Did anyone else develop a deaf girl fetish after watching this movie?
Koe no katachi
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What would Nishimiya sound like when doing anal?
A mixture of different animal barns at the County Fair.
I gained a deaf girl fetish prior to watching this thanks to a separate piece of cripple related media.
Same. Was it a movie with Al Pacino?
Slightly louder than vaginal.
Much louder than oral.
Like a retard.
The type that makes the neighbors call the cops on you
She'd give an initial yelp, and proceed to bite her lip for the duration of the ordeal, trying to contain herself best she could and remain silent-ish.
She'd make the occasional heavy sigh and muted gasp.
If she cums from the experience, she'd likely take her hands off the crumpled bed sheets and clasp them over her mouth while she's in her shameful throws.
And if she was into it once she's gotten over her exhaustion she'll probably lean up and give you a smooch. "Da wass fun. Fank yu!"
A long before
Ever been a witness to domestic violence? Anal sex would pretty much sound as if you're beating up a retard.
Me too bruv
Great girl. Bad route
i like to try raping a deaf girl to see what noise they make
Some please watch this video and give me a quick run down
>Some please watch this video
It ain't me
It ain't me
>obtain deaf puppy
God damn dealing with that shit is annoying as fuck.
Obtaining of the deaf pussy? Or the deaf pussy itself?
Because if it's the latter, I feel ya.
If my job wasn't so time consuming I'd take some sign language classes and go do some volunteer work.
It'd be monumentally easier if I had someone to practice with. My drawer full of ASL books is going to waste.
No, but I thought Shouko was cute.
ASL is annoying because the syntax is completely unlike spoken English.
Well, there is literal signed English, though I'm sure you're aware.
Well yea, but signed English is a pidgin and not a fully fledged language like ASL.
Autocorrect got ya, didn't it, user?
No, puppy is correct.
Well no, I don't have a deaf puppy. But I did have a blind cat once.
i need more anime with similar story now
Oh man have I been fuckin waiting for this thread. Yes.
Yui's child.
We have this discussion in nearly every KNK thread.
Cripples are for bully
Greentext classic right here bois
I told my friend I want a deaf girlfriend and he thinks I’m an ass hole.
I am unspeakably mad right now
She wants cereal?
I told my friend I want a deaf girlfriend and he thought I said dead girlfriend and now I have one less friend.
We should ask 12 year old Ueno
she would start off trying to keep quiet with soft moans, but as her pleasure builds and bottles up they get progressively louder and louder. Shoya would get more and more worked up, thrusting harder and faster as he draws closer to climax, until she starts blurting out his name in slurs as well as saying how much she loves the moon unable to hold out any longer shouya falls forward on top of her thrusting like a dog until he cums in her ass, yelling her name that she can hear him without her hearing aid.
I need a smoke after typing that out
I couldn't get into katawa shoujo because it feels like "hey you wanna fuck some disabled chicks you perv?". At least KnK tried to humanize her despite her disability.
pretty much explains what trying date disabled people is like "you're just taking advantage of them"
Same, but the only other anime I can think of with a deaf or HoH (hard of hearing) character is Nicolas Brown from Gangsta, but it only puts in as much as it needs to convey his deafness. As for KnK it's actually a one of a kind, which leaves a hollow feeling inside being half deaf myself and it's why I got into anime in the first place because I can simply read the conversations instead of forcing myself to lip read everything
c'est la vie
fuck no.
There's Sori from Can't See, Can't Hear but Love
Who is, IMO, a far better deaf waifu than Shouko because she's bright, charismatic, and brimming with confidence and saves someone from suicide rather than attempting it.
If I dated a deaf girl I could watch anime in english and tell her it’s in japanese. I can finally watch my dubs with somebody! brb guys.
>Sori from Can't See, Can't Hear but Love
noted, will read after this thread.
Although I can see why people would be uneasy by shouko's character, but it's actually very realistic. Deaf and HoH people that are forced to live in the hearing world instead of in deaf society where they don't feel left out quickly realize that they're a 'broken and inferior' product in a world where everyone wants the best of the best, from the workplace to relationships.
They often get 'lost in the supermarket' and it creates a devalued sense of self worth, depression, and paranoia that people are talking shit about them knowing they can't hear it, although often enough it's just that - paranoia. Some people might realize that if they have a grandparent going deaf from old age.
