S2 will have glorious 2D animation instead of 3DCG shit

>S2 will have glorious 2D animation instead of 3DCG shit
>people are mad
What the fuck happened to anime intustry?

It won't be 2d.
I'll flop either way

Assuming that Kadoka was not yet burned by the Yakuza, of course

You really think that it'll get 2D animation?

It was so unbelievably obvious that Kemono Friends was a one hit wonder, I don't know why anyone expected more out of it.

The people who would get mad and abandon the franchise if it went 2d are the same people who say Kemono Friends is great because the plot matters more than the visuals

literal meme people with no consistent, original thoughts

S2 kyoani when?

It will be done by A1 pictures and backed by aniplex, calling it now.

I'd watch it

KF was great because of the story though.

If everyone wanted 3d, so would all fancontent be

there is already thead going on you morons

Sup Forums - anime generals

there are people on Sup Forums who unironically preferred the 3D in KF.

And all videos will be blocked outside of Japan by Ponycan to boot!

Pretty much. Considering just how much you viscerally loathe KyoAni on delivering on visual pizzazz and fail in terms of plot.

Yes, and you're shallow if you think that's all the reason why they love the show

The main director,aka the one who made the show writing good was kicked out. He only works on his own 3DCG.

Therefore the show turning 2D will mean someone else took over, and therefore shit.

not saying that was the only reason they liked it, I liked it. but people in the threads when it aired were defending the animation.

Well, everyone defends what they grew up with.

Even a third-world shitter would defend his rotten home if he enjoyed being there.

>S2 will have glorious 2D animation instead of 3DCG shit
This is shit you just pulled out of your asshole and it's not why people are mad.

Im scared, what does it say?

It says 'sorry folks, show's over'.

He got fired by Kadokawa.

the pleasure of being cummed inside

I hope they also replace Kaban with a male self-insert so they show can be a harem.
We could also get a lot of nice panty shots and other fan service
If KF was this popular with shitty 3dcg, no self insert and minimal fan service, imagine how popular it will be now that its like every other anime.

Do you really think people who ate up this 3DCG garbage give a single fuck about quality?

t. Kadokawa exec