Leaked info. No confirmation yet.
It's not just Tatsuki who got axed, but Yaoyorozu and Mine are both cut from the project as the new mobage doesn't use Mine's designs.
Leaked info. No confirmation yet.
It's not just Tatsuki who got axed, but Yaoyorozu and Mine are both cut from the project as the new mobage doesn't use Mine's designs.
Other urls found in this thread:
Designs were too pedomorphic for a "wider audience", according to these fags, I'm sure of it.
Now they will have proper, big, strong woman proportions.
What's Kadokawa's endgame?
How could it not use Mine's designs, that would make it a separate franchise in everything but name.
Stop making new threads, retards.
Westerners don't really care about the success or the failure of Kemono Friends.
No generals allowed, moron. A thread for every thought is what people wanted, remember.
go to reddit if you want to talk about westerners
>No generals allowed
Since when? Mods are too retarded to ban generals, stop being annoying and stay in your containment thread nobody cares about your shitty anime.
fuck off
Kill yourself
If you can't handle Sup Forums the way it's supposed to be, there's always /r/anime, little flower.
Pablo, if it were possible, the West would love to get rid of you and your ilk, but unfortunately, you're part of the West.
>Shitty anime
Fucking casual fag
> No we don't want generals they're cancer!
> No stop making threads about things I don't like you should only have one central thread for everything related to X
Sup Forums is an odd place sometimes.
Kemono fags are more like Sup Forums Fuck off and lurk more.
cool, go talk about that fact in reddit
Kemono friends already has a general thread so there's no reason to make multiple threads.
Make one general or make multiple threads but don't make both.
Could you post it again but not in chinese font? Shit's impossible to read man
You sad little nigger Sup Forumsic.
Kickstarter when?
That would be a way to maybe continue the show with the real people behind its success.
You should report that general. It's not supposed to exist.
How the fuck can they kick Mine?
Isn't he the creator? Doesn't he fucking own KF? What the fuck man
S2 will be 2D animated and people will defend the atrocious 3DCG of the first season.
I understand, I just find that poster's sentiment funny. This thread should die out naturally, since the other one is active, and I won't bump for good will's sake.
Kadokawa owns Mine, he can't do shit.
Don't panic yet. This may not be legit. All we know for sure is that Tatsuki's axed.
Kodakawa owns the IP, so no, that ain't happening. A self financed work based on the Station Master short, maybe.
Reports don't work.
this is the kemono fanbase
Tell us where friends touched your favorite anime.
Does it matter though? Without tatsuki it's just pointless.
That's enough to panic tho.
Welcome to how Sup Forums used to be before shitlords like you showed up. Now get out.
This is bullshit Mine owns the moral rights to the IP he can't be axed.
The mobage stuff isn't confirmed right now. They aren't using the previous design artwork like this Serval drawing, but every design shown so far is still based on Mine's designs.
>Unfortunately we must announce today that Tatsuki has been let go from the Kemono Friends project. Tatsuki has been an amazing partner to work with but our creative vision differs from his for Season 2 and other future media.
>We desire to introduce a male counterpart, and love interest, for Kaban to accompany her as she tries to find out what happened to the other humans. We want Kaban and Serval's relationship to be more realistic in Season 2- there will be jealousy and betrayal as Serval begins to feel like a third-wheel between Kaban and the new male character. These conflicts better portray real-life relationships, as opposed to the seemingly flawless relationship they had in Season 1.
>The new Season will also feature a new soundtrack some of the most popular 'JPOP' bands around. We can't say which bands will be involved but we know you will like them!
>Many Friends from the first season will also make appearances in Season 2, in what we call 'Sponsorship Segments.' Here, fan-favorite Friends will advertise amazing products that made Season 2 possible.
>Tatsuki had a different creative vision to this, and so we made the hard choice to terminate his contract. We wish him the best of luck in future endeavors!
you have brain problems
stop being retarded
Are you retarded?
This is the following thread of the kemono friends general, there's nothing "old Sup Forums" about this.
This sounds too insane to be true.
You shouldn't troll user
My only solace is in the fact that Episode 12's ending is still satisfying even if there never is a Season 2. Kaban and Serval set out for a life of endless adventures together, curtain call.
Stupid shit is happening, and a million threads are being started in response. This is how I've always remembered Sup Forums.
Crashing this industry, with no survivors.
FUCK YOU user.
A million of threads created by a general to cry for attention.
So, this is a bit concerning.
This is exactly how Sup Forums was in CG or Madoka days you fucking baby. Fuck off.
Yes, we know.
>there will be jealousy and betrayal
It is literally just some nip saying "maybe they aren't using Mine's art for the game because Mine is out too" there is nothing to indicate this is true. It isn't "leaked" info.
Tatsuki is alive in Servia!
Somebody show this retard a cap of Sup Forums main page on the day when Madoka finale aired.
Sorry your favorite anime isn't as popular as Kenono Friends but you can just shift click threads you don't like to hide them in the catalog instead of crying about it.
You're trying too hard. If this actually was old Sup Forums, half the board would be KF. You should be thankful that KFags are considerate enough to keep it contained. Just goes to show that faggots will whine whatever you do.
