Why do lefties even pretend to know what they're talking about when it comes to economics, Sup Forums?
Destiny hate thread
Is he still banned on Twitch/Youtube?
Why does the alt right believe there is any hope for their own credibility? Better question
I wouldn't know, I'm not alt-right user
Why do lefties pretend they know what they’re talking about on any subject?
Yeah, okay, good point desu
Funny since leftists are the only ones who understand economics. Right wingers are ignorant
How so, sargonite?
Well that's good. It's always awkward talking to somebody who larps and tries to act/sound contrarian just to be edgy. They're just as bad as leftists but for different ugly reasons, yet they think themselves superior simply because they are a different shade of ignorant.
Also, why do you give a shit what people think about some twitch streamer? Isn't he just entertainment? You feel threatened by the attention he gets or something?
How about you give me a single example of a prosperous society that wasn't capitalist in one way or another
America and Britain during ww2. Mainly britain. They made their economies complete state controlled and GDP gree 10% a year. The time when they really needed efficiency they made it state controlled because the people in charge know it works best
Just harmless amusement
For the same reason rightists do.
lolbritarian economic theory is blind to reality and the way people actually act under real-world circumstances. In their neat little models, externalities don do nuffin.
>America and Britain during ww2
1. they weren't completely state-controlled
2. businesses were fleeing europe to more business friendly environments, which includes the USA and UK
explain why then
Shut the fuck up cuck
Alright. What about Nazi Germany? They were socialist and in the 30s did very well.
Which is why we should remove all regulations and get government out of the economy, correct?
Because things like nutritional values on food packaging, limits on product advertisement to children and a guaranteed minimum safety level of drinking water are such nefarious intervention in an otherwise perfect market decisionmaking, right?
Hating on people for amusement isn't harmless. It's an immature and degenerate habit; turns your views narrow and takes away their potential to be more universally coherent. You'd be better off learning how to think and question critically without being edgy about it. It takes more to make an actual good point than just picking a side.
This. As much as I support banking reulation and government stimulated economcies. Food labelling and limits on children advertisement and water filter laws are some nanny state bullshit
The economy grew because of war. There is always a boon during and after wars in countries. Japan got fucking nuked and they still had a post ww 2 economic boon.
This guy is disgusting why doesn’t anyone just kill his pedo ass
All of the libertarian right's economic thinking is based in the unquestioning worship of the market. This ignores the fact that the market should be a SOCIETAL TOOL, not an end as and of itself. Darwinian competition between firms is what makes capitalism prosper, but it can also be a destructive and counterproductive force, especially when unmoderated or applied in incompatible fields where market logic hardly applies (e.g. healthcare - no person would ever agree to "pay less" for the increased chance of dying).
When faced with the market's failures, their solution is always to apply MORE market logic to the problem. This ignores the fact that people are simple ape-brained creatures who cannot begin to compute every single action's economic implication at every single moment of their lives. For individuals, end-user simplicity often has unrecognized value that somehow goes unseen by the legions of pseudo-economists and pundits who drum up the cause of 19th century aristocratic apologists.
Moreover, these yellow meme flags always seem to misunderstand what economic leftism is actually about. It's the belief that personal liberty should be expanded, combined with the simple recognition that liberty can be limited by factors other than the gubbermint. Coercion doesn't magically stop being hurtful the moment its perpetrator stops being the government and starts being the nebulous and faceless "market forces".
You don't need those things to be provided by the government
leftist moralfagging
Kys jew
Nobody cares
Nazi Germany had more privatization than when they were the Wiemar Republic. National Socialism is not the same thing as lefty socialism.
>Why do economists* even pretend to know what they're talking about when it comes to economics, Sup Forums?
You're probably an Austrian anyway
>Nazi Germany
>Not even two decades
>Huge government war spending + infrastructure for entire history
Oh yeah totally a candidate for the best functioning long term, sustainable system
In theory, no. In practice, yes.
There is absolutely no market incentive to put these into practice. Yeah, you could probably spin some bullshit about "bad water insurance". But imagine for a second what life would be like if every single tiny thing that the government currently guarantees were to be covered by private insurance. You'd have to take out dozens of different insurance policies just to step outside your house. If you've ever had the pleasure of actually trying to redeem your rights with an insurance company over the phone, you'd know what an unfeasible idea that is.
But, assuming for example that these things COULD have been covered by the private sector, what this means in practice is that some people will get to enjoy it while others would die at age 40 from cancer because they played with lead-ladened toys when they were kids.
But whatever. I bet your answer would be "so what? fuck'em!". Stupid lolbritarian who doesn't see the obvious negative consequences of living in a society of each-for-himself barely-literate serfs.
Israel is right.
Even the most basic economics models assume perfect information symmetry on both the consumer and producer end. The less informed either side is in a real world transaction (with respect to the product) then you can expect basic rules to start to break down (i.e. consumers economic calculation would have been different if they knew safety defects/side effects of product).
Based jew realist. Libertarianism is a dream contingent on benevolent and intelligent warlords.
>no person would ever agree to "pay less" for the increased chance of dying
I'm a healthy 28 year old. I would. I don't smoke, I exercise 4 times a week. I eat healthy. Honestly the risk of me getting some cancerous disease are very slim. I'm willing to take the risk to pay less.
Well there's the thing about risk, ain't it?
Give twenty thousand people the option to take a pill for 50$, with the 0.005% chance that it will give you AIDS. Most people will accept that risk, because they hear "0.005% chance of AIDS" and basically hear "no chance of AIDS". But statistically, one bloke out of those ten thousand is going to get fucked real hard because he consented to a deal that sounded completely safe. Scale that experiment to the size of, say, the USA population, and suddenly you have 15,000 new AIDS patients. 15,000 lives ruined for 50$.
On certain things, such as a person's life, we should strive towards an absolute 0% chance and not be content with just a "very slim" risk. This goes both for you as an individual and as society as a collective. You may be fine with "taking a risk" on your health, but if somehow you beat the odds and DO get a cancerous disease, that shit is an infinite loss that could not be reconciled with whatever monetary gain you made by skimming on health insurance.
This is why people are willing to pay literally ANYTHING to avoid death. And, if for some reason they decide to forgo the treatment they need because they don't want to be put hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt, that shit is a tragedy.
>anything that doesn't make sense to me must not make sense at all
>implying your ignorance is a valid argument
You should consider learning the difference between objective and subjective. I'm not left or right in general, but you need me to be which is funny. I'm a sexual and financial conservative for example, so what type of leftist fits that description?
Because they are living in a fantasy world. Destiny brings up statistics but does not read the * notations and ships to the thinks he wants it to say. Steven used to post shit articles on twitter that was proven not true yet somehow moralfagging leftists rushes in for every post and suck his e dick. Pathetic boy with facial hair.