How many days until fanfic?

How many days until fanfic?
Any subs on the movie yet?

Other urls found in this thread:

>OPM S2 made by JC Staff:

So Madhouse prime team is on Overlors S2?
Can we expect 26 episodes?



Has anyone read Nigel's fanfic(fanfic)? Is it worth the read?


Bring back Clementine

Did this

It just needs text now.

>of PPP

Worst cat.

I like it cat

But that's a frog.

>half the budged
>double the sales
>gets movies

Shut up your whore mouth.
This is a cat.
Thank Ainz's keikaku and him letting her body get taken away so she could retourn as catgirl.

Everyday until Holy Kingdom invasion.

Kill yourself, faggot

Truth has been spoken.
CATCLEM Fanfic V1.2.1:

one virgin man
>wears superhero suit so he can feel manly
>the onememe fad wears off but he still goes on
>is super strong but is bald and has no social life
>has tiny apartment and is near broke

chad overlord
>pimping pointy long shoulder pads because fuck you
>cares for his bros and family
>his property is the world world, even the sky is his property
>superior skeleton race, immune to cold and being stabbed by jealous virgins and crazy bitches
>supreme being who's every word has the weight of god because he is one
>styling purple robe but leaves room to show off the goods
>emotions and feelings are suppressed, no time for pussy shit

I feel like the planning 10000 years ahead need to be mentioned

i want to fuck her

> immune to crazy bitches
Not true.

Add to that
>his only subordinate is a fucking jobber
>doesnt know any magic
>lose to an average man in videogames
>people hate him
>doesnt know fashion
>eats shitty monsters


one virgin man
>wants bitches, have none
>no girls fanclub

chad overlord
>uses bitches as a chair
>all women wants him

Not memeing hard enough

>all women want a strong male
>makes everyone smell like ammonia
>cuts the strings from all the puppets

>no matter the race or the sex he can make people orgasm with just his words

My shitposting self had to made a thread

I'm not proud of myself

5 D A Y S

Are you hyped user?

>OPMfags crying while i rejoice
Today is a good day

You shouldn't be. Do you want the OPM faggots to start shitposting on overlord threads now? OPM isn't even a bad series.

>Cut's the strings from all the puppests
Made me chuckle/10

>Season 2 by MADHOUSE


>26 episodes
>half of them are Climb

That's the one with a beholder girl who always soloed and has a world item anyway?
Fuck that

I was re-reading dwarves... I forgot how much I wanted to know what Ainz finally found in the Dwarven Treasury (and how much I wanted him to identify on that damn sword to see if it was interested... and how much I want more General Enri)

I love the DnD influence, honestly

This just made my day

>So Madhouse prime team is on Overload S2?
>Can we expect 26 episodes?
We can dream

26 episodes would take us to Splat

Don't be pessimist, I'm hoping for 3/4 of Climb.

i love you , honestly.

But first you must purify her user

Nice try user, but we both know that we both love the great sorcerer king, Ainz Ooal Gown above all others

What would you rate these fights based on animation and direction?

So how fucking shit is the Yen+ release of the LN

As far as I've been told, they go with Grotesque instead of Heteromorphs

Frankly, Monstrous would have done fine, I don't like grotesque as a name (I'm used to heteromorph by this point. Still say monstrous would have been better) so I'm not buying


>Organization: Solitary
>Intelligence: Genius
Are naturally spawned undead lonely geniuses? If Ainz finds a naturally spawned elder lich or overlord will they be legitimate keikaku masters?

Didn't Sebas squash one of those because it was in the way?
Ainz has higher-tier undead with better int stats

Yeah although I wouldn't expect them to be smarter than the Overlords he can summon.

I really want to see the true power of Ainz,summons and necromancy spells,debuff spells and curses

Wasn't there a side-story about Ainz's guild's takeover of Nazarick?

Where it's revealed that the Throne Ainz sits on is a world item too

Maybe it was fanfic that I took seriously, who knows

If I remeber right it was a BR and it was more about how the clan of Nine Own Goal changed into Ainz Ool Gown and how Momonga took the mantle of Guldmaster and ninja guy found the Nazarik dungeon,but we didnt get to see him fight...though i dont remember them saying the throne was a World Item

“Congratulations! For completing a dungeon of recommended level 80+ in one attempt, you have received the World-Class Item, The Throne of Kings!”

