People are replacing white actors with black people on movie posters for a very importantreason
>"If you’re surprised, it means you don’t see enough black people in major roles." We're supporting Legally Black's campaign for better black representation in the media.
Harry Nigger and the kang of Azkaban
Hopefully this makes people ask themselves why it looks so weird. In a fair society this wouldn’t seem so strange, just normal.
1500 Niggers drowning
You could replace the original actors with different whites and it'd surprise people who saw it
But going from white to white just wouldn't be as easy to notice at a glance as white to black
"expectro nigrorum!"
that's how you turn shit into watermelons
>look up the guy that created the campaign
>he's jewish
Hermione looks like a typical sheeboon with a box cutter. Potter has eyeglasses with no glass. The scene looks like a stickup. It doesn't work.
>very importantreason
>replacing white characters with black ones
>"authentic black narratives"
>for a very important reason
Since when are egotism and narcissism important?
According to the 2011 census, 3.01% of the UK population is black. Yet judging from our television programmes and other media propaganda you'd be forgiven for thinking we had the same demography as Zimbabwe.
when will the movie companies sue?
oh wait
This only made me realize how ugly africans are desu
Pic very related.
Look up Amelia Viney on Facebook she was the OP of these. Seriously brace yourself as her entire newsfeed is cancer.
its a jew funded organization
Niggers always cry about equality, but only so that they can force there way into positions and turn aroudn and descriminate against you.
All this liberal "all races of the world should come together and be at peace" is literally designed to make you let your guard down. It's domination and surrender without a fight.
However it must be noted that all nigger movements are puppeted/started by the Jews to attack and displace whites.
>its a jew funded organization
Why the yellow faces? Asians are on our side.
Yeah, if anything blacks are completly overrepresented in uk media. Not so chinks or indus. But who cares for those right?
whats the end game? should they be saying this to hollywood producers? wtf am i going to do about not enough black people in movies?
I have no words
Pic related.
What level of autism is this?
Sup Forums. Not. Wrong. Once!
Looks like a CARGO CULT:
Making fake movie posters rather than actual movies kek.
Fuck me, if they ever ruin the inbetweeners it probably marks the end of cinema itself.
Until the (((Hollywood))) box office receipts start dropping.
lmao the naruto run
Good idea. One step closer to racewar.
Titanic II: Electric Ooga Boo
Cause they have no talent to create stuff of their own and stealing is in their nature ?
>put nignogs on posters
>end up reinforcing how hideous they are
seriously. please do more (((activists))).
do you have the sauce?
But blacks are only 2% of the population here
Yea do copy everything whites created and make it your own. Niggers will be niggers.
This is something to legit expect in the near future anyway.
Funniest thing I've read in a while.
It’s a London thing. We need to cut that city off like a gangrenous limb.
>Film about thousands of niggers drowning because they can't swim and their boat crashed
Okay wait we need to make this movie.
oh am i laffin
Doctor D'wwho
Where do we evacuate the capital to? I vote for wales to piss off the Scottish nationalists
It’s not Hollywood’s fault blacks can’t read scripts
I vote the Falklands. That could do with some cultural enrichment. The results could be filmed for our entertainment.
Cardiff is over run by muslims...
The movies even funnier, my man. They all sink like stones because none of them can swim.
already happened with the assitant
I dont want more niggers in my movies.
Fuck off faggots.
Yea then we give the argies the island, after its been filled with all the undesireables.
This. And Jack really does steal the heart of the ocean.
I like your thinking user
2% ¿¿¿ I can tell its nearer to 10% - Then add 15% Arab... 10% indian plus others.
Whites are ageing and not having white children.. tick tock tick tock.
Why do blacks complain all the time?
They'll make these movie posters to virtue signal, but they won't actually make the movies.
Exactly. I'd be surprised to see anybody who isn't Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter
Since they seem to want this so much, how about we form a black only company called Niggerflix, I am sure they will be a dependable market group.
Deadlier than chemical warfare! Altho argies aint white anyway so they may be immune.
I don't have many of these but postin' my whitewashed posters
Kek, post them on Instagram in direct response to their posters. Really stir their shit up.
Sheeiit. can I get one with this movie?
it would really help their campaign if they picked black actors not ungly ass people who might claim to be actors but just going to be on benefits their entire life and entire self worth is based around blaming the lack of work on the color of skin.
so sad.
Wait so they didn’t pay and this is actually vandalism?
I approve of this idea. I don't into social media though.
>comparing fictional characters with historical figures
The shaft one is excellent but step up your game on the others
I would unironically, give this a watch.
My fucking sides
Green mile.... invert the characters please.
Top notch Kek
This guy gets it
Imagine the reaction to an all-black Schindler's List.
Since white people will fall out of existence in the next 100 years or so, its only natural for the future niggers to learn how they created it all.
Stop watching that shit, problem solved.