So how the fuck did the Daishinkan convince the Zenos to leave out 4 whole Universes? I can't imagine toddlers like them caring much about mortal levels.
Dragon Ball Super
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Gohan convinced them for the sake of the universe.
It's shown in the manga.
Basically, they want to destroy the universes because there's too many pieces in their daily games, so they think 4 is enough.
Because the Zen-oh's are just a front for El Grande Padre who truly runs everything
Does frieza age?
>we will never get another scene like this
King Cold had a wrinkled aged appearance so I'd imagine
>So how the fuck did the Daishinkan convince the Zenos to leave out 4 whole Universes?
Whatever even makes you think he tried to persuade the Zenos so that they wouldn't destroy as many universes? In fact it's pretty possible that a future plot happens with him being the villain (which you guys mock with the "el grande padre" meme)
More importantly:
>Heroes card that was supposed to contain Gokuck's new form turns out to be nothing more than SSBKKx20
>Meanwhile the confirmed Survivor is the one that has an incoming power up foretold several months ago unlike Gokuck whose "limit break" way back in the zen exhibition literally was Kaioken on top of SSB.
Gohan is going to unlock the silver eyed transformation (shown on his father in promotional art, but you must realize that it was actually a complete red herring given all the evidence poiting otherwise thus far: mostly the FACTS that only Gohan and no his father was the one to be foreshadowed to have a new power up coming, AND that twice now there has been evidence that Gokuck's limit break is his kaioken on top of SSB, with an higher multiplier of x10 instead of x20).
Speaking of multipliers, the OP pretty much spoils how strong Godhan's new transformaton is going to be: 100 x SSB, and since Mystic Gohan was on par with his SSB father it is pretty much confirmed that his new transformation will allow /ourguy/ to convincingly surpass Geran (who only defeat with SSBKKx20 Gokuck)
The following Arc after the current tournament, thus, will be the one where it is revealed that Godhan's "limit break" is actually angel ki as his base form and when he goes Mystic on top of it (no faggy super saiyan changing his hair style) his hair changes color to white to go together with his silver eyes. /ourguy/ will then become able to go toe-to-toe with the GP for the sake of the universes that he wants erased no matter what when the arc is over and he shows his true collors and backstabs the Zenos.
>nor this
The moment Gohan gets knocked out of the tournament will be the single most cathartic scene in history because of how hard the Pedros are building him up and Sup Forums is.
>So how the fuck did the Daishinkan convince the Zenos to leave out 4 whole Universes?
Zeno can't keep count of all the universes, the tournament was all Grand Priests plan basically to create an outlet for the destruction.
He might have forgotten in a week if Grand Priest and Goku didn't give him a perfect opportunity.
when the king trusts your wisdom he'll do pretty much whatever you suggest so long as it doesn't conflict with his own desires
how will he survive it bros?
He's not evil so he shouldn't be huirt at all.
>first how did he recollects the energy in the void and that fast
>jiren being affected at all being a good guy
I hate Goku so much for this fucking bit
how did frieza even survive it
He can't keep count because he only has so many fingers.
Later someone will point out that they can use their toes as well.
Actually, Goku gave those universes a fighting chance. Zeno was going to delete them anyway.
He's a hero.
unless you do the rebound it can still hurt someone good right?
Isn't Freeza super resistant to things, he can survive powerful attacks and in space I'm pretty sure, it's how he survived the explosion of Namek.
Reminder that Gohan will defeat The Gran Padre
Spirit Bomb is ultimately a relatively inefficient technique.
Still, you can pump more ki to it than you yourself have, so that's a great skill for anyone who is not Goku.
Zeno and Priest were planning to just delete eight universes right before that moment, Goku came up at a convenient time.
Zeno was probably doing it for a selfish reason, but he did get info on how the universes were doing right beforehand to find out if they went to shit. Most of them were kinda stuck or stagnating.
Who can stop him?
Yep, Frieza at this point is known for tanking crazy shit that should've killed him. He literally survived being sliced in half, left for dead on an exploding planet and floating in the vacuum of space for an extended period of time.
Hugs are nice
How the fuck does the Planet Trade Organization work?
no more frost. sucks
his ability to adapt to new attacks is similar to goku.
Correct. It failed against Vegeta, Freiza and also Buu if you consider the fact that it alone wasn't enough to overpower Buu. It needed Goku's energy to give it an extra boost.
Freeza and his army take over a planet and then sell it or rent it to a bidder, Freeza is mostly a merchant. Also I think planet trade org is a fan name and not official.
Goku should have learned the kikoho. Very effective at pushing back people many times stronger than you
Yet it worked against more people than it failed against. Lord Slug, Android 13, Hatchiyack, and Omega Shenron.
Doesn't it hurt to do it though
and none of those are canon
It uses life energy rather than ki or something, which is why they always tell Tiens not to use it.
Ever since Frieza came back in this arc, he's been all about assessing his opponents and eliminating his weaknesses. Frieza's no longer the eager and on edge in combat, he's much more aloof and balanced.
Just look at how he maintained his composure when Goku visited him in hell, he could've gone full autistic screeching but didn't.
What's your favorite Saiyan form?