>Madoka days
So you are retarded, it wouldn't surprise me that kemono generals has people as retarded as madoka generals.
Cry more about it nerd, maybe the mods will care.
>Also, due to the immense popularity of the Nissin Cup Noodle commercial, Kadokawa has signed a sponsorship deal with Nissin giving them full property rights over the two fox 'Friends'. Nissin intends to use the two silly Foxes as their new mascots! How "Sugoi" is that!
But that would let me with less threads to lurk.
>KFags are considerate enough to keep it contained.
They aren't, it would be great if all of Sup Forums was posting about it and not just one general.
Are you shitposters so new that 2011 is "old Sup Forums" for you?
you're fulla shit
So how will Kadokawa deal with this PR nightmare?
Tatsuki's tweet hit at 8 PM, it is not 2:44 AM, there has been no official statement yet.
Proof? Because if this is true that WEW LAD!
*it is now
>Executives find way of informing Tatsuki he's no longer on the project, but make no formal announcement
>Tatsuki whines on Twitter
>Kadokawa stocks plummet
>Kadokawa execs buy up shares when the price is low
>Kadokawa announces this was all a misunderstanding and they can't wait to see Season 2 featuring the original team
>Stocks balance out
>Executives make millions
This is really a quaity general.
>the mainfag audience is still asleep
>the backlash has only just begun
This is really a quaity post.
Karma is a bitch, mylittlekemofags. Now you'll think twice before shitting up the board with this autistic trash. Hahahaha
Probably ignore it. The thing they wouldn't be able to ignore is having companies that they want to do collaborations with say, "No thanks, we heard from both the JRA and Nissin that KF was the kiss of death." Complain like hell to the sponsors.Make it clear to them that you're buying nothing touched by KF ever again..
All right. What about 2008? Is 2008 "old Sup Forums" enough for you, or are you going to move the goalposts further?
I want this to happen, fuck you all kemonofags
o b s e s s i o n
Make sure you do it in English to let them know you don't buy their products anyways.
> They aren't, it would be great if all of Sup Forums was posting about it and not just one general.
> Currently two threads on the board dedicated to an event that has Japan blowing up
> Previous threads were contained to one, thus not inconveniencing other users, and current thread was likely made on accident.
> Not considerate
You're literally whining because there's more than one thread on a topic that has Japan exploding. If you don't want to see KF stuff you can just hide the threads, and the fans would happily keep to themselves. They're well aware of how butt blasted people get when it's posted elsewhere.
there was no Sup Forums in 2008 newfag
emperor trump founded this site in 2016 to give us pepes a home
Jesus user. Do you really not remember when Sup Forums was literally half Kill la Kill threads? How about the day half the catalog was the same screencap of that lady's ass from AmaBuri?
But now season 2 will be made with sakuga. You guys like sakuga, right? That's all that otaku like. Sakuga.
>today is Tatsuki's birthday
They just had to make this even worse.
If my franchise can't get nice things no other franchise will
Obviously you're spewing shit out of your mouth because you like KF, and I don't
You have to be shitting me
Even trolls are shittier these days.
There's at least one Japanese lurking in these threads; that advice is aimed at them. If you read through the threads, there have been people writing about canceling orders already.
You can't compare this to that, you guys still have one general thread and your spam is pathetic.
As I said it would be great if all of Sup Forums was posting about it without a general but the sole existence of this general makes that impossible.
>You're literally whining because there's more than one thread on a topic that has Japan exploding
More like Kemono fans exploding, if you want to have a general then you can have a general but remember to stay contained. If you want to have multiple threads then just don't make a fucking general.
>Kill la Kill threads
It was somewhat fun and it died just like it had to, kemono general on the other side is still trying to stay alive with just image dumps.
> It was somewhat fun and it died just like it had to, kemono general on the other side is still trying to stay alive with just image dumps.
> Guidebooks didn't exist
> The show wasn't re-aired for kids (With accompanying photos of kids watching and liking it)
> TV Tokyo didn't continue to air the show despite North Korea firing a missile over Japan
> JRA short didn't happen
> Anisama short does not exist
> Nissin commercial doesn't exist either
> No concerts happened
> TGS didn't reveal details about Pavilion either
> Absolutely nothing KF related happened aside from more fanart to dump
The sad thing is that I actually kind of agree that having 24/7 threads don't do much but give fans a bad rap. But I can't let someone say something this dumb an get away with it.
>one general
>a general
>this general
>a fucking general
>kemono general
I don't even browse it, you obsessive broken record. I'm just here because of the news.
Don't you see? The generals are ruining his life. Will you take responsibility when he commits suicide from all these multiple threads sanctioned by the sticky when they are all generals?
I know you're one fucking crazy nigger.
I sometimes forget what life was like before the catalog.
>wake up
>check twitter
>see some nip thing trending worldwide
>click it
>first think I see upon waking up is that Tatsuki has been fired
What the actual fuck? Why? Why would they do this!?
>first thing I do upon waking up is check twitter
Kill yourself, faggot
>not checking to see what the world is up to and if your going to die later on in the day first thing you wake up
>there are people who check twitter first thing in the morning
This timeline is cursed, that's why.