So Lads any ideas?

So Lads any ideas?


die leaf

>So Lads any ideas?
False Fagerinos

haha yeah, what a bunch of dotards

Do you know a victim of PTSD vet who isn't a Trump supporter?

mass gofuckyourself?


surprise self-defense situation

The libtards are the ones that overused the word triggered.

Crisis Actors

>triggered was a word to describe people who suffered legitimate ptsd and trauma
>tumblr got a hold of the phrase and started using it for fucking everything that wasn’t a left wing circle jerk
>“had a doctor tell me that being 500 pounds is unhealthy #triggered”
>“a man rejected me today and said I wasn’t a real woman just because I have a penis #triggered”
>“I’m a black woman who works at Walmart and had a white man ask me where the cotton balls were at #triggered”
>the right wing finds out about the over sensitivity of the left and their use of the word triggered
>they start using it sarcastically
>now the left is mad because the right is misusing the phrase
>the only reason the right are misusing it is because they are mocking the left for misusing it

We’ve gone full circle

They'll find a guy who fueled trucks or something that was once 6000 yards from a mortar explosion and was so startled he dropped a heavy tool on his foot, BOOM I'm a veteran and I'm with her!


At least he can admit the term liberal is slander for disabled people.

Someone farting in a bathtub and laughing hysterically for 2 hours doesn't give a shit about people using their terminology to make fun of liberals.

That's retarded.

Transgender is not real.

Sorry fatasses, crying because no one has ever had the balls to call you a fucking blimp before isn't PTSD.

Only one thing describes most school shooters, bad aim.

hyea it should be called fuckrape

Four words, not forty-five.

>alt fed

Well nice to know the deep state isn't just a meme I guess.

I'm really glad there's a group of people willing to clandestinely subvert and soft coup the duly elected representative of our republic using NSA spying tools and shady FISA warrants against an incoming electoral process.

> Alt-Fed Employee.

Leftists made it into a joke when they included it for whenever anybody says obesity is bad for your health

Imagine where we would be as a species if people were always this soft.