>Super Oozaru
>Final Perfect Super Oozaru
>Legendary Oozaru
>Super Saiyan
>False Super Saiyan
>Super Saiyan Power
>Grade 2 Super Saiyan
>Grade 3 Super Saiyan
>Full Power Super Saiyan
>Godly Super Saiyan
>Restricted Super Saiyan
>Ultra Super Saiyan
>Legendary/Berserker Super Saiyan
>Spirit Bomb Super Saiyan
>Final Perfect Super Saiyan
>Super Kaioken
>Super Saiyan 2
>Full Power Super Saiyan 2
>Quake of Fury Super Saiyan 2
>Legendary Super Saiyan 2
>Spirit Bomb Super Saiyan 2
>Super Saiyan 3
>Legendary Super Saiyan 3
>Spirit Bomb Super Saiyan 3
>Super Saiyan 4
>Legendary Super Saiyan 4
>Full Power Super Saiyan 4
>Spirit Bomb Super Saiyan 4
>Golden Super Saiyan 4
>4 Kaioken
>Super Saiyan God
>Saiyan Beyond God
>Super Saiyan Blue
>Blue Kaioken
>Blue Kaioken x10
>Blue Kaioken x20
>Full Power Super Saiyan Blue
>Shenron Mode Super Saiyan Blue
>Super Saiyan Rose
>Super Saiyan Rage
>Spirit Bomb Rage
>Legendary GOD
>Limit Breaker
Jiren has a more pure heart than Goku.
Do you think there were any other big dogs or did King Cold rule the universe? There had to have been a bunch of people just not even noticed right?
>Non canon
What are you even doing?
I always head canon'd that Freeza and his army done most of the work while King Cold handled the business aspects of it but played a big part before handing the reigns to Freeza.
King Cold probably ruled. His empire and Buu fucked up the universe beyond repair
Planets probably paid protection money too. Didn't jaco serve a king? Why hasn't he been murderized yet?
Jaco does serve a king who I think is only the king of the galactic patrol so like an informal king like Freeza being an informal emperor.
>implying the Cold empire did help the universe
If the empire was still around, U7's mortal level would be much higher
I imagine there were some resistance cells around the galaxy but they were probably just focused on skirting by without attracting too much attention rather than toppling the fascist regime
so why didn't grand papi just tell the zen-ohs that erasing universes was wrong and not something they should do without serious thought?
A lack of living things on namek to give energy
freeza's untapped power. Sure he had untapped strength which he could never figure out how to use, but he also had untapped durability which happened to manifest itself anytime freeza came close to dying. He basically had the same durability he has now, minus the insane strength and speed.
Reminder the 1 hour special is jut 44 minutes
I'd fuck a twink Jiren.
>It failed against Vegeta
once spirit bomb hit him, Vegeta had clearly lost and there was nothing he could do about it. he couldn't even pull a frieza and blow the planet up in spite. it took him months in a healing tank to recover from his injuries.
>tfw the two translations give a completely different feel to Grand Priest's line in the last panel of this page
Fuck, I wish I could find the raws for this shit though I'm kind of willing to bet niggerstream's translation is the more accurate one in this case.
If you took of the hair the right design wouldn't even look that terrible, I kinda like it tbqh.
It won't do jack shit to him. Jiren is a hero of justice and not Evil. Genki dama hurts the wicked which he is not.
They have highest human level faggot.
If they bring Cell back it will be a part of some transformation that looks fairly different, they refused to animate him because of the dots of all things.
Though shouldn't Cell be able to achieve Golden form?
golden god blue 4th form great ape kaioken x100
I really want to see a God ki Piccolo
I love DBZ but man does the Saiyan prose get tiring
Is there a drawfriend or photoshoopfriend that can edit a picture to have SSG Red hair and SSJ4 Red fur?
I'm curious as to why no one has drawn something like that before since BoG came out.
>Everyone hates Beerus just because he almost ended the multiverse
Champa likes Beerus
>Golden Ultimate Blue Blanco Full-Power Limit-Breaker Spirit Bomb Beyond God Completed Great Ape Super Perfect 4 Cell
Is that a Spear, the deadliest move in all of wrestling?
next Heroes installment
They sure are.
>Viz says Vermoud's been a GoD for 87,910,715 days
>MS has it at 97,810,715 days
>just because
Beerus please. Stop falling asleep all the time you lazy fuck.
Viz calls him Belmod like Funimation.
Niggerstream does too. I got too used to calling him Vermoud to change now though.
as long as you're not calling him Vermouth it's cool.
Calling him someone by the rootword of the pun is as stupid as calling Raditz Radish or Kakarott Carrot.
Sure but Tien is still kicking around. Gokus plot armor should protect him even more
Vegeta could have still killed Gohan, Krillin, Yajirobe, and Goku. With time he might have gathered up enough strength to seriously damage the planet before flying off.
On its own, the Spirit Bomb has never actually killed anyone. Vegeta outplayed then endured it, Frieza endured it, and Kid Buu halted it in its tracks or even threw it back.
think he's died a few times.
He survived bodying cell so meh
>all of the GoD's dialogue in this page including Beerus's
>gangbang doujinshi never ever
Fuck sake
Eh, I can kinda understand that pet peeve, but at the same time it'd be pretty hypocritical of me to get too anal about that since I call fishgod Gin and not Geen or Geene and have no problem with people that call Beerus Beers.
>Is not up to date with the manga
Huh I thought the more powerful the universe, the more powerful the GoD, but apparently not if they all need to gang up on Beerus.
If the problem is too many universes to keep track of, why not just make 10 more Zenos instead of destroying 10 universes? Then they'd only have to watch one each.
>the more powerful the universe, the more powerful the GoD
No. They are not ranked by power anyway, they are ranked by ningen level which comprises several factors.
They only have two Zenos because they took the one who destroyed Trunkss timeline. You can't make Zenos like this. If they were 10 they would probably destroy everything anyway.
They don't really need to gang up on him, they're just doing it because they all hate his guts.
So, if Sidra had not blocked Beerus's attack. At least Arak and Gin would have been down?
And also because they all think it's his universe's fault that they all got involved in this battle royale mess.
Maybe. The dialogue does seem to imply that.
>that tiny angry cat
It's alright if they hate Beerus because I like Beerus
I like him too. Can't fault them for hating him, though. He did fuck up.