From BD6 on sky

Can someone explain to me exactly what Victim does when it blows itself up? I assume spews Debuffs? What then?

Oh thanks user
Have a loli Ainz

>Casual Clem
muh dick

Incredibly strong debuff
So much so that it paralyzes the intruders and the guardians can just attack them without repercussion.

Another Kadokawa anime?
It's going to suffer.

Odds on a S2 date announcement along with the new volume?

>Madhouse prime team
I don't think such a thing exists anymore.

13 episodes got through 3 volumes by skipping so much stuff, if they properly pace it out they should do a 24 episode set with 7 for volumes 4 and 5 then 10 episodes for volume 6.

Wait I'm an idiot it should be 24 episodes with 6 episodes per volume ending on volume 7 so we get to see adventurers get crushed.

“It’s all right. We’re friends so you’ll believe me, right?”
“Is he your minion?”

I’ll fucking kill you, Shalltear almost said. However, she swallowed those words. That was because her master spoke before she could.
I forgot how Vol 11 was so funny


Was the Albedo's theater manners thing that comes with the movies translated?


FBI-kun is that you? Wait... FBI-kun is here long enough to understand. Are you from some new agency?

>PA saying he can probably take on the Pleiades meidos
Eh, maybe they do have some unit boost or something since they were made to stall a raid group.

Could be KGB-chan.

Do we know anything about the dragon emperor besides 1 sentence in the volume 10 intermission?

Where's the cat-earless edit?

>3 more days till nip spoiler
I hope some nazarick members get BTFO

is Vol 12 going to be the one where Mare finally loses his virginity?

>you will never hear mares squeaks of pleasure while ainz explores his body, desire dripping from his uncut, four inch penis
>you will never see his knees shake as hes finally overcome with euphoria
We are here to suffer. Id bet he'd cry too

You gotta embrace her new self user


She's busy with coming elections, must be Mossad-kun.

Naa.. Mossad-kun is kinda busy at Syria, and MI6-chan is having Brexit headaches.

Could be MSS this time round. Since Nigel get "the stuff" there.

>typically taller than 6 feet
Unlike certain skelemanlet.

This will never fail to make me smile but in the end I'd say this event will be unknown to the world but a final nail on the coffin lid for the conquered vassals/leaders that get crushed by the supreme plan to unify everything under Nazarick.
And that's what makes it all the sweeter, the reveal of it was Momon all along should be thought of as a final praise to any ally or an enemy, on the same level as being granted a right/reason visit to the throne room

Sleepy time for me too Clemmy the Frog. Let's fall asleep soundly, knowing that Nigel is a translating robot that doesn't sleep, and scours the internet ready to catch the first letters of vol.12 to translate for us.

Night night.

Guys, you're all forgetting something important, will the OP and ED still be done by myth & roof?

I damn well better, I want something as awesome as Clattanoia and Crazy Scary Fantasy.

Maybe they'll just reuse the ones from the movies?

So is there anything new in the movie or is it just a recap?

Some new scenes like PDL armor vs shalltear. As far as I know it's mostly the same.

less than 1 minute of original scenes. It's trash, even if the few that we got were pretty cool.

How can Japan get away with this shit?

does someone have a higher resolution of this image?

They've been doing it for a looong time.

>wanting more worst dog

I know right!? That's what makes it the worst

If it still sells why bother changing.

>Bad dog
No such thing. Just bad owners.

have fun with your dead baby, pit bull owner

There are literally shit dogs.
Like there are people with inborn mental disorders - so there are dogs.
Except some are bred specifically for their looks despite being fucked up in the head.

I own labradors. They're retarded, but in the gentle idiot sort of way. Also letting a full grown dog be anywhere near a baby is a sign of a bad owner. Even if the dog doesn't have a jaw that can crush a skull, accidents happen with fully functional adults playing with infants. You got a baby, you watch that thing like a hawk trying to steal a baby.