While the bullying they get may not be as extreme as what KnK showed, but even if there isn't physical abuse, there's ALWAYS emotional abuse, being mouthed off "are you fucking deaf" "are you fucking retarded" might be more extreme examples from assholes, but even patient people tend lose their patience and get passive agressive about it, and this can even come from their own family. After awhile normal people tend to just abandon and avoid deaf people.
I could even distill everything in the movie and how it shows these themes, but I'm running near char limit.
and to make an example of abandonment from family, shouko's mother never even tried to learn sign language, and in the manga, it goes to greater lengths show how she got divorced because of her deaf daughter. She often has Yuzu pick up the slack, expecting yuzu to sign everything out for her sister. It's a bit of a stretch to add, but she also looks drained out all the time, as of she's just sick of this.
>Can't See, Can't Hear but Love
thank you annon, puted to my toread list
I really hated mom for a while.
She's a great character, and there's bits where she shines, but I spent a great deal of time being infuriated with her.
That slap, though
I never actually learned that character's name, and always just internally referred to him as Steven Universe
Nishimom works herself to death to support 2 daughters and her mother, one of whom the situation is "her fault".
Me too. I would like to console the girl with a hug and an invitation to come over and play board games.
Pdeez, Foyah! Cahm in mah poothee!
Like this
until she signs "darling, where's the subs" because a lot of deaf people watch anime because it naturally comes with subs, you big bully.
yeah, she might be "her fault" but that's nothing a parent should do to their child, especially when it's a piece of the puzzle that lead up to her daughters suicide attempt.
I’d put the subs on regardless of the language if I was watching with my deafu.
deaf girls make the stupidest fucking sounds during sex, probably because they can't hear how stupid it is...
t. user who fucked a deaf girl
it's all primal though, that should make it all the hotter
all the power to you then, good luck on your deafu
No. It honestly seemed like a chore.
Shoko was super cute but I can't get past the nasal, retard voice.
She is supposed to be happy with the hand she's dealt. Gotcha.
The whole situation is a mess, but she was giving Shouko tough love. She forgot the part where you ensure that the kid understands what you're trying to tell them, but otherwise there's nothing wrong with what she did.
what the fuck guys
>She is supposed to be happy with the hand she's dealt. Gotcha
and that means she can just pass the joker onto her daughter? she got an even worse hand, parents are supposed to care for their kids, nishimom is pretty selfish in that department, desu. "tough love" is bullshit when all she gets from most people is shit anyways - flogging a dead horse. I'm not saying you need to dote a disabled child with love, but compound on their already shit life tough love doesn't apply here.
shit... that just dug up a bad memory.
I do have a fetish for disabled girls, I think it's the natural "wanting to protect" thing. Incredibly pathetic, I must admit.
Eh, go for it, nothing shameful about. Just never tell them this. Know from the experience it's the worst thing you can say to a disabled person.
It’s like a “have kids or adopt argument”, go for the outcast who needs love.
I would love to date a deaf or crippled girl. But I can't tell if it's because I'm desperate or that's all I can get.
I want to superglue earplugs into your ears and give you a taste of your own medicine
>I stole this laptop.jpg
DWST? Is that you?
>i stole this laptop
made me laugh even harder
Anime adaption when?
>While the bullying they get may not be as extreme as what KnK showed
You need to keep in mind it's anime - in Japan. For one, Japanese bullying tends to be pretty brutal. Then there's the fact that even mentioning a birth defect is conssidered by far one of the most foul/taboo words in the language itself.
I really hope cute stories like that are real
makes me feel better about the world
that rattled my doorknob
Fuck that shit is hilarious.
I'll be working in the ER at a hospital next year. What are the chances of meeting a cute disabled girl there?
you'd have better luck working in auditory, that's a 100% rate because specifically about disability.
Asking the real questions
I'm still just an medic right now and was looking to get into biomed maybe, but I'll look into auditory classes then. As long as it's in the medical field helping these people I'll be happy.
trauma ward
I want to ask yuzuru out!
best girl wins again, twirl on it uenofags
The movie was severely lacking lonely cake eating.
Those Yandere eyes though
Would Shoko be an overprotective girlfriend?
So is the Manga worth reading? I liked the movie and want more.
Like a goose on helium
She would puncture your eardrums with a needle while you sleep.
You get some clarifying backstory on most of the characters, and the art is nice. And there are a few really good scenes that weren't in the movie.
I'm not sure of either way, I mean she went out of her way to repair shouya's damaged friendships which included other girls that would be competition to her, but at the same time - we know she's got a damaged sense of self worth and in her mind "this is the best I'm going to get"