2 I can see them pulling it off quite well.
Hiring a Nardo director for a season with lots of martial arts action doesn't sound like a bad idea in theory.
Eh, PV will tell us everything we need to know.
The road from "in theory" to "good execution" is long.
s2 doesn't have all that much martial art, I'd say easily half of the action is non martial arts related at least.
Besides the director, rest seems mostly the same so far.
When the anima was airing I heard that lots of freelance participated because they wanted to animate Murata's art, but it was actually just because of the director?
Character designer stays the same.
Fucking kill me, I have no faith until they prove themselves with the first 3 episodes