We're Jews ever gassed in Nazi death camps, or was it all just rollercosters?
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Questioning is offensive and against the law
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well it looks like he certainly got GASSED
I don't buy the holocaust hoax and so does everyone who believes in math, physics, and common sense.
Lollercaust is a kike hoax to get money from Germany
don't forget chemistry. Didn't they dig up some old journal the other day that described some object delivered by SS officers that heated up the ZYKLON-B every gassing.
anybody else read that in MSM?
>no scientific evidence proving that anyone was gassed to death in WW2 labor camps
No. Probably worked, starves and diseased, like in SU gulags.
How did they get away with passing those laws?
My granddad ate grass during a post ww2 prisoners march too.
The story is probably true, he probably believes the bit about the soap too.
>Therefore, it comes as no surprise that in 1960 the first law against Holocaust denial was passed as a reaction to the re-emerging anti-Semitism in German society: On Christmas Eve 1959, just a couple of months after its widely celebrated re-opening, the synagogue in Cologne was besmeared with swastikas and anti-Semitic slurs by two members of a right-extremist party. In the following months an entire wave of anti-Semitic acts swept over Germany. The administration of chancellor Konrad Adenauer (CDU: Christian Democratic Union) saw itself under considerable pressure to act and therefore decided to pass a law against ‘incitement’ (Volksverhetzung). The purpose of this law was to, among other things, make the denial of Nazi crimes against Jews a crime. The mind-set of the deniers was seen as the foundational myth of new forms of anti-Semitism that focused on the state of Israel and its alleged moral blackmailing of the German state based on the – in the eyes of these anti-Semites – ‘historical lie’ of the Holocaust.
who would win
a guy with plastic bags and knife
a guy with long range banner and pepper spray?
The Jew cries out for the police as he pulls a knife on you
r/T_D and the proud bois are going to begin protesting circumcision.
This is the final pill.
It isnt imporatant to agree or disagree.
What is important is to keep people talking about it 24/7 ad infinitum. Look at BBC website for instance, not one or two days goes by without some mentionof it.....for years and years just pushing it down peoples throats like fois gras.
The most strange thing is that 99% of people dont even know there own countries loss in WWII but they know how many jews died and the names of the KZ's
Incredible mass brain washing program by kikes and their followers.
>nazi camps
Its called german death camps
they deserve what they get