Why was she the worst character?
Why was she the worst character?
she's an idiot
She was easily my favorite girl in that show.
Everyone else is basically "old hag", but obviously the target audience of the show comes from people who prefer them mature girls.
There will never be another School Rumble. You are grown up and not in school anymore.
That's not very nice.
But she's so one note
Dorky cuteness can't be too one note.
Eri was worse
Because you watched the dub.
I'm a hundred percent sure of it.
I claims Sawachika Ojousama with my dubs!
If she was like Aho girl, the serie would improve a lot
I've only watched it subbed and I didn't really care about her.
She gets ditched to the side pretty soon, and usually doesn't have service shot when everyone else does, while Eri was shilled much more than anyone else.
Was obvious pretty soon how it's gonna play out, Yakumo was the only other contender.
I still liked Tenma the most.
Aho Girl currently proves that idiots can be good characters. Tenma just didn't have much character. A little bit more than her lover
You shut that whore mouth of yours, Yakumo.
She did too.
In fact she was the least archetypical girl in the cast.
Everyone else, even the side characters got development and she got none
Dropped this show roughly half way in the first season while it was airing but I still remember Tenma being my second favorite character (my first was Sara), so I will politely ask all of you haters to eat it.
She still had great scenes. There is some great comedy with her misunderstandings with Harima.
That wasn't really her fault.
But as far as her character goes, she was very lovely.
The author just didn't care about her so yeah, she stayed more or less where she began.
>Complete airhead in love with a retard getting pursued by a guy she doesnt deserve.
This show was some good rage fuel
No. she's annoying, but this NTR-ing bitch right here is the worst.
I'd say back then tsundere and kuudere were all the rage and hotness as most people were pretty new, not to mention how out of standard a cute idiot like Tenma is for new western fans.
Add the fact that the dubs are horrible when it comes to imitating cutesy voices, and there we have why most people hated Tenma back then.
There weren't any bad characters but if I had to choose a least favorite it would be Akira. Her gimmick didn't really do much for me.
Looks bad when compared against her vastly superior younger sister.
Mamiko Noto is sex for your ears.
I didn't like mature girls with sharp chin even back then.
Tenma was just endearing cutie, and her voice was surprisingly rich in range.
I really appreciated that it was a love triangle between a badass biker thug in love with a short goofy dumb girl who's in love with an austismo no one likes
It was pretty refreshing, not standard at all
Yeah, if it was made today it'd a tough guy (but not a thug) in love with some big boobed easily embarrassed chick who's in love with some spoilt pretty boy
I just wanted harima to get both eri and yakumo. Is that too much to ask?
Tenma > Yakumo