She is just trying to provide Migrants a better shot at life. Europe needs to atone for germany’s dark past. Merkel is based, nationalism is not.
German here. Why do you all hate Merkel?
Because we know better.
>thinking it's better to bend over backwards for foreigners than to help your own country
Kill yourself
>German here
Russian propaganda attacks Merkel because she won't lift sanctions. That's why morons hate her.
They think she's left wing in Germany LOL
Here's the (You) you desperately desired in order to make your pathetic life slightly less miserable.
You should be listening more and talking less, ignorant mutts.
>Europe needs to atone for germany’s dark past.
Actual German here. Why do shill for Merkel while hidding behind a memeflag?
Jesus Christ. And you wonder why we hate you.
Why should innocent people have to atone for some relativistic and vague crimes that some angry wannabe sacred cows of today made up?
Let the immigrants come and get raped by Europe. Europe is a harsh mistress.
You hate smarter people. And you are really dumb.
Funny, I was under the impression that posts like this were just regular /polacks trying to give their fellow posters some easy laughs and make them feel intelectually superior for thinking a jewish conspiracy actually exists.
Think of it as target practice
Did the voices tell you to post that, schlomo?
This triggers the Jew.
Because she was recruited by the StaSi back in the early Eighties.
Don’t be a sucker: she’s always been working for the Cheka.
Sup Forums doesn't hate Merkel.
They hate that merkel isn't the leader of their countries.
That's not how you spell Hitler.
Hello fellow German. We are a proud leftist nation - the country that gave the world Marx. In fact, we’re so left wing that Merkel is considered a conservative here. Feels good to be a tolerant German.
>Europe needs to attone for it's dark past
Fuck you. Everyone has a dark past. I wanna watch you tell Africans they need to attone for slavery towards their own people if you wanna complain on Europe.
Bottom line ---- No one needs to attone for shit they didn't do personally.
1: She is destroying her country economically.
2: Muslims should not be allowed access to the rest of the world. If a Muslim lives in a developed country, it's a bad thing.
(((german here)))
OP is an American.
This is a troll thread.
so the dubbbs prove he was just trolling for attention & replies.
Because anyone knows if you flood your country with migrants from countries that are not only shitholes, but hate westerners with a passion, it will destroy and ultimately collapse said country.
ok i can dig it you're trolling. I wish your country the best
We Germans gave the world Marxism, and you repay us with hate?
Wasn't Karl Marx persecuted in Germany, so he fled to Britain to publish his idea of Marxism?