One Piece

How long until Pedro comes back?

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Jinbe's friend saved him so probably in mid-wano, ca. 80 chapters away.

Never, he's dead.


When Monet joins the crew

Like 20 chapters tops.

>Fails to do any damage to the admirals
>Easily distracted
>Vice admirals outsmart him
>Garp blitzes and one shots him
>Haki so weak that even direct hits don't damage Akainu
>His incompetence got Ace and Whitebeard killed
>Blackbeard rapes him

Is he the biggest jobber in one piece?


There's a difference, user. Pell's fruit lets him fly at incredible speeds. It's a stretch, but he could've technically dropped the bomb right before it went off and flown away extremely fast so he didn't take the brunt of the explosion. On the other hand, Pedro doesn't have that sort of speed and he was literally wearing an explosive vest like a literal suicide bomber while Pell was only holding the bomb and could've dropped it anytime. Pell's survival, while still an asspull, is technically possible while Pedro's survival is literally impossible unless he's eaten the immortality fruit.

Hopefully never. I'd like more people dying in the New World.

No that's Smoker. Marco did extremely well considering the situation. He went up against all three Admirals and came away more or less intact. Ace killed himself by being a retard. WB chose to die. Marco wasn't responsible for either. Blackbeard raped him AFTER he got WB's fruit. That fruit is hax as fuck. Anyone else would've gotten raped too. Balding and midget doesn't equal jobber. Marco did fine considering the insanely strong enemies he went up against. Katakuri and Jack would've been the same if not worse.

No. Pic related is, hands down, although gives him a run for his money. When the two fight they are so evenly matched at jobbing it's a complete stalemate

before Monet and after Vergo

I see your asspull and raise with a bigger one

Well played. However.

Are we at Wano yet?


Didn't Robin spare him on purpose?

She's in

>Fails to do any damage to the admirals
Fair enough. But he sent Kizaru and Aokiji flying as far as Kong Gun sent Doflamingo with nothing but human legs.

>Easily distracted
Cheap way of creating drama. Marco and Jozu would keep fighting for days without this convenient "distraction"

>Vice admirals outsmart him
Onigumo is one VA, and he was working in cooperating with Kizaru to capture Marco because they couldn't one-hit kill him like Jozu.

>Garp blitzes and one shots him
Marco didn't even bleed, that was a weak surprise punch.

>Haki so weak that even direct hits don't damage Akainu
Akainu never got past Marco, that was anime filler. I turn that around and tell you Akainu's haki was too weak to push back a really determined Marco.

>His incompetence got Ace and Whitebeard killed
Plenty of blame to spread around, but most of it belongs to Ace's dumb ass.

>Blackbeard rapes him
Yonko that can take away Marco's healing and dish out earthquakes, not too surprised. Maybe the whole the crew gang raped him just like Whitebeard.

I'm just surprised a basic bitch dynamite explosion managed to blow off perosperos arm.

That ain't consistent with in universe explosions whatsoever.

Inb4 haki dynamite.

I want Katakuri to suck on my Oda


He'll ride Zeus into Kaido.

>ever consistent in fiction

This was before the power creep.

Daily reminder that his awakening will bring back Ace to life


Isn't it just popular theory because Robin is /ourgirl/? I don't think it was ever implied in-story.

Nice one, but!

Magellan is a jailer, though, it's actually his job to incapacitate people and keep them in jail, without killing them.

Magellan can't exactly control how poisonous is his poison. You're hit by it and you die unless there's Iva.

There was no flashback so he isn't dead.

>do you have any last words

so luffy powerup confirmed that he can make rubber like how katakuri can make mochi out of his body parts

Any Katakurifags here?
I want to kick your asses.

>That was anime filler.

No it wasn't. Even in the manga, Akainu mentions that it's problematic to deal with haki users but both Marco's haki and Vista's haki infused attacks failed to do anything to Akainu. He just shrugged it off and kept on going. Their fight was inconclusive so we can't say who won but it is clear that Marco's haki couldn't even get past Akainu's logia protection. Not saying he's weak. Akainu is an Admiral. Only a Yonkou could feasibly damage him.


It's Carrot's flashback in realtime

Wasn't it stated at some point in Impel Down that they keep a stock of antidote to his poison somewhere? Shinryu got a hold of it to save Blackbeard and co, didn't he?
Even if it wasn't stated, I can easily imagine that being the case.

Yes. All of his poisons have their antidote stored in Impel Down in case any of the guards get hit. They can also use it to save any inmates who get a dose of poison as punishment. The only poison there's no antidote to is his Venom Demon which is said to be able to melt Impel Down if he uses it too long.

