Why is he the most loved DBZ character?

All he does for the entire show is talk shit about how powerful he is, before getting the shit beaten out of him. He's never even defeated anyone of note besides Android 19 and a few of Frieza's goons.

Saying some badass one liners amounts to nothing when you're the biggest cuck on the show. Goku is a boring character but at least he gets shit done.

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It amazes me that Vegeta get so much shit on Sup Forums.

Same reason why Bakushit is also the most popular, loud people are liked.

Because he was a wildcard gray character for a long time and powerful enough to make a difference.

He actually got shit done on Namek but after fighting Frieza he just became the Legendary Jobber Saiyan.

He appeals to the edgy teen/pre-teen crowd, and most of Sup Forums watched the show on TV at that age.

Because back in the day he was the wildcard that wasnt afraid to kill, also he actually seemed to train for his power level.

Goku and others have extreme plot armor.

This. Goku does train but he's giften immensely. Meanwhile Vegeta does literally nothing but train and is still weaker than Goku. Also he's literally one of 3 characters in the whole series who has any notable character growth.

You already said it. He's more interesting than Goku. Not everything has to be about powerlevels.

>Goku is a boring character but at least he gets shit done.

Correction with Help and Excuses.Goku doesnt beat people on his own. Outside Freeza.
Trunks is the person that gets shit done.

Also Vegeta Defeated Goku, Freeza and Semi Perfect Cell. Fact

He's relatable.

Everyone loves a jerk

he's the greatest manlet of all times
also girls have a thing for guys with a widowspeak

He used to be the kaiba of the show

OP is a bootlicker who would have stayed under Frieza like a good goy.
too cowardly to show his fangs like based Vegeta
that's the difference.

>also girls have a thing for guys with a widowspeak

Vegeta never actually trained until Android arc happened. Throughout Namek, he just heavily abused the Saiyan trait of "Get stronger every time you get your ass kicked". As a child, he was already stronger than his old man.

It was only after meeting Goku, who achieved the Super Saiyan state that Vegeta had always dreamed of, that's when he started to seriously train. Problem is Goku trains too. Not only that, but Goku's just plain better at it. You catch a glimpse of this in the Cell arc, where Goku and Vegeta both spent a year in the Room of Hyperbolic and Time. Goku got more mileage out of it because he's better at figuring out what works and what doesn't.

Also, Goku's had like half a dozen top tier teachers, while Vegeta just does push-ups in a gravity room all day.

>Vegeta beat Goku
Ah, manlet monkey logic

t. yamcuck

It's been a while but IIRC when Goku won the beam duel against him Goku was unable to move while Vegeta was still able to fight but Vegeta didn't realize that Goku had lost and went ape mode which ended up backfiring.

He has charisma that most other characters lack, and is capable of picking himself back up after others knock him down. The only reason the Buu arc continued after his selfless sacrifice is because Toriyama decided to use a plot device to essentially make Buu unkillable until Goku completely vaporized him with a spirit bomb. Said simply, Toriyama is a hack.

Vegeta is manlet wish fulfillment personified.

Japs identify with ego stroking manletts and weebs like edgelords.

I'm a Goku guy

>year in the Room of Hyperbolic and Time
i thought goku got stronger because he had gohan to train with all year

vegeta just ignored trunks so they didn't face off and push eachother's limits

Who are the other 2?

Not him, but I would assume Piccolo and, I dunno, Krillin?

>Vegeta the most loved character

Vegeta did beat Goku you pleb.

Vegeta is only extremely well liked in America. Japs like Goku the most and Spics like Gohan.

He is certianly the girls favorite.

But spic, jap and even murrican girls all love vegeta. And fangirl power is very powerful. They also self insert in Bulma so that's like the dream ship for them.

Is because when Vegeta fights, even though we know he might lose, it will be one hell of a fight and he is worthy of being #2. Its like when Piccolo fought 17, you know he'll lose but when you see him try his hardest against a more powerful enemy, its so amazing.

I think piccolo could have beat 17

Goku is the neckbeard fantasy. A social retard and outcast of his species manages to become the most powerful being alive that regularly shits on a chad who has no bite to go with his bark (compared to Neckbeardku that is).

With the exception of the Cell saga, he's the most complex character of DBZ.

I think it's definitely part of a self-insert but I think there is a certain level of enjoyment of seeing a once bad guy being a surprising good family man.

