Raut/pol/ & AfD General - Anime Edition



>News in german

>Full debate: What do we need ARD and ZDF for?

>#120db women's movement against migrant violence protest on a concert

>State propaganda
>Bundestag talking about Antifa blocking saturday's women's march

>English language analysis
>Turkish getting butthurt by Poggenburg (AfD) bant

>Get active

>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)
>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)

>Meme Collections
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

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gib animu tidders pls

Can't even spell "kraut".

The state of 02 fags.

Sütterlinanon providing Thread Theme

ughh i fucked up on copying the title

this. this OP sucked the most dicks so far in weeks. Anyway, what do ya say about dat?

bump but this op image tho...

Bayern sollte sich endlich abspalten.

Dann gründen wir eine Alpenrepublik, erobern slowenien zwecks meerzugang und dann werden wir die welt beherrschen und den ganzen tag bier trinken.

>but this op image tho...
whats wrong

Your waifu's tidders may appear like gazonkers.
But she still 2D 'n flat.

Nicht alles was alles was glänzt ist Gold, dein Anime ist trash.

How do we bring fascism close to the youth?
And how do we bring Prussia back to life?

Dear Krauts, when will you get rid of "das Merkel"?

Why dont you jusrt namefag? Would be easier than stating it in every post.

I think its bringing itself to life now.

wait more, when even more people dont have anything to lose. we will strike

why not second holy roman empire?


how does he know that the polls were already set. need more info about this. but ofc it seems true since 66% was the result. very concerning.

Nothing unexpected. Could be a good guess tho. Will only destabilise the SPD further


And we have protestant franks in germany, cant be holy with them in it

mohammed why are you so fucking assblasted today??

meh, forgot this is an anime board

happier now?

>Kraut/pol/ has shit tier taste in chinese cartoons
Dosent surprise me at all

oes this faggot have anything tangible?


The pasta is about Britain, friendo

than make we have to make them gadholig again

people dislike "namefagging" more than me showing my dedication by saying it every now and then.
I come here and get disrespected by some ironic anime-posting autists that don't want to talk about politics and complain how that has been done a thousand times.
Macht mich wirklich nachdenken wieso die dann auf Sup Forums rumhängen. schließlich will mann Sup Forums auch nicht auf /his/ sehen oder gar in /vg/

Well done


Not while the pope is a globalist commie

Tja die üblichen Pfeifen halt. Denen ist langweilig

Jeez. I wonder how long until she croaks.

Intelligent germans were purged long time ago. Abandon all hope and get realistic: your country is dead.

there is currently no pope the chair is vacant since the second vatican council
we need to elect a holy roman emperor by the power of the ramaining kurfürsten
so he can call in a council to reinstate the holy successive churche and ignate the holy flame of christ again

>billy herrington dead
>GroKo enabled
worst weekend senpai

Kraut/pol/ is dead


intelligent french were purged even longer ago, remember the revolution cut off your elite head by head all good frankish blood is spille din france no going back from being eternal gaul now

Not bad


>This probably comes from claiming intelectual superiority for decades
absolutely, the corruption of the effortlessly claimed superiority

>concern shilling

Not that I knew of. You could try to research it, I may be leaving my PC in a while

only raut/pol/ now.
and then it will become r/pol/ and then all will become dark.

post ur best mutt meme

D in the franxx is the worst show this season. Also destiny is always right.

Τhey are kind of autistic desu. They believe that saying: Im much smarter than you, therefore i should rule! Will convince anybody. Especially when they clearly follow only their own interest

Sup Forums it is. I don't mind you namefagging, neither did I with based Ösi. I stopped because I felt like it.



Its actually my OC
That was a year ago or so that someone vehemently called me out on Namefagging, so i stopped having that up.

and did you recognize the 'haltung zeigen' meme appearing on comment sections?
> being this explicit with it
i'll be damned if it wasn't a deliberate push from somwhere
ironically, it is a transcription from the anglo 'virtue signalling' and is supposed to have an easily assumable 'positive' meaning


>Its actually my OC
noice if true, i almost died of laughter when i saw it.

This one's good too, not mine though.

el gringo has shit taste, of fucking course.

yes, but they are not nearly as much called out on this shit.
it is so brazenly grandiose that many sad cases think that it can't be that stupid and there must be something valid to it

use this one against every mutt

30% more cash for 20% less spare time fuck that shit

u forgot
>be 78 % more likely to die in infancy
>be 6 times more likely to have AIDS
>5.6 times more likely to be murdered


Thats caused by africans tho

>EU flag

I wish they included US states. I live in Massachusetts.


even if u exclude black people, white people per capita still commit much more crimes than the rest of of european countries

It was made by a weeb...


Plus that's just an average highly boosted by the elites.

If you're not part of the most wealthy 0.1% you would actually make less.

6x more likely to have HIV/AIDS
Top kek, my man.