We call that character development

Luffy is such a pretentious shit, he thought he was going to be able to bother Katakuri without going g4 from the start

fucking niggers and chinks

He's being smart, user. Going into G4, which by his own admission, costs a lot of energy, without knowing the capabilities of your enemy is suicide. If Katakuri happens to be way above G4 level, he'd just tire himself out and become easy prey for Katakuri. At least now he can judge Katakuri's level of strength and act accordingly. If too strong, use G4 to flee. If not, use G4 and beat him. Going G4 from the start is a stupid tactic because it'll just drain your energy without giving you any valuable intel on your enemy.


He's dead.

w-why does he have boobs?


viz user?

Nigga you speed reading. Akainu dodged Marco's haki the same way Aokiji avoided being impaled on Whitebeard's polearm. They alter their logia bodies to avoid the actual Haki hit



Are you baiting or straight up retarded? Does that look like a dodge to you?

>Katakurifags are literal homos




Oh, Katakuri did make it into the character introductions after all. Last week it was just the other 4.


>pudding instead of chadospero

Can't see any lava splatter, looks like two indiscrete slashes desu senpai. Pic releated.
Try not to sperg out instantly x


I like this translation of Jinbe's speech the best.

>Katakuri has a chapter named after him
Next strawhat confirmed and canon.



>strongest MAN among the sweet 3
smoothie > katakuri confirmed


So that's what Napoleon meant


>gum gum

come on, viz

thanks vizanon

That's what I thought just now, too.

Cracker had one too.

aNy KAtaKuRi fAgs HErE?
i wANt To kIcK YouR asSeS.

>yfw no spoilers tomorrow

Master Katakuri's is even bigger!

I don't see whitebeard's bisento touching Aokiji's chest. On the other hand Marco's and Vista's attacks clearly slash Akainu and leave a cut shaped gap. And why the fuck would Akainu complain if he dodged it according to you?
It's sad that you weren't baiting. The Sup Forums standard keeps going down.

When Luffy and Sanji meet to escape to the Sunny, Pedro pops out "pss Luffy, I have a way to escape"
OMG you're alive etc etc

The difference is Aokiji opened up a hole in his chest so Whitebeard's spear went straight through and didn't pierce him. On the other hand, Marco and Vista (in both manga and anime) clearly landed hits on Akainu. Marco with his talons and Vista with a sword. Akainu even noted after getting hit that both were Haki users. But he easily reformed his body without a single scratch and trounced them both. I'm not trying to downplay the commanders. They're definitely very strong and would easily crush the Supernovas in single combat. But they're against an Admiral. Even their Yonkou captain had trouble against the Admirals. I don't expect ANY commander from any crew to be able to survive an Admiral fight intact. The fact that Marco did just that already is an accomplishment for him.

They look identical, how exactly do you propose Aokiji avoided being impaled by Whitebeard, but Akainu somehow can't use the same technique vs. Marco and Vista? Or are you ignoring theres a huge hole in Aokiji's chest? The slash marks can be where Akainu deliberatly altered his body to avoid the attacks, and he's complaining on the effort required for such a defence.

Your willing to ignore something that clearly happened in the manga before. If you're here regularly the standard of Sup Forums was always fucked.


How is Luffy going to beat Katakuri without a powerup?

Gear Fourth Speed Man

Have you not been following spoilers?

We don't see a hole open up, he looks impaled in the same way Akainu looks slashed. Seen as how we've had nothing in the manga that says haki attacks can be avoided, i think it's more likely Akainu just avoided the attacks same as Kuzan.




Gear Fourth, Boundman: Mochi copy

He is getting a powerup.


h-he was just holding back

he'll beat katakuri with only g2 and g3, you'll see

Is that a motherfucking femKata lewd

>Seen as how we've had nothing in the manga that says haki attacks can be avoided,

That's some shite English on my part, better reads as "nothing in the manga that says haki attacks can be ignored like that"

Guys, clearly Gol D. Katakuri is just training Luffy to be stronger. He's actually interested in Luffy because he cared so much for his little half-brother

>female Katakuri
I wanna fuck her in the mochi.

>without a power up.
but he is getting a power up, this fight is playing exactly like all the previous fights were Luffy pulls a new move or form, dude gets outclassed in every way then bam, Luffy comes up with some new thing or reveals he was thinking about some new form offpanel and now he wants to show it.


Thank ya

He's Ace's half brother. Does it make him Luffy's half brother aswel?

>ywn be so deep in the closet you genderbend a 2D character to allow yourself to fap to him

Can unironically see something like this happening. Luffy is completely outclassed atm. Even if he goes gear 4 and pounds Kata for 10minutes straight, it wont be enough to keep him down when it couldn't even finish off a weakened Doffy. Luffy is just too weak at this part of the story, i wonder if he can even put a scratch on Big Mom