This is an elf
Buyfag Thread
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Remove knife-ears
A coaster? Eh.
Also, I understand why they gave her green eyes but it still bugs the shit out of me
Looks like there's a nice weld going on from this angle. Disappointing.
Thumbnail looked like someone dropped ramen all over the floor.
These are my waifu.
how much did you pay for the bunny
Is it ok using cotton swabs like pic related to dust my figures?
My Saber Alter has some spots hard to get, and the dust is driving me crazy. I fucking need to get a glass cabinet for her
Forgot the pic
This looks like a prize figure but it's a whole 13k
Elf thread?
It should be fine, as long as you pay attention not to get it stuck on sharp parts. A better way to dust figures is to buy some soft make-up brushes, like some kabuki brushes which you can get for cheap.
>Union Creative
>the masters of bait-and-switch
If that's what the promotional prototype looks like, I'm certainly not looking forward to see how the released version will turn out. But yeah, it is a really cute design though.
I'm sure this doesn't actually look good in person.
It looks horrifying in the promotional pictures, of course it won't look good in person.
Did they finally give up on triangle bases?
It's just too bad they're so shit at making figures. They were promising when they first turned up with some really nice unpainted prototypes and announcements for characters that no one else was doing. A shame they've been nothing but a disappointment.
Face looks bad even in the promo shots.
Shame, i liked that show.
And yea a green LED in the base isnt gonna make the whole fig glow like she does with the magic ball in the show.
Post your display cabinets please. I'm on a quest to make my own cabinet.
I support this.
Who /hype/ here?
What's the point in time where you realize you may have fucked up a little?
I've dropped 12k Trump dollars on this hobby counting pre orders (Which I'm paying, so I'm counting them)
Only way out now is a bullet or a rope.
Problem is that I was counting on Camilla delaying and Jam staying in August.
A-at least I'm saving on Shipping!
She's never going to be released, right?
I ended up passing on Camilla.
FE figures tend to bin hard. Both Cordelia and Tharja were the same.
I'm hype. I'm ordered.
I got a witch and bear today
Well don't get too comfy. Tharja now goes for a fuckton, I don't know about Cordelia.
The one I kinda regret is Chichi, but if I'm having only ever 1 DB statue, it's gonna be her.
Didn't think these filters worked on figures
could you not
Please leave.
Who is hyped for her?
Just preordered her today. But damn that's expensive for what you get.
There's an Akari scale for pre order?
Sign me the fuck up.
Well duh. She was released years ago and it's not like the amount in circulation is getting bigger, so it's natural for the price to go up. That doesn't really change how the market was back when she came out.
Though that being said, FE seems to be more popular than ever, so who knows how Camilla ends up.
I might have to buy this now
whats with the faces with the various lengths
538 RMB = 80 USD. this is actually pretty cheap
Wtf does it come with that many faces?
Looks like different neck poses
>Never played this game/don't plan to
>Gun girls are my one weakness and little armory is all joint shit.
Painted trap when?
i haven't painted yet, and honestly i probably wont do too much, as i am rusty and don't really thing it's worth my time to do a good job when I could just pick up more hours and buy the real deal.
I had to use a knife to make the wing pegs fit snug, but that didn't take long. also not pictured, up-skirt area is absolutely butchered beyond repair, no idea what happened.
honestly, this is making me wish more high end figures incorporated metal parts, it looks really nice instead of fake chains. also gungnir came out pretty well defined, points could easily prick your finger.
here is my autistic analysis:
Red: major problem I can't fix or hide
orange: Thinks that can be fixed with an effort
Yellow: things that i fixed already
Green: surprisingly nice features for the price.
Don't like that one as much as the Kar98K, but it's pretty nice. Speaking of which, it might be the first figure I buy just because I like how it looks. Just gotta find it available somewhere.
fuck off
How much for her?
just like the figurines.
Couldn't be more.
I like!
Fuck on.
Who is it?
Post cast-off pics
>Kalmia Project
Never heard of this manufacturer. Still, one of the worst boob welds I've seen.
Too bad they fucked up the face and the paintjob.
Because I'm feeling generous.
What is this and where can I indulge?
>no ass those idiotas said
Why exactly does she have green eyes for the fig?
To you.
asians are fucking disgusting
also flat tits and a cute tight butt are the best
Sure, it exists, but it's doing a disservice to those thighs. It really should be bigger.
Eh, preferences are preferences.
The one that isn't a disgusting fat pig of course.
The one that's a disgusting fat pig of course.
Dem ship hips are shipbirthing hips
The duality of buyfag.
Pochaco really isnt that big.
She might be a few lbs heavier but not as fat as you guys make it out.
Jesus fucking christ, that sweat looks like massive skin tags.
Keep telling yourself that, you fat fuck.
That's not sweat, user
Yeah, upon closer inspection I suppose it's semen, but it still looks like skin tags.
It's your money, but I'm fine with either or. Or both.
Good thing I saved them. Not like they were showing any real nudity, though.
I want this so bad but its definitely not bining with them hips.
Nice meme.
She was made to otrder, she cant bin. Also, Amakuni shipos in general (sans Shimabutt) have only gotten pricier
Yeah I wish she was fatter
You must have paid more in structural support for that Desk then you did in the figs themselves.
Just pre-ordered mine, I forgot to until you reminded me, thanks user.
pvc is surprisingly light
>She was made to otrder, she cant bin
You couldn't be more wrong.
Except I'm not, finding it cheaper SECOND HAND is not the same as binning. And since every single order was made to order every single copy available after the release date IS second hand.
Binning only happens when the supply is larger than the demand. And in this case the supply meets the demand since before the actual release.
Binfags are retarded dont feed them
Rumors say the recent Mexico earthquakes were caused by a 1/4 Porkchop falling from the shelves
You're retarded the same was said about BW, you could get DE sealed for 10k and Hunter for 12k, but you'll probably have to wait a few months, besides you can get real good prices if you're patient(I got Ice cream Asmodeus for 11k that way, and I could give you a lot of examples).
And none of those were binning, all of them were paid full price by whoever sold them to you and any other retard.
Get your facts straight.
Thats NOT what binning means, its not getting cheap figures, is getting figures from the surplus of the manufacturer that cant be sold at MSRP. Exclusives were sold to middleman before you got them, you are getting them second hand to start with and they were paid fully by them.
you're wrong for instance Mage did bin at NY for 8,5k, she was available there for almost two weeks.
And NY is a reseller, not a distributor. You are just proving my point
fucking tragic
NY, BiJ and plenty others are middlemen, they are not distributors for Hobby Japan. They are getting rid of their FULLY paid figures which is not the same as the manufacturer lowering the prices to get rid of the stock.
I think you have your definitions of binning completely fucked up.
By that logic if I get a preowned figure from Mandarake cheaper than MSRP the figure binned? That's not how it works.
why should I care about that?, the only thing that matter are us getting those scales for cjheap in sealed condition, I don't give a damn if it's a reseller or not, that wasn't my point here
You know mandarake also sells sealed scales right?, so there is no difference if they bought them from some other collectors.
Why the backpedaling? The point was that exclusives CANT BIN, no one said anything about its not possible to get them for cheap.
Thats the point, that's NOT binning. Binning relies on a surplus from the manufacturer, not from getting you shit second hand. If you get a preowned figure for cheap then that's it, you get a preowned figure you didn't get a binned figure.