
How is he so cute?

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kubo best creator. kubo>fembutcher


Reminder of which character has the best popularity vs screentime ratio.

Probably because of the only panty shot of the series (outside of naked shark)

> The creepy otaku is the only creator that can make a sexy strong woman

>That cute >:-< bottom lip

you have shit taste

Hikayu was a nice suprise to the show. Shame her and Magane never chatted

Hikayu is too straightforward and wise to fall for any Magane tricks. I wish we got the stats for the second cour characters though.

>tfw no Suruga to hang out with

I want to live in a world where Vogelchevalier exists

I'm 11 episodes in, does it get better?

Best to blast through the rest and form an opinion for yourself

13 was the best episode and it was a recap. That says a lot about the show itself.

Yes since the villain from episode 1 appears at the end again (and people love the recap), but it's still the same show so if you didn't enjoy anything so far you shouldn't bother.

Episodes 1,8.19 and 20 were all better than 13.

How is a recap good? Is this some meme from when it was airing?


Because the recap was an official meta shitposting episode.

Though it was probably extra fun thanks to the threads and seeing the fanart it generated. And in the end the animators won and changed Altair.

>yfw this self-insert is Meteora's Author Avatar in the in-universe Re:CREATORS

Hiroe's waifus are not at number one spot? Good taste, Japan.

Reminder that Rui is the best
There are no downsides to him and therefore he's better than any girl.

Useless! Only good for rape!