
Being gay is absolutely normal and even celebrated thing at Finland. How normal being gay is in your contry?

Gays are not just some dirty perverts.

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Yah they are, or else they wouldn’t be gay

Being gay in unnatural, whether they are respectable about it or not.

GTFO off my board you STD riddled child raping faggot.

Being gay is gay.

Come to our pride parade this year, it's going to be international, supported by the EU. I cant wait to join in on the egg throwing again.

Gay animals exist. Being gay is literally more natural than driving a car or using a computer.

>appeals to nature
Hardly an argument, given that mankind's departure from nature concerns almost every aspect of civilization.

Do you think the animals know that they are gay? If you do then you are right to consider yourselves animals, for they are only interested in fulfilling their body’s needs

>std riddled
I'm a virgin and wouldn't have sex with anyone whom I'm not romantically involved with. A single partner would suffice, ideally.
>child raping
Objectively false and unsourced

How do you explain a fact that I am gay and absolutely natural. This was God`s plan.

Then being straight means being dirty pervert too.

No STDs here.

kisses u

>fulfilling their bodily needs
Being gay doesn't pertain to lust alone. There is an equally significant romantic component to homosexuality, which is more often than not willfully ignored. I am incapable of feeling any romantic connection towards women, which is why I could only have emotionally fulfilling relationships with other men.

we kill gays here , it is a national sport

Being gay isn't normal, OP. We are not normal. There is nothing to be prideful about. We are the minority, and our community are some of the most cancerous pieces of human garbage in all of society. The only reason I don't advocate for people to murder us, is because the bigger threat is and always will be, Jews and Muslims.
Faggots also fall for Jewish bullshit more than anyone else. Even women don't fall for their bullshit as equally.

On a side note, I am desperately in love with a family friend who is significantly older than me. And have been ever since I was 12. No, I was not molested or any other stupid shit. I hate myself and think it's disgusting.

Millon näitä aletaan taas sähköttää?

Pride day should be a national holiday. We need also more education in schools so young kids learn this is normal.

I've been to Lithuania plenty of times, didn't face any problems. You are unironically the most beta nation I've ever encountered, with the overwhelming majority of your males being effeminate ugly soyboys.

So many faggots in this thread only, this board is fucked.

shillfag detected!

If one should take upon himself the identity of 'gay' he should know he is in great company. As it turns out the whole of the gay movement was started by pedophile rabbis.

Enjoy your (((AIDS)))

really ?
which city have you been

Why would you celebrate being gay? You wouldn't celebrate someone being heterosexual, so why make such a big fucking deal out of being gay? Simply who cares?

You losers are blowing this way out of proportion. And you wonder why people look at you with disgust.

Vilnius, mostly, though I also spent some days in Kaunas and Klaipeda.

Nah friend the fact that you are gay show that there is sin in this world and gayness is just one of the by products, just like everyone else, everyone is born with sin and everyone can be saved from their reprobate mind if they are willing, you know not God’s plan for your know not God

death by firing squad

>know they are gay
What does that even mean? Animals have no means of knowing that lusting after the same sex is a minority sexual orientation in most (all?) species, if that's what you're asking.
>consider yourselves animals
Humans are an animal species.
>fulfilling the body's needs is wrong!
Yeah let's starve to death together for a practical demonstration, you first

>brutalized as a child - Study: Homosexuality Linked with Childhood Trauma

that shithole is loaded with poles , they even have their political party there , i agree they are soyboys

My dog humps the cat. From that follow logically parades with the leader using chinchillas as pom-poms and getting sucked off by a sedated weasel.

the flag

So then why do you feel the need to have sex with them? I love my brother and my best friends, who are men, who I would die for and I have no lust towards them whatsoever neither do I have an urge to sleep with them

No kidding. We need to educate our children at a very young age the homosexuality is normal.

Your flag almost looks like gay pride flag. So I dont believe you.

Why would you electrocute me?

I am not an animal.

Being "fag" is normal.

I’m proud of my flag.



dont worry poo
i bet Sup Forums will start another /mlpol/ shit these faggots will be history

Shill harder, it isn't convincing.

Unnatural, unhealthy, and unhinged.
Biology says it, science says it, nature says it, even religious fanatics say it.
The fact that fudge packers like you come to places you're not welcome proves you have a mental disorder and just BEGGING for attention and acceptance. Your kind is nothing but a product of the Jewish, degenerate mass media.

>being gay is animal rape


You are falsely assuming that humping is all there is to homosexuality.

lol our capital is full of shit m8

You leafs really are faggots

Oh you're not even finnish.
Faggots are weak liberals who are useless, please fuck off from my country.

that is xenophobic , you bigot

Do you not feel non-sexuals things for your gf that you do not feel for your male best friends?

>not just some dirty
>Literally sticks dick into feces

Eikö teitä taantumuksellisia löylytetty riittävästi sotaoikeudenkäynneissä 1946?

>“For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”
Romans 1:26-32

doesnt the phrase "Gays are not just some dirty perverts" implies that, not only they really are dirty perverts, but there is more to it than that? or is my english faulty? so you confess you are a dirty pervert op? was it intentional? get out of here fag

Let me guess you live inside circle 3, vote green, smoke weed and sell boipussi to immigrants.

I like jews and they are normal people just like us. Jews are wise. Science and biology says being gay is natural. Gays are needed as leaders. Straight men go crazy when they see pussy but gay men can resist that.

We're different from animals. A dog returns to its vomit. Normal people don't do abnormal things.

