Did you know Russia is so big!?

Did you know Russia is so big!?

Big shithole.

Pic related is the downtown of a major city.

Why is Russia filled with a bunch of drug addicts

>Big shithole

Tell me about it


sabaton does not have enough polish songs

>Big shithole.

Does it has TIGERS?

I mean 40 to 1 and uprising are amazing songs



yes, but not enough i think. a pilsudski song would be great


Russia isn't white fyi

Who are the tigers?



These threads are always fucking retarded, and yet I can't get enough of them.


Just like Sup Forums. It's filled with shills and newfaggs yet you keep returning.

Does that Russian account know about the Poland memes? Do those in charge of Russian intelligence know


Hahaha I hope they make an official announcement

Yes, they strong too,their new weapons look great.


Oh gee, this is so fucking retarded, yet i am laughing my ass out for five minutes every time i see those. The combination of cringy govt. paid "memes" and the poland assrape edits is unbeateble.

fuck off, fuckers

It also has Armatas and missiles.





Why cant russian government meme?
All they had to do was a decent polandball comic presenting Russia in a good light. These official comics are bad as hell.