What do you think of him Sup Forums?

what do you think of him Sup Forums?

He has a stupid haircut.

not really it looks good

Based, intelligent

Looks like europoors and faggotflags have opinions for slightly above minimum wage and less (nothing). He's good at convincing idiots to adopt leftist policy while appearing to be a light in the darkness.

Insecure, misguided.

He's a big government socialist. Wants a giant socialized medical system, praises homosexuality as a spice that makes soceity interesting, critisized tax cuts, and is economically ignorant to the Nth degree.

a faggot


Fat fuck
I've seriously never seen a modern nazi that is not either a land whale or a skinny little bitch

He has a weird head.



I don't give a shit about him. It's great that he's a handsome goy with the capacity to get the YouTube, and Reddit crowd on board. But honestly... I think baiting leftists care about him more. Possibly because they're moist for him.

Sup Forums and /new/ have been around for longer than these e-celebs. They'll come and go. But as long as Jews keep on Jewing and people have the ability to spot malfeasance, redpills will create themselves.

People keep saying he's controlled opposition but I'm yet to see proof of that.

I will say that his podcast is good.

>Sup Forums and /new/ have been around for longer than these e-celebs.

Spencer was actually on the public scene in far-right thought before Sup Forums existed. The fact that most anons were out of the loop until recently is another matter.

We could do better but i'll take it

Richard Spencer is the Jason Genova of the alt-right

a Zionist faggot

Would you trust him?

his wife is not white so no

He's obviously controlled opposition and a spook

he took a picture with Laura bush, that proves he is a commie, amirite

He's grown on me recently and he drives shitskins crazy, hence all the hate he gets on Sup Forums.

CIA faggot. OP is also a douchebag for posting about him. He doesn't simply matter

CIA /Mossad controlled opposition.

Been following him since 2013. Great guy. A bit milquetoast for my liking for someone with views that he has, but is the best we got on the alt-right.

>say you understand the impulse towards zionism from a white nationalist perspective
>get called a zionist by Sup Forumstards


He doesnt do much to grow the movement, he just talks about it, but doesn't advertise or grow.

In other words I believe he doesn't care, he just wants some money. I'd prefer a "leader" who actually cares about what he's leading for.

I want him to debate Chomsky and get his ass handed to him. Mr clean your room is okay too.

Everyone in that picture is literally 5 feet tall.

Literally a fag. No straight man acts as flamboyant as he does.


too bad BLM doesn't off this CIA dipshit sooner

Love him. All the alt lite shills loath him.

everyone who say spencer is cia is a moarpheus shill

Shills hate him. Spencer is one of our best goys

Okaysh, too bad for the fag haircut that makes his face look like an egg

Fucks sake I typed a load and my computer fucked:

>don't really like him but he's a good face
>don't agree with him pan europeanist views
>seemingly wants to mix all whites together
>would be a tragedy for that to happen and it wouldn't work anyways
>he makes a point to say oh no I don't want to mix people together but he's constantly alluding to it
>ultimately he's a good figurehead for the AltRight

Pretty much this. Having to argue with people like morpheus with their elaborate paranoid theories on why Jews can't just be shipped off to Israel get's tiresome after a while though i'll grant there is some small merit to their concerns were certain scenario's to be played out


useful, to a degree.
prob actually gay.

a fucking idiot