>JC Staff
JC Staff
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I miss good old hentai
Why do people hate JC Staff
It turns out the studio isn't comprised completely of JCs. That kind of dishonesty deserves hate.
Because they've made a handful of good SoL, but other than that they've consistently been shit for about a decade. They also monopolized shitty tsundere LNshit. They aren't even close to being the right studio for OPM unless by some miracle the entire staff returns as freelancers. The only people who pretend they're good are Raildexfags, and they barely qualify as people.
Queen Bee
I can't be mad at the studio that made Flying Witch.
>I recognized that
It's been so many years, how the fuck
t. user who hasn't seen the quality of Railgun S and Endymion
Stay assblasted that one joke man is getting the B team.
what if the original staffs who made Flying Witch no longer work there?
JC Staff is fucking based
anyone that says they don't like it is a shit taste idiot
>Studio Deen
>Raildexfags, and they barely qualify as people.
ITT: OPMfags getting salty. One Fad Man is already over, get BTFO so gtfo.
>being this salty you guys lost madhouse
at least you have an S2, the KFfags are absolutely flipping their shit over this, kind of impressive actually.
And there's the Raildexfag on cue. I saw both seasons of Railgun, it was average with two good episode. Your series is shit.
>Dumb Raildexfag who thinks everyone is a shit eating retard like in his general
>Being this salty a studio who hasn't been able to do anything other than SoL for longer than most of the kids here have even been watching anime is now in charge of an action heavy series that was a passion project full of cuts done by talented industry veterans
No you're right, it's just good that we're getting more, quality aside. Just like LoGH.
>not liking Raildex and Kill Me Baby
>Muh OPM changed studio
>Must hate on the studio because muh Madhouse is best
Typical OPMfag who thinks OPM is even good.
Don't compare KMB to Raildex. KMB deserves better than that.
Surely not. It was only last year.
>Dumb Raildexbabby literally can't read
Stick to your trash LN threads.
this next season if its following the murata manga instead of the ONE webcomic is basically fillershit anyways, at least its not gonna completely fuck the MA arc which is in my opinion the high point of OPM. besides i'm gonna watch LOGH as well anyways, take shit in stride m8 it could be worse and we hear absolutely fuck all or we get stuck with DEENshit or Toeishit.
i deserves jailtime
Too soon.
I remember this, faps were had
>animeonlyfag trying so hard to be "edgy"
They're the comfort food of anime, not groundbreaking, but hardly terrible.
Even so, there are exceptions, Flying Witch was a masterpiece.
>Dumb Raildexfag can't even shitpost contently
I couldn't be surprised, most trash LN threads are filled with underage ESLfags.
what is this?
everytime someone posts their work I feel worse.
It's not bad but it's very basic stuff with no exaggeration
It's a fucking travesty that people are now going to be shitting on JC even more than usual for the next few years. Blame Shingo Natsume for fucking off and taking his industry contacts with him, don't blame the underpaid slaves drawing the in-betweens.
>calls Raildex shit while watching OPM
What did he mean by this?
>Passion project action gag series with big name seiyuu and sakuga all over the place, complete with a JAM Project OP
>LN garbage for underage retards
You're right, keep pretending you're not the idiot.
>Royal Space Force sequel
I'll believe the miracle when I see it. They already fucked up the Gunbuster and Eva sequels.
Fucking retards.
They animated Raildex, Shokugeki no Soma, Prison School.
They are a top tier studio.
The butthurt posters are One Shit Man fanboys whining MUH Bones Studio, as if the tournament wasn't a terrible filler arc.
>muh sakuga
It had two good scenes and the rest was forgettable. If you want to talk passion go look up Atsushi Abe or any of the other people who contributed to the series, including the author. You can keep crying those bitch tears in the meantime.
Dude, OPM is the definition of a passion project. The director basically called in everyone he's ever worked with to do cuts for it, along with a lot of fresh talent. Abe's a cool dude but the argument you're having is pointless.