Akira Toriyama hooked Bulma and Vegeta up by basically throwing darts at a dart board and they manage to kind of work together

Because he's actually a good father


>Because he's actually a good father
Maybe he is now, certainly not when he got Bulma pregnant.

>people actually think vegeta trains more than goku
>people actually think goku is against killing
>people actually think vegeta would just kill anyone

Gohan for the 3rd. Which makes it more sad how far he's fallen.

Tien too, but he hasn't done anything relevant since SP Cell.

Vegeta absolutely trains harder than Goku. Goku never seemed to train to the point where he almost died, Vegeta did.

Vegeta literally spends most of his time in his home chamber or time chamber training while GOku is waku wakuing either in heaven or somewhere else.

I should have added "compared to goku"

Spic here

All my childhood friends liked vegeta better, now people seems to talk more about Goku, nobody cares about Gohan, even Trunks was more popular back then

who went super saiyen first? Who went super saiyen 3? Who went super saiyen blue first?
vegeta spends all day catching up to goku, try again

Holly shit
Super is so poorly animated it makes Z looks good

Doesn't mean Vegeta didn't train harder than Goku, you dumb fuck.

That doesn't mean he doesn't train more than Goku does you idiot. Also the only reason Goku went SS3 was because e got otherworld training that no one else got. This is like saying Goku is naturally better than everyone else because he had the Kaioken, which like with SS3 he only got because of other world training. Goku is basically just better than everybody else because of divine intervention.

Honestly, Vegeta was the first crush I ever had. I can't really describe it, but I was probably 8 or 9 years old wishing I could be his girlfriend or saiyan princess or whatever the hell else my mind could conceive to bring us together.

Then I found my husbando a few years later in the form of Hiei so obviously I have a type. An eerily specific type.

because he has a redemption arc rather than a mr perfect arc

I assumed you people were talkin about who traiins harder, not who gets the best results, those are different things

What a sissy boy you were

This. Its been years since I saw this shit but I clearly remember Vegeta making a big deal about not training with Trunks while Goku trained with Gohan from the very start. It was a subtle warning tale about needing to rely on others to reach your full potential and no matter how hard you work on your own, you'll never surpass your own limits that way. Which is kind of bullshit but eh. The power of friendship saving the day is bullshit too but that doesn't stop people from using it.

Even the old DBZ specials and movies have better animation than the new ones.

He's a hilarious character. Maybe it's unintentional, but still

He's popular BECAUSE he never wins.

Unable to simply sideline a character who consistently topped popularity polls and was intimately involved in the backstory of the upcoming Frieza Saga, Toriyama made Vegeta (perhaps inadvertently) into a perfect and genuine anti-hero - that is to say, a hero who fails, on both a practical and moral level. Vegeta became a vehicle for the frustrations of every character used as cannon fodder to show off an enemy's strength, because he was NOT ALLOWED to be the protagonist, but he wanted it so badly, and we saw him work for it, but it was never enough and he never understood why. He was Sisyphus, rolling his boulder uphill arc after arc only to see it crash back down.

Vegeta cares, so deeply, about so many things - starting with "not seeming to care" - and none of them matter at all. His noble bloodline means nothing. His Saiyan pride means nothing. His hatred of Goku means nothing. His grudge against Frieza means nothing. The universe will never validate his obsessions (self-obsession least of all), and he can only find peace by eventually accepting that. Vegeta could never have been allowed to win, or the magic would have vanished.

Take a look at Sasuke, who was an attempt to recapture that same lightning. Kishimoto's failing was validating him. Agreeing with him. Yes, the Uchiha were the most important thing ever. Yes, his brooding was meaningful. Yes, his revenge was vital and necessary. Yes, his rivalry was legendary. Kishimoto's mistake was liking Sasuke. Toriyama simply didn't care for Vegeta in the same way.

Piccolo would of rekt 17's shit if cell didn't interrupt them

Piccolo was getting tired and 17 barely broke a sweat

maybe so, I remember just straight up not liking sasuke ever, yet still had a soft spot for vegeta.

wasn't he tiring out though, he would've had to hit him with something heavy all at once while his guard was down. Always thought them having limitless energy was sorta bullshit

>He's popular BECAUSE he never wins.
What? Vegeta has plenty of wins, he just doens't have the luxury of plot armor so he never stands up against final bosses, but he wins. He beat Goku, he beat plenty of people on Namek, and he beat Androi 19 and Semi-Perfect Cell.

