Love Live Sunshine 2nd season soon

What do you want from it?
More Ruby here, either screentime, fanservice or performance focus.

Other urls found in this thread:

See, THIS is allowed. Just no generals.

Ruby is a good girl that needs to be corrupted.

Faggots killed nico thread. Hope y'all die

She needs to be loved.
Sexualizing her is fine, but that doesn't corrupt her, neither is her flaunting her beauty.
The staff didn't do a very good job at giving us good Ruby scenes, but maybe this time around.

Fanservice will always exist. expect muse cameo ;)

a cute chuuni episode about her going to a kid's party and singing to little children!!!

The lewder the series the better.

Less Ruby.
More You that doesn't rely on Chika for everything.
Not copying everything in Original Love Live.

>Less Ruby.
As expected of the tripfag with the worst taste on Sup Forums, Ruby basically was non-existent for 90% of the series, easily the one with the least screentime, and yet you type something like this with your fat fingers.

You's troubled face makes me sad

More ChikaRiko.
Also, it's finally that Friday.

Favorite Raibus?
OG: Nico, Honoka
Sunshine: Chika, Ruby

Muse: Umi, Nozomi
Sunshine: Ruby, Riko and Hanamaru, zura.

Men. Them getting boyfriends.
Kill off the /u/ shipping.

Decent rival group. More Dia. Some RikoYou.
Muse: Umi, Honoka
Aqours: Riko, Dia

µ's: Honk, Umi
Aqours: You, Dia

>Men. Them getting boyfriends.
That would ruin the charm.

Anchan gravure

Here you go, also lick king.

A shota who is their biggest fan.

You shut up this fucking instant.

I want to lick those sweaty armpits.

I'm in love.

Who is then voiced by an oba-chan with the biggest star power out of all of the seiyuu.

I fucking blame that Rikakyo shitters. What an absolute eyesore.
Ruining anime thread with 3DPD shit.

>Dat Kin-Chan King

Nozomi and Mari are best.

>those tall women on the sides
Other than them, and middle girl, they're alright.

You really like oppai, dont't you?

A man of culture.

>nips care more about hamstershit

Cowtits is love.
Cowtits is live.

It's not about cowtits, it's about sexually harassing friends.

Take one proper look at the ranking and you know that's no proper list, idiot.

>What do you want from it?

more riko bullying

Hanayo, You, Riko

>Ruining anime thread with 3DPD shit.
Well, seiyuu threads are a thing on this board, and there's no rule against it as far as I know.

I want Ruby bullying Riko.

but user, love live is about 3dpd shit

Can't wait for more semen demons.

My expectations after season 1 are at rock bottom. I just don't want it to be complete shit

The grip is loosening. There's been a few back to back threads for Love Live.

I give it another month until they give up again on banning General and yes they've tried this before.

µ's: Honoka, Umi
Aqours: Ruby, You

I want Ruby joining Saint Snow for a day.

For a JAV video with 300 men?

LL literally has the most erotic bodies in the history of anime.

Are they going to do the same as with the OG crew?
2 seasons a movie and move on to a new group?

I want more Rubesty :

I just want more Kanan and genuine character development for her, the Kurosawas and You.

Where should they go in the movie this time?

OG: Kotori, Umi
Sunshine: Kanan, Chika

Lot's of 1st year action. They didn't a lot of screen time and need more.

They go to the middle east, finish up what Obama couldn't.

No, to teach backflips to the rest of Aqours.

I love this idea every time you bring it up, user.

S2 is coming in a couple of weeks so the threads should be fine as long as the anime is actually being discussed.

I'm not even the guy that came up with it, I'm just reminding everyone what must be done.

can we all agree that riko is cute?

Kotori, Eli, Hanayo
Hanamaru, Dia, Riko

Aikyan looks scared

Umi and Rin
Ruby and Chika

Kidnap Aiai and Ainya~

Why are their legs so white?
I thought they were wearing pantyhose, but then I looked at their feet (not a footfag I swear) and there's nothing there.

It's probably a mix of lighting and the quality of the scans.


Why are they all so slutty?

I think this is covert slutty, it's like both pure and lewd at the same time

I just want more diaruby

I want more of this ship


I want this ship to happen at least just once

or Shipping

only one can remain

Biggest voiced tits so far?

New game is going to be male self insert.
screenshot this, don't @ me

I prefer both.

They are


all i want now is my meme girl

Nico, Kotori
Ruby, Chika

I gotta ask whether there's someone samefagging here, because last time I checked, neither Ruby or Chika was liked here, or anywhere, and there's a lot of people answering with Ruby or just talking about her.

>Not liked
You mean the shitty trolls that spam lel rat? That's hardly the majority.

Kotori, Umi
You, Dia

µ's: Umi, Honoka
Aqours: Yohane, Riko, Chika

Regarding Chika, much like Kanan and You hate, those are just shitposters.
As for Ruby, she is barely been featured so far in the series so she is quite an easy target, hope that will change after s2

Me and you both.
Ruby has probably the cutest design in the franchise, and red hair is very pretty, and an unusually good combination with her pink theme.

Who will suddenly need to go abroad this season? bets on yoshiko.

Plus Fururin is based.

Oh yeah, that too.
Though I'm not paying very close attention to their seiyuus, like many do.

I like Ruby a lot and there's nothing contrarian about it. I find her really cute and like her attitude towards her friends, Dia, and the rest of the group. I just hope S2 doesn't shaft her like S1 did.

What a pretty bomber head.

I love Chika myself. There's always been a lot of Ruby fans on Sup Forums, although I'm not sure if there were this many Ruby fans on Sup Forums before now.

chika is more popular than honoka if you compare the two with their respective groups

ruby is just trash
which is a shame because aiai is a funny person with a great voice

>ruby is just trash
Lelouch you can fuck off any time.

find something else to do

>he doesn't like very cute rikyako pics posting

Might as well bring up MLP too, while you're at it.

I don't want to watch Sunshine until the whole series is finished. Hard to resist the temptation, though.

Just watch it, it's not like a chill SoL that's only enjoyable when bingeing.

I want to do tender love to her while Dia watches

I was literally you for a whole year but in the end I gave up, right now I'm on 12th episode. Got to get ready for that weekly S2 and potential heartbreak at the end.