Chuuni was fun for a bit while it aired.
Chuuni was fun for a bit while it aired
I want Rikka to sit on my face
I watched it and I liked it
You sure your face can handle that much ass?
I want to snip her ahoge
I want to grab it and gently waggle her head back and forth
I said it was fun?
I agree.
I havent fapped to Rikka in years, used to all the time. Time to see what's new on the panda.
The secondhand embarrassment killed me at times, but it was a somewhat cute story. Didn't bother with S2, S1 was good enough as a standalone.
I know
Like I said, I watched it and I liked it
I'm not making fun of you, maybe I'm just here to laugh about the fact that I enjoyed it more than you did
Not in some kind of weird way, I just liked the show
S2 was....ehhh. more than anything it just gave me blueballs
she's cute
Rikka a cute
It's still fun, can't wait for the movie
It was cute and very fun to watch.
Best girl.
I want to break her butt
Rikka is cute and is for heavy cuddling and headpats with blankets and hot chocolate
Do italians have hairy dicks?
No, Arab dicks are not hairy
t. sandnigger
Is it worth watching this now if I haven't before? I think I'd only be able to catch the movie threads in time, but there's nothing more.
>inb4 read the LNs
Kill yourself
This is my waifu say something nice about her
does she have pinkeye?
>Is it worth watching this now if I haven't before?
I guess S1 was okay Utah wasn't completely hopeless as MC and I managed to shed a tear at the end, however S2 was shocking. Making us root for Rika while she gets almost no further development, I liked soundtrack though.
Making a movie is, honestly, best thing for them to do and end series for good OR make Nibutani spin off, she deserves it.
Season 1 was fine until they threw character development out of the window.
>Well Rikka you finally accepted your fathers death and act as a semi-normal person now, you clearly grew as a person and now have Utah to help you with your life
>Whoops nevermind she's acting retarded again, so wacky XD
this. The real end should've been slowly growing apart from Yuuta as normal non chuuni and then both "Delusions" are over. Perfect end.
post retard butt