Should the series end with their wedding?
Hero Academia
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no, it should end with their graduation. y'know, when it's no longer their hero academia.
>Implying we won't get Boku no Hero Shippuden
Nah. It should end with Deku winning against Bakugou, but losing both arms and his OfA powers in the proccess, resulting in an agonizing Kacchan apologizing for bullying him, acknowledging him as a friend and sacrificing his limbs to make him live. This will be coherent with that subject of Deku learning to be more starving for victory and Kacchan learning to be more heroic. After all, i think Bakugou's character portrayal screams for a redemptional atonement.
Boku no Hero: The College Years
This was the best reply I've seen in all my life.
you're a terrible writer, please never put pen to paper ever again in your life.
deku will end up being cucked by bakugo anyway, it's written on his beta fuccboi's face
bakugou's character portrayal screams for a sledgehammer to his kneecaps and your post screams for you to kill yourself
>Deku being a beta
You are goddamn right
Considering that the name of the show is Hero Academia and the academia lasts for 3 years, I don't know how long this series will even be. The problem with slice of life is that time tends to fly.
But Ochako's not who Deku will marry
Not unless Hori starts building up their relationship from now until the end?
I wouldn't mind 2 seasons per academia year. 6 seasons is a great number for an anime with this much potential
>Boku no Hero Academia
>now in Eiiyuu/Hero (AU) university
Could work desu
Well at 150 chapters we're technically only ~1/2 through the first year
No, first girl with a crush should lose.
When will she spill spaghetti near deku again?
>What's your power, Toru?
>I'm invisible.
>What's your power, Tsuyu?
>I can jump very high and far, swim at superhuman speed, and stick to walls. I can store objects in my stomach for later use and expel a toxic fluid. My tongue is incredibly long, prehensile, and has superhuman strength.
>Oh, and I can turn invisible.
>muh relationship buildup
that sure as fuck worked well in naruto
they never learn
Wait really? What chapter would be this weeks episode of the anime?
When Mei cucks her again, of course!
>o boy im so happy uraraka is in the current arc i cant wait to see her in action
Chapter 68.
It's going to do Chapter 69 this Saturday.
Would you an evil Eri?
So at this pace we would be getting... 4 seasons of anime per year at the academy. Right?
>not going to end with a Deku redeems Toga ending
Semester only just finished recently.
I look forward to Tsuyu's next power up being a flashing light attack
I will be slightly disappointed if this doesn't happen now.
Maybe Even more. But I think it won't take More than 6
Yeah... and Stain, Muscular and All for One congratulating them on video?
As much as I hate it, there is no way gravity tits is going to lose the Dekubowl. Its basic shonnen rules, the first girl who knows the MC gets her wet wins.
That wouldn't be so bad if they didn't keep introducing worst girl first.
>a shoker
>a jacket
>a mask
>nothing else
I would love to be her hero
And by hero i mean the one who will smash her evil pussy
>Gravity girl(with freaky sex included)
>Not best girl
Pick one
Eh, it wouldn't bother me so much if the MC actually had chemistry with the girl who wins.
Ochako could die or be the traitor
>both equally spastic nervous wrecks in each other's vicinity
>no chemistry
I mean, it's embarrassed nerd chemistry, but it's there.
Where do you think we are?
>Be the traitor
Then she'd win hard as Deku would have to save her from herself.
Posting undisputed best girl
>>Not best girl
Gravity whore's not.
That ironing board is not best girl.
Not if she causes all might's death or his moms
Even then.
Literally the sexiest of the group
>muh chemistry
why can't you spergs simply say "l don't like the idea of these two characters as a couple" instead of trying to sound smart by using this meme word
He's not even that close to her
'She' looks like a man.
Because these threads are full of idiots.
Truly beautiful
is her carrying her by her kneecaps? that seems incredibly awkward.
Wouldn't their marriage be like Peter and Mary Jane's considering Hori's a Spideyfag?
Did the other thread get deleted?
Why was the other thread deleted , it was first
retconned into nonexistence? I feel like it's just impractical for the manga to go on long enough for that to happen.
>Radioactive cancer
Spidey's a little bitch. Deadpool wouldn't let radioactive cancer stop him.
Hopefully Hori has better taste than to use that storyline
Traitor spam
There was a drawing just like this one but she had a tattoo, that made my dick transced the mortal plane of existence.
The actual best
Damn that's ugly
>power is to grow
>destroys her surroundings
>completely unnecessary to the systems she's a part of
literally the cancer.
Kill yourself you fucking degenerate.
If Hori manages to survive past 2019, he should write a continuation of BnHA, like Boku no Hero Daigaku or BnHA: The Next Generation, or even a sequel with an old Deku passing OfA to the next top hero.
Also, I'm last night's comicfag. Here's the base for the first page, already being redrawn on SAI.
Obviously, there's still lots to do.
What about radioactive semen?
>She farts as a giant
>kills half the city in a mustard gas cloud
one-on-one, no quirks, fair and square who would win, Deku or Ochaco?
She's trying her best
>no quirks
Obviously Deku, if we're assuming this is a fight between emotionless versions of the characters who don't know each other
Nice bait faggot.
>Mineta's hose is plugged directly to Midnight's ass.
Ochako. even if deku moves first, he'd probably realize he was touching a girl and freak out. Ochako has demonstrated against 13 that she can go to combat mode and basically operate on reflex, so she'd only lose her shit after she'd already won.
Deku, but Ochako does know GMA so it might be close
>Ochako anywhere near best girl
Ochako dying from Deku's 100% ejaculated sperm piercing her soon?
Best girl is coming through
You should not be lewding Jirou
Deku of course. Todoroki, Tokoyami, Iida, Kaminari, hell even Ojiro could beat her pretty easily.
>He calls her best girl
>Post pics of a degenerate whore
user you make it too easy
When will Shiggy take Ochako's virginity and have two kids with her?
Who do you think she ends up with?
(I only watch the anime, so don't know if the manga already answered this)
who would the BNHA equivalent of Stormin' Norman be?
Ah, I see best girl is wearing Jirou today.
He said no quirks though, so Kaminari and Tokoyami would probably get their asses kicked. Deku, Iida and Todo would be fine and Ojiro is probably the best fighter in the class.
Best girl, needs to be cute, smart, likable attitude and sexy. She literally fills all the spots.
Too bad your waifus aren't sexy at all.
thats a nice pic, i feel she will turn and see me
No, Hori loves Dragon Ball, clearly they'll be a better version of pic related.
Yes, post more pictures of a character you say is best being a semen-encrusted prostitute
>A boy with a dick
Something doesn't add up.
Btw keep waifus out of this shit, isn't my hero academia more suited for yaoi?
That's not Yui
Chadrock. Kaminari is too retarded to give her any attention.
You know women have the right to enjoy sex too? Or are you still some kind of caveman?
Kaminari can have her whenever he wants