>and Semi-Perfect Cell.
hell, Tori even went out of the way to show Vegeta had the power to destroy Perfect Cell. Vegeta got a really fair shake during the series

Did he? Guess I'm not remembering the fight well then.

heh, I did some searches and polls, indeed, he is consistently the most beloved of the DBZ characters. and I think its not too hard to understand why. now that most of the kids who grew up with this show are now adults

Vegeta actually went SSJB first my man.

>biggest cuck on the show

Piccolo is quite literally a cuck.

He was cool on Namek.

I like Vegeta but his fans are literally the fucking worst. Of course they're such fucking babies they have to pretend Toriyama hates Getes everytime something doesn't go his way. I went through a Vegeta phase when I was lke 11. He's cool but jesus he isn't that fucking deep

That was nicely put user.

No one acts like Vegeta is a deep character, he's just one of the few characters with actual development in the entire series. DBZ isn't even know for having good writing, so whatever.

>He's never even defeated anyone of note besides Android 19 and a few of Frieza's goons.
How about beating Majin Boo by telling Goku what to do?

>He's never even defeated anyone of note
How about the guy to the left? Twice.


The real problem is that Toriyama is a hack and nobody but Goku and sometimes Trunks are allowed to win major fights.

there are various mental differences separating Goku from Vegeta. Vegeta does have strengths of his own, but mostly his method is inferior to Goku's ever slightly. Whis talks about this shit in super, but it's been true since Vegeta's arrival in the manga.

He’s the only character that could be appreciated.

Everyone from OG Dragonball became utterly powerless, except maybe Bulma who traded action for wealth. Krillin became a joke character, Roshi became outclassed.

Namek got blown up. Piccolo is the only good fighter, and he got surpassed ages agp. He can’t even go SSJ.

All of the other SSJs are dead.

All of the villains stay dead, or look like tissue paper compared to the next one.

Gohan barely holds a candle to Goku, Goten only exists for Gotenks, Trunks only matters when he’s an adult.

Android 17 & 18 are literally the only other characters people care about, and 17 never gets written into future plots (even in Super) and 18 became very one-dimensional once she married, so she’s only ever brought in once in a blue moon.

Pan doesn’t enter the picture until much much later. Everyone hates Hercule.

Vegeta is literally the only other character by default, to like...

I like him because I too, have a receding hair line.
He's not my favorite tho.

Back then Vegeta and Bulma was the dream ship, or thats what I have heard by the folks that lived and experienced that whole show at the time.

murderous widow's peak

>unable to like the original DB cast just because they stay away from the spotlight
Not to mention Vegeta is pretty much useless whenever the main antag of the arc or Goku are around.

> Everyone hates Hercule.

u wat mothafucker

>comparing sasuke with vegeta
and you where doing so well user.
Sasuke is trash. Kishimoto is a fucking hack.

You can't be a cuck if you have no gender.

Japs only like him and Luffy because they all wish they can be happy go lucky cunts who don't take anything serious and eat a lot


>because he was NOT ALLOWED to be the protagonist, but he wanted it so badly, and we saw him work for it, but it was never enough and he never understood why
This. Vegeta is constantly facing the same fact that real people do: No matter what there's going to be someone better and there are things you're just not gifted enough to succeed at. Despite this he does his best and never gives up. He's the embodiment of determination and self discipline in a situation everyone you will ever know relates to. That's more worthy of respect than having the right moral code or being born the most gifted. And that makes his failures more touching and his successes more triumphant.

Vegeta is just as bad as Sasuke.

The sisters

Says the manletest.

Says the manletest.


get out newfag

Don't be desperate, Vegetafag.

>not wanting to be a free spirit

>Also, Goku's had like half a dozen top tier teachers, while Vegeta just does push-ups in a gravity room all day.
This is true. Other than I suppose his dad, Vegeta's only teacher is Whis. Most of his life is self taught.


DBZ peaked with Vegeta's sacrifice to kill Buu. A fitting end to his arc and his final message to his son.

It jumped the shark when that sacrifice ended up meaning nothing since a tiny piece of Buu survived.


Dont get butthurt at the facts.

That's not surprising, as the movies had a higher budget overall.