Oregairu please stop haunting me


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What seems to be the problem?

Oregairu incites my desire to be love, but i have no means to fulfill this desire and it is excruciating. No matter how much i fap i am still horny for love. I will die alone and loveless

I love you, buddy.

No you don't, someone that loves someone will not declare so simply and easily, just like how Yukinon loves Hachiman, she takes it slowly

That only applies to socially awkward people.

Traps are straight.

Yui will win the Hikki bowl.

Love should be subtle but visible, delicate but intense, continuous but fluctuant, permanent but progressive

>shitposting for a week before v12 release
>spoilers and fake spoilers flying around a day before official release because of leaks
>volume officially comes out, nobody talks about it anymore
What's going on?

Didnt it turn out to be a filler volume? Theres nothing really to discuss until it's translated since there are no big plot progressions

Nah, that user is a right and you're a ding dong for not accepting it. Some of the best confessions come like a quiet bomb when you're sitting around like couch potatoes and the other person says it not just simply but as as simple as breathing because it's simply true.

Like god bless you after sneezing.

But when are we going to a get a series where the trap or effeminate boy wins?

We're after the period where fake spoilers work, but still before full scans. I'm waiting for a full scan to actually discuss anything about vol12.

Fags kept assassinating Yui's character.

We know most of the important events. The more subtle stuff remains to be seen.

For some odd reason nips think that a Yukino end is a definite.

Yeah, but you need the subtle stuff to properly discuss stuff. Even the stuff that we do know could be a misunderstanding because someone TL'd with their ass.
I also think that a Yukino end is very, very likely.

Yui's interludes revealed a lot of shit.

And yet they were labeled as Iroha/Haruno for days before someone with a brain looked into it.

ITT: Something Hachiman will never ever get

I knew it the second I read it. You'd have to be retarded not to see it was Yui. Even with the quick TL it was obvious. The Chinese to spic translator and the google translate discord fag were way off with the Iroha and Haruno shit.

1-3 chapters

Nice. I'll look at it later.

>that page with Keika

So what's happening there?

Looks like some fags were wrong.