Is this The The Sopranos of anime?

is this The The Sopranos of anime?

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Overhyped and a bad ending? Yes.

ThE eDgE

Small boobs, red hair, convoluted plot, unresolved lore and shitty government. If it's anything, it's the x-files.

cmon man
sopranos had a better ending than this pile of shit

It's the Star Wars of anime, and Anno is George Lucas.

wtf no

Wouldn't Death Note be the sopranos of anime?

It's more like the Fight Club of anime

But who is the Zizek of anime?

What's a hipster Commie anime


I haven't seen sopranos, is it good?

Yes it is, the rebuilds are prequel tier and Mari is the Jar Jar.

Yeah but there is no mulder

Gloria is literally Asuka
>short temper


as objects of desire for the protagonists I think there's some common ground there, that's all

Kaji and Shinji both get in trouble for doing stupid Mulder things.
Also Shinji's sisters were, in exact order, killed by a government experimenter, taken by an alien, and ascended to another plane of existence.

Ya, except Gloria actually does it

>muh limited intelligence
>muh mommy issues
>muh bravado
>muh anti-social behavior
>muh deceitfulness
>muh impulsiveness
>muh irritability
>muh irresponsibility
>lack of remorse and borderline schizophrenia
>muh social-autism

mmmmboy are you fat

>Kaji and Shinji both get in trouble for doing stupid Mulder things
Yeah but mulder joking in serious moments are the best

That's one thing we can all agree on.

Yeah but where's the gabagool?

Muh muh muh... Are you a fucking cow you piece of shit?

Muh muh muh... Are you a fucking cow you piece of shit ?