Gayness isn't normal

>Reducto ad absurdum from the faggot
Homosexuality is not naturally sustaining it is a death sentence for your genes

>"I just realized I was gay one day and really wanted a man to tear my anus up it's perfectly natural to want a penis in my poop chute ANIMALS DO IT SO IT'S FINE MR SHEKELBERG SAID SO "

Surrogacy is a valid option, thankfully.

No but there’s nothing wrong being a faggot.


Define normal. Elaborate on how homosexuality is in any way harmful.

The argument literally was "being gay is wrong because it's unnatural". Turns out that it is, in fact, natural.
>muh goalposts are flexible tho


Except for the unusual high rates of STD's and high percent of pedophiles that are gay...So other than being kid fuckers, there is nothing wrong with dicking some one where they shit...wait that's fucking gross too.


>dicking some one where they shit
25-30% of homosexuals only practice oral.

I definitely don't think it's fine, or normal.
But I don't understand the "I just realized I was gay one day" part. I realized I was when I was 11-12 and when all the other guys I knew were talking about boobs, I just didn't care about it. I'd say it's pretty normal to realize when you're going through puberty and realize you don't fully care for women the way you should. Or start dreaming about men instead.
I also don't like dick in my ass. Some faggots don't.

Gays are just fetichists that cant control themselves and use their sexuality as a culture shield and for nepotism

All beta males in the wild are bottoms that get raped. That's why faggots like OP and his jidf shills get out into "alternative lifestyle" units in prison because the inmates fuck, then kill them.
We'd be doing them a favor by just killing them off.

Being gay is ""normal"" in Canada but so is being a Muslim, Jew, retard, Aboriginal, feminist, fat dyke, etc.

There's nothing to celebrate here.

>a man butt fucking another man
>not dirty perverts

Wew lad.

>Gays are not just some dirty perverts.
Too many of them are.
There are some dignified, conservative gays, but they are rare.
Stop expecting us to respect hedonism, narcissism and exhibitionism.

Most people on the Right wouldn't have a problem with you if you could act with a little dignity and restraint.

It’s natural as in it’s in the possibilities of the natural world just as murder is. Murder is natural wouldn’t you say? It’s found in every party of nature, it’s something naturally occuring in every mammal society. But for people who are morally bankrupt and do not have a conscious they don’t think about the correlation between societal collapse and degenerate behavior nor do they care.

>Elaborate on how homosexuality is in any way harmful.
FYE Aids' original name "Gay-related immune deficiency"

Being a homo is a death style, not a life style.
The only reason why I'm so against it is because I believe degeneracy leads to more degeneracy.

Trannies wouldn't be a problem if the gays stayed in their closets. It's just a hybrid of homosexuality that is now be peddled to kids and
Homo's celebrate now that they can get their "boi pu-"*(I can't say it) from boys pretending to be girls. Stop ruining society

Bible passages mean little to me, given that I am an agnostic, but know that I hold tremendous respect for Christianity and its morals regardless. If there is one group of denominations I despise however, that'd most certainly be Evangelical subhumans.

Catholics are fairly sane, as are the Copts, the Lutherans and the Quakers. Evangelicals however are irreconcilably attrocious.

Shekelberg has nothing to do with this

What? You're not even going to blame the Jews? Get off of Sup Forums bud.

Only for promiscuous degenerates. The only thing wrong with AIDS is that it doesn't kill those decadent enough to acquire it quickly.

>death style
I only wish to have a single partner with whom I may spend my life. I hate promiscuity as much as most sane individuals.

You're right. It's sad we need to celebrate something which should be normal. So until we teach our children at a very young age that homosexuality is normal, we will unfortunately need these pride parades.

Another goodie is
>If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

If its normal then why celebrate it? Check mate

>The Leafpost

I thought the whole "leaf" thing was unwarranted but your comment certainly brings it into perspective.

You're not fooling anyone. The fact that you need to recruit through molestation proves you need to be dealt with.

Sounds like you're not sexually confident enough to accept homosexuality. When you look at an erect penis, do you want to suck it?

The new testament does condemn homosexuality, so you have the liberty to pick valid passages from Romans. Leviticus however is as of Jesus' arrival redundant.

if its a sin to be gay then how come priests enjoy raping little boys so much?

Gays are just some dirty perverts.

Don't feed the troll.

Typical Communist non-argument. Communist talking points are awfully predictable and Reddit-tier. Obnoxiously trashy.

Molestation is wrong no matter if you're straight or homosex.
You needed better education. That's all.

>there's nothing wrong with being mentally ill
By your logic, there's nothing wrong with being a pedophile, since they were born pedophiles and is not a choice, right?

In Finland having AIDS is normal and you get free medication. With medication you live normal life.

Homosexuality should and is never gonna be considered normal you bunch of petulant children

It's not an issue of education, I went to the same liberal Marxist fag-enabling public education system as you did.

I just know better because I was raised to be a man by a traditional marriage mother and father.

> around my family
>feeds the queer lead

Having AIDS implies sex with strangers and an overall promiscuous lifestyle. I have no pity for such people.

I can see why you think that but I'm not trolling. Just expressing my genuine opinion. Free speech isn't only for things you agree with.

If I would see a group of gays being killed in front of me, I wouldnt help them, just ignore it.

Faggot parades show exactly what kind of degeneracy and unnatural shit goes on in faggot community.
People can't look at them and think that's somehow fine.
It's not, it's sick.
They want to groom children for their sick games.
All had some kind of experience during childhood or teens when some old faggot seduced them as this old faggot had also.
Line have to draw at some point and start gassing the ones on the wrong side.

OP is person on the right