Are trucks the only thing that could stop an angry loli?

Are trucks the only thing that could stop an angry loli?

Nah, Trucks need to catch them unaware to stand a chance

A cold could be as devastating.

headpats, maybe

A timeout.

The Cock

Headpats and forehead kisses

>Now read in reverse

>Are trucks the only thing that could stop an angry loli?

No, but kicking in the air works

I want an angry loli to hug me REALLY hard trying to hurt me.

Forceful impregnation is also valid for stopping her.



I guess that stopes them to

Why do loli threads keep getting nuked?

I'm going to pretend that it's a cute bunny and she'll pet it.

Faggot mods, if you've ever attempted to talk with them on IRC you'd know how bad their egos are.

You have 16 of these?

Loli haet birb

headpats work too.

Yoshi yoshi

>if you've ever attempted to talk with them on IRC
Now why would I go and do something like that?

Because you got B&

nothing beats the cock man

not the cock

are futalolis the strongest?