Would you eat this pork?
Elf-san wa Yaserarenai
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>Would you eat this pork?
until the day I die.
I'm a vegan actually.
Why did they take down the sticky
This is a manga you know.
Sorry, I'm Jewish.
it stinks
fat etc
Too skinny.
I will never understand fat fetishism. I totally understand attraction to fat chicks, appreciation for the softness, the curves, the bellies, but the desire for a woman to be ever fatter really boggles my mind.
Easy, if she gets fatter she also gets softer.
P'orc is too big for me, but I wouldn't say no to fucking her belly button.
a) not actually. once you reach a certain density of adipose tissue it all feels pretty much the same, there's just more of it.
b) she gets a lot more stuff too. I'm not gonna start preaching the health risks of obesity, but there is a point where any person is too fat. it's somewhere above where folks like our resident vomit elf think, but it's lower than what a lot of people into that shit think too.
Sorry, I'm more in the mood for some dark meat
Dude, this is 2D we are talking about.
Ogres are superior to Porcs
Good taste
I stand by "there is a point where any person is too fat" regardless.
so kuroeda is the best elf in manga, right? dilligent, sincere, employed, loyal, dat ass. can anyone compete?
I volunteer, I can make her a momma!
It's more feasible in 2d where you can say they are athletic too.
Look at nikuko, she is constantly gaining weight yet she is athletic as fuck.
Erufuda is CUTE!
Dropped this when a furry was added. Worth picking back up?
Funny, its been an hour now and I still don't see any manga discussion. Just /e/-tier porn dump and people talking about fat fetishism
Everything is more sexy in 2D, but there's a point where being 2D won't help you.
apparently meth is drawing some of these sketches as responses in fucking tumblr of all things synecdoche445.tumblr.com
was that after the hobbit? if not, the hobbit chapter's worth reading for oga momma. the last chapter had the furry come back among other girls and wasn't that interesting.
Well bless the guy who asked for Ogass.
Meth finally draw Okusan so it's all good.
If anything, now I want to make an account, maybe I can make him draw more Porc.
I love how authors like Methonium and the Galko-chan guy are so in tune with their western fanbase.
I love me some dark meat, but a healthy diet needs your vegetables.
Really, I don't get why flower continues to hang out with them. Her problem is already fixed, she doesn't have weight problems.
Someone ask him if he'll make fatter girls than what we have now.
But whens he gonna do porn again
What would that point be?
>Not liking the humiliation aspect in expansion art
She likes the other nonhumans' company?
just kidding, she wants the mc's d
has she appeared in any chapter other than hers and the pool? it was a public pool, so maybe she doesn't really, she was introduced as a neighborhood store owner, so it could've just been coincidence.
>wanting to humiliate your big fluffy waifu
no bully.
Would she make cute noises if I pull her pig tail?
I'd bury my bone in her chubby cheeks.
mama mia
papa pia
She doesn't even need to lose weight desu
Just imagining the blow jobs gets me diamonds.
Yiff in hell
she needs to gain weight
do you think she's got a big sloppy tongue when she's not a furry too? does that do anything for you?
Honestly my only problem with her "werewolf" form is the fucking snout, that pushes it firmly over the furry line. For comparison, I have no issues with Polt from Monster Musume despite her being covered in fur, having a dog nose and having six nipples, because she doesn't have a snout.
/tg/ already broke me years ago to be honest, luckily she only goes anthro very rarely, and her fat doggo form seems to be her most common.
>having six nipples
just as bad as having a muzzle
fucking disgusting
I like kemono but 6 nips can fuck off
>not liking nipples
what are you, gay?
>/tg/ already broke me years ago
Do they still have the "elf rape wat do" and "paladin kills orc kids and falls" threads?
it was elf slave what do, and the mods have gotten to be more prudes so outright fapbait threads have died down, plus it was parodied to death (orc slave what do, and so many other things) and I think pic related hit a lot of fa/tg/uy's ultimately romantic hearts. paladin falls threads have died down since 4e and 5e basically stopped having the paladin falls built in, and a consensus that it was a terrible idea, but goblin slayer has gotten some people back in the mood.
Why so angry?
>goblin slayer has gotten some people back in the mood.
I don't mind the bleed over Sup Forums has with /tg/ but Goblin Slayer is frustrating as hell whenever the former starts spamming threads across Sup Forums and /tg/.
At least "Elf slave what do" gave us that "Ork pirates adopt a Tau orphan thinking she's a blue grot" thing
>drain your lymph
Anyone confirmed whether this is the author's crazy beliefs or just normal backwards Japanese medicine?
Yes user, but you don't have to fuck her in furry form.
It works, there are even "fat" conditions when you have to drain it manually othewise you balloon 3DPD: Girls with lymphedema condition have gigantic butts and can't lose the weight because their bodies don't register the damaged tissue as fat, check Randalin
I asked him how Nagato was keeping up, nothing back yet
Compared to how many people are fat just from eating and lifestyle, those conditions are extremely rare.
Big elves you say?
I think Randalin is one of the only cases where it doesn't look horrible
you guys are going to kill me with all these fat elves
I think.
P'orc is not for eating.
You can't stop me.
I had never tasted pork. Are they better than potatoes?
Wait, that's not Elf-san wa Ijiwaru...Did Mogiki Hayami draw another elf doujin? Or is that a bonus material for an hypothetic vol2?
I just want to make her squeal.
I'm so sorry.
Depends, I generally like it less than cow or fowl but smoked pork is amazing.
Barbecued Baby Back Ribs are my favorite food. Had to give them up to lose weight but if you've never had them you don't have any idea what you're missing.
>Elf's tits and belly keep getting bigger
Cowtits girl when?
This has to stop right now.
Right. Now.
I will never be able to look at normal women, 3D and 2D alike, ever again if that madman keeps drawing half-naked ogre like that.
I want her to put me in a rear naked choke.
I want her to put my dick in her naked rear choke.
I can't decide if chubby cowtits milkmaid or chubby cowtits minotaur musclegirl would be preferrable. is this why people say you shouldn't do Meth?
Both, as sisters.
don't play games with my dick like that, user.
Not big enough.
>get a warning for posting a chubby girl
What has happened to Sup Forums?
My dick would not survive
Mods doing their jobs?
Sup Forums is not for image dumps, there are boards dedicated for that.
Posting a image that's from the manga though?
These threads, if not a new chapter is released, are really just fetish image dumps. It's not so different from putting threads about pictures of anime characters on /e/.