>JC Staff
Naruto confirmed best anime
>Shiteating underage ESL Raildexfags are literally this fucking stupid and ignorant about anime
Keep pretending JC Staff is a great studio and Railgun was anything special because of the sisters arc.
No stakes in your dumb argument, but you're also ignorant as shit about anime production.
Yuuwaku. Beware though, one of the girls is fucked by some ugly as sin fat bastard.
Point out something I said that actually indicates I don't know what I'm talking about. No baseless extrapolations, but something concrete so you don't look like a retarded talking out of your ass trying to appear like the neutral and knowledgeable third party.
>You should hate what I hate
>Talks about underage shit when you yourself acts immature
One Fad Man was already done. You got BTFO now you rage so hard about JC Staff because "muh OPM".
I swear, OPMfags are one of the most annoying fanbase, especially these animeonlyfags like you are.
>Underage ESLfag still shitposting like a retarded
Enjoy your garbage anime and garbage LN.
>Keep pretending JC Staff is a great studio
Please go ahead and justify this statement.
I'm not 100% sure that is you, so I apologise if it isn't but:
>They also monopolized shitty tsundere LNshit
They were paid to adapt several LNs featuring a popular character archetype at the time.This is a bad thing somehow.
>unless by some miracle the entire staff returns as freelancers
This is all on Natsume, if he was directing at JC a lot would return. It's not like JC doesn't hire freelancers (Off the top of my head, Sushio and Megumi Kouno did some cuts for the second season of Index), but I don't think they'll have the draw with a no-name director unless Natsume is producing or something.
Just for the record, I agree that the second season is going to be a step down in quality. Blame the production committee or Natsume.
JC Staff is one of the most hit or miss studios that exists. This isn't the JC Staff that made Utena, this is the JC Staff that makes good SoL and comedy, which I said, and can't do much else. They went through a period of adapting shitty LNs, getting contacted to do those aside, their adaptations weren't anything special. A good studio can still do something nice with mediocre source material, but they didn't. No impressive animation, shot composition, music or sound direction. They put a near no name director on this series, and the sound director is outright bad. But please, go ahead and explain how they're not a bad studio outside of the one or two genres they can handle, neither of which include the type of series OPM is.
It probably could have been. I mean, it's sort of shit from the first episode, but it could have been.
Mob Psycho was far better anyway, so who cares?
>This isn't the JC Staff that made Utena
I think, again, you're underselling the impact of the director and overselling the impact of the studio.
>They put a near no name director on this series
This is partially on the production committee. I'm not going to pretend that I understand who exactly made the decision and whether they had the option of putting one of the more accomplished directors that JC has worked with in the past on it. I concede this could well be a fuck up entirely on JC's part.
>explain how they're not a bad studio
The point I'm trying to get to is that their output is much more dependent on the director and staff than it is on the actual studio. I stand by the idea that they could've made something very similar in quality to OPM S1 if they had been given Natsume to work with rather than having to use someone in-house.
>I think, again, you're underselling the impact of the director and overselling the impact of the studio.
Who do you think chooses the director? Where do you think most of the key animators are going to come from? Who do you think picks the composer, new VAs and person handling screenplay and storyboards?
>I concede this could well be a fuck up entirely on JC's part.
There you go.
>if they had been given Natsume to work with rather than having to use someone in-house.
They aren't Madhouse, they aren't even 3hz, they have their own in house staff that they use on projects, and their current lineup really can't do anything outside of SoL and comedy, and maybe drama, and even then they're hit or miss.
Cum on now
Why are people mentioning Flying Witch when the only thing that wasn't off-model all the time was the backgrounds? Drawing samefaces shouldn't be that hard, right?
So this is what puberty is like for girls.
>The only people who pretend they're good are Raildexfags, and they barely qualify as people.
Raildexfags all seem to hate that JC staff got the rights to index.