I just threw this together, but its only funny to people who know the reference, so that circles in the one's who are going to use this one.
>"Use this against every Mutt"
No, man. I am not angry at americans, i don't have a vindictive thing going with them, the only thing i don't appreciate about americans is their average cultural shallow cosmopolitan lifestyle, them shitposting about the "huwite" race, because they don't have a localized place of belonging anymore from which they can say "i hail from there" and taunt us with every small thing, but when it came to posting amerigoblins, they threw a shitfit and called us FBI Shills, shat their pants and cried.
Atop of which, americans like to think they invented so much when they invented so little and most of their day-to-day living is to thank of the brit, the german and maybe the french.

Look how they have a whole chapter dedicated to EU in their coalition contract. We'll definitely see them trying to transfer more and more souveranity to Brussels for their wet dream, the EUdSSR superstate. Also they'll go for an Einwanderungsgesetz shilling it as limiting immigration while it actually does the opposite.
In short: The snakes in Berlin will try to create as much vollendete Tatsachen as possible. We need to stay on guard and expose wherever possible and wage meme war like they never seen before. It'll be a wild ride, lads

>made by weeb


>May I recommend the lions...

>fire warroir

Only one cross, please.

Die Propagandamaschinerie läuft weiterhin auf Hochtouren:


Another Tafel collapses under the pressure of muh neudeutsche.
>Niggagibs-unions want to force the distribution to the nignogs so everyone goes home hungry, but at the very least the nog had something.

Poverty in all sectors, Famine, soon Pestilence and then War?

Since we cant reform our health system without killing a bunch of clinic and old useless farts, pestilence is very likely

>make more money
>pay more rent

>post your best distract÷&conquer mayme fellow white goys

Panem europe edition

>Deutschland in der nahen Zukunft: Eine Gameshow bricht in Fernsehen und Internet alle Rekorde. Flüchtlinge werden am Berliner Stadtrand ausgesetzt und müssen sich den Weg zum Fernsehturm bahnen. Wer es schafft, bekommt eine Aufenthaltsgenehmigung. Doch es gibt einen tödlichen Haken: Jeder Deutsche darf die Kandidaten jagen, prügeln, töten. Straffrei.

>Full scale /tg/ incursion imminent, Emperor preserve!

Btw has been in our news for a few days, nice example of moral flexibility


Hello fellow Germans. Aren’t we so based electing Mutti Mother of Migrants again? We, the nation of Marx and Engels, will soon be blacked and that’s a good thing!

>post your best distract÷&conquer
>implying americans are any near of being white
good goy, americans are also white, goy!

Little reminder to ignore shills and d&c fags. Let's keep this comfy!

>Wenn die Intendanten schon so faul und überbezahlt sind, dass sie die "Running Flüchtling"-idee nicht nur durchwinken, sonder wahrscheinlich noch für eine originelle Idee halten.
Da landen also die Leute die in der Schule immer ihre Hefte verziert haben.

Greens gonna green

Das Mutt meme ist so dermaßen erzwungen.
Behalt den Krebs auf Sup Forums.

Wenn das nur Deutsche dürfen wieso machen sie es dann in Berlin? Or do we somehow aquire a vast arian population in our shithole in chief?

Meddl Leude,

ich hab mir das Buch Kontrollverlust besorgt. Was haltet ihr von dem Buch?

Es ist einfach in Berlin oder Köln mit öffentlichen mitteln einen Film zu machen. Die ganze Infrastruktur ist schon da und man kann Abends immer schön früh nachhause.


We are slipping into dangerous territory here...

Btw seems our Greens are again gonna be in full self-destruct mode in today's election in Kärnten. Right now I really do wonder how these idiots ever managed to be semi-successful considering the eternal Austrian...

>inflationary use of the word arian
>connects it with germans
>what is sanskrit
germans arent arians, nigga, it was used in the 18th century by indians and iranians. fag

good read

oy hey austrian bro

>Wenn das nur Deutsche dürfen wieso machen sie es dann in Berlin?
Die (((Organisatoren))) wollen, dass viele überleben

The sooner they go the better they dont serve any purpose.
I just dont want to say german in every sentence faggot
Ja vermutlich gehts in die Richtung

Hast du es dir auch besorgt? Hab es noch nicht geöffnet haha, hab mich aber von dem Author begeistern lassen

*tariffs u*

Nobody needs that Tafel-Shit anyway, it's just lazy leeches who want to spend more money on other stuff than food. Refugees are there because it's for free.

>Eine 17-Jährige wird von ihrem nach islamischem Recht verheirateten Mann und ihrem Bruder niedergestochen. War es versuchter „Ehrenmord“? Die Familie schickte nach der Tat offenbar ein erschütterndes Handyvideo an den Geliebten des Opfers.
Religion of Peace (TM) in combination with people worth way more than gold!

some other anons recommended it, looked into it in the past. didnt have time to read it all but i will catch up on a few this year

Aryan proper doesn’t denote race at all. It means twice born, i.e, being initiated into a spiritual discipline

Feminist will defend this.

At least they kill eachother for now