Stop spreading lies. We actually want JC Staff to do it because we know it's in good hands
>he hasn't watch J.C. Staff's latest comedic masterpiece this season
>OPMfags mad that it was confirmed they got the B Team with a literal who director
It's a complete bad timing for you guys.
Implying JC has an A team
Their a team is making Index
Fate/Stay mad
>Raildexfags think they even have an A team for action series
Just watch shana seasom 2 and read the novel
>he didn't watch railgun s
>He thinks anything other than that one bridge scene was worth anything
>he hasn't watched endymion
>he hasn't watched index II
>Raildexbabby is still going and pretending his series isn't shit
It's garbage studio
>unless by some miracle the entire staff returns as freelancers
You mean pretty much like OPM season 1?
Your series is garbage Raildexfag
And what was the spark that lit the fire and brought them all together for season 1? I'll give you a hint: It wasn't the director that JC Staff appointed for season 2.
Your series isn't worth shit for madhouse to bother
Enjoy your LN trash.
>He doesn't know how studio works
And those adaptations were shit you retard.
>They animated Raildex, Shokugeki no Soma, Prison School.
>Top tier
>Who do you think chooses the director?
The production committee, with some consideration from the studio. If the studio chose, they would probably end up using in-house directors more often than not, which JC doesn't always do. I'm not really up on Utena's production history, but a quick google shows me that Ikuhara and the mangaka were both part of the production committee, so they probably chose JC rather than the other way around.
>Where do you think most of the key animators are going to come from?
On OPM, they came from Shingo Natsume's phone book. A lot were freelance, some associated with other studios.
>Who do you think picks the composer, new VAs and person handling screenplay and storyboards?
A combination of the director, the casting director and the production committee.
>They aren't Madhouse
What do you actually mean by this? What aspect of Madhouse made OPM better than it would've been somewhere else?
>they have their own in house staff that they use on projects
They don't always use in-house staff and they do hire freelance animators like literally every studio.
Yeah but people think Madhouse brought these people in.
The threads shouldn't be "Season 2 is going to be shit because it is JC staff and not Madhouse" they should be "Season 2 is going to be shit because no Shingo"
>The production committee, with some consideration from the studio.
Do you think the "production committee" is some group of people in suits that aren't part of the studio at all that makes every decision and absolves the studio of any responsibility or decision making?
>They don't always use in-house staff and they do hire freelance animators like literally every studio.
No one cares about in-betweeners. Stop being stupid because you want to pretend you made a point. At this point you're basically pretending that Madhouse had nothing to do with hiring the director that literally made the project possible, and everything is decided by an invisible shadow committee.
>82 post
>42 ips
>Raildex, Shokugeki no Soma, Prison School
>top tier
>people can only post once, not twice
They ruined the best Key novel.
Prison school was a great adaptation
What the fuck
They recreated every single scene
>Hitler was bad meme
Sauce please
You can really tell she's in love, so sweet.
>Do you think the "production committee" is some group of people in suits that aren't part of the studio at all that makes every decision and absolves the studio of any responsibility or decision making?
It really depends on the show. It's generally people representing the companies funding the show. As I mentioned in the post you responded to, Utena's production committee included the director and the mangaka. For original shows, the production committee will include the studio that wants to produce the work and any investors they manage to attract with their concept. For LN adaptations, they're generally associated with the LN's publisher or an associated production house (Dengeki and Straight Edge, for example). The level to which the studio is involved changes on a case-by-case basis.
>No one cares about in-betweeners.
I'm not even sure what you're talking about here. Do you think that JC doesn't hire freelance key animators? I mentioned Sushio and Megumi Kouno before and it looks like they even hired Shingo Natsume himself for key animation on the first season of ZnT.
>At this point you're basically pretending that Madhouse had nothing to do with hiring the director
I didn't say that, I'm saying the quality of the production isn't reliant on it being animated at Madhouse. I don't know if they had anything to do with hiring the director and I don't think it's relevant. There's nothing stopping Natsume from directing at JC, so either he doesn't want to do it or he wasn't asked to return. I don't know whether that was JC's call.