>the absolute state of roasties in 2018
The absolute state of roasties in 2018
>If I waste all my money with zero assets I'll certainly become rich.
She forgot the part where she has to sign a jew contract with blood.
should've just smuggled coke around while doing it, dumb whore
attention don't come free
meh one more trip can't hurt
i think she missed the critical step where you look good enough to get to those places FOR FREE because rich arabs who want to shit on you buy you those in return for sexual favours
even then all the wealth those thots display are entirely ephemeral and they're just taking a picture with it - the life of an instagram whore is pretty much analogous with a homeless person, if they lost their looks over night they would actually have nothing
she's like a literal 5/10
she should have known better
looks over 35
did anyone actually look at her pictures?
no surprise at how this turned out
shouldve showed bobs and vagene, wouldve saved her all that money and got her thousands more followers
>i think she missed the critical step where you look good enough to get to those places FOR FREE because rich arabs who want to shit on you buy you those in return for sexual favours
this. instahoes become famous for their looks. not their displays of wealth.
>instagram model
She was never pretty enough to make it, not matter how much she tried to fake it.
she should have invested that money into silicons and a face surgery first
too ugly to be any kind of model
>living luxurious lifestyle makes you money
>t. woman
In Finland tax information is public, and that's absolutely true. Social media celebrities travel the world and pose with expensive things, but their actual yearly income can be worse than fast food worker's. Their looks buy them proximity of luxuries, but not luxuries themselves.
t. Kim Kardashian
But what they don't realize that out of billion women only few become super models and media stars.
>when you spend thousands of dollars yet photoshop is free
No, she forgot to be pretty enough
That's the line between a dumb bitch (pic related) and a successful model
How old were you when you realised you were more attractive than 10s and 9s because they wear a fuckload of ''''make up'''' which is actually '''A different fucking face''' and '''whats beneath is hideous and covered in acne and pimples and dark eyes and wrinkles and random dots and lines and what's that shit? gross is that a fucking wart? on your face?'''
I was 29.
>In Finland tax information is public
Isn't this fucking horrible for guys? The roasties know who to honeypot.
How old will you be when you realize those were never 9s and 10s to begin with.
I mean, take a good look at her.
6.5 on the best day of her entire life, and I'm being generous
Women are mentally incompetent.
When you're ready you'll realise 10 and 9s don't actually exist because they're figments of her artificial pigmentation.
I swear to god beautiful women are a fucking myth.
Yeah and most are Jews or secretly Jew. The only people who get ahead in media of any type get vetted by the Jews.
People find Kim Kardashian attractive. Plus her career was launching by a sec tape. Not for being rich.
She's simply not pretty enough to have any success doing that. Yeah she can spend all the money she has on luxuries but in the end, people aren't liking her Instagram photos for how much she spent on a yacht party or whatever.
t. fin who found out lauren uses makeup
seems like least of your worries. Seems like a blatant disregard for privacy.
Why should anyone know how much money I make. If we accept the taxation (and an income tax) as neccessary evil then ok the tax office should have some idea about it but broadcasting it about the whole fucking world? For every criminal, gold-digger, kid-napper,scammer, beggar or who know what cunt out there?
That's some governmental ovver-reach right here.
Should of spent those shekels on rhinoplasty surgery.
You make further good arguments. I can't think of any reasonable answer for Fins to give away that information freely. I'd setup trust accounts so I had fuckall personal income so people couldn't snoop.
Men are retarded and your retardation is why instathots exist.
>natural 8/10, never wear makeup, dress fairly conservatively with a focus on sun protection
>no hair dye or styling, just natural blonde shiny hair with a slight wave because I won the genetic lottery
>have to compete with 6/10 thots caked in $20 of daily makeup, along with pushup bras and spanx with fake ass inserts, and bleach blonde hair
>excessive number of fake blondes that men, for some reason, can't differentiate from real blondes, lowers my value, ditto for being generally pretty and in a room filled with makeup-caked whores who just fake it
>men fall for their shit every fucking time
>encourages and rewards their behavior
Now I'm not complaining too much, because I get plenty of male attention. I'm this pretty because both my parents are white and I know what sunscreen is. In 10 years I'll look more or less the same, while istathots will hit the wall hard from abusing their skin and body so much. I'm saying men are directly responsible for the roastie problem. Look to yourselves first when complaining about society.
Also, learn what the hell a pushup bra is. Protip: tits do not naturally touch each other, not even giant fucking E cups do. A pushup adds padding and pushes the tits up and together. If you see "cleavage", it's a pushup bra, deduct one or two cup sizes. You abso-fucking-lute MORONS. Men prattle on and on about how fucking smart they are, and you fall for the visual equivalent of someone selling you a bridge.
Did she really not know those women are actually escorts?
I mean, it depends on where you set the limits of the scale.
Usual scale is 0 to 10, implies both extremes exist. In such a scale, this bitch gets between 5-6 from me.. Scarlett Johansson might be around 8-9 for comparison
Don't know what your scale is like. Assuming it's 0 to 7, girl in OP would get like a 4
We're victims of societal trust, I suppose. Nobody (not even neocon politicians) stands up to the whole tradition of forced transparency since it's never caused any real problems so far.
>For every criminal, gold-digger, kid-napper,scammer, beggar or who know what cunt out there
These things have not really happened. Welfare state keeps potentially scum in check quite well, grand robberies are rare (and it's usually done by foreign criminals from eastern EU/Balkan when it happens) and as far as I know there has been only one (1) case of kidpanning targeted at wealthy family, and even there the kidnapper fucked it up in the end.
Are you fat?
Nerd City did this without paying hardly anything.
It's super interesting. youtube.com
I have no comment on the OP girl. I'm saying in general, the 10 and 9 is a myth. The ones we as society agree are 10s and 9s are caked up 6s. That means the average is a 3.
Men feel intimidated by girls who are uglier than them. It's madness. Imagine what it was like before make-up existed. Chads everywhere revulsing at these diseased wretches.
this, was about to link to the video anyways
t. LARPing roastie
tbf, the girl had tits and he is good with ps
Why does transparency of personal income (which can be gamed by the wealthy using trusts and companies and real estate and stocks etc. so in practice it doesn't reveal what the wealthy earn, only the poor and middle class) have superiority over the risk of some psycho using the information against me?
>women in charge of not looking 30 years older than they actually are
>instagram star
Something like this happened here in Indonesia, she's thotting 24/7 on insta but arrested because scamming like total 1 million usd.
Chill Brenda what's lowering your value is that you're in the same room with sluts in the first place.
It works.
There was NeNe Leakes that was on a reality TV show who tried portraying herself as this super rich woman by borrowing heavily and drowning in debt. She became popular, built a brand, and became genuinely rich.
>Imagine what it was like before make-up existed.
They liked them young,
That's true, but as sad as it is, that's also pretty much a requirement for success if you want to be an insta-girl.
It's all about knowing what the audience wants
Bruh I said 8/10.
Nah Kim had serious connections. Look up Robert Kardashian who was OJ Simpson’s defence attorney in that very suspect trial... her dad was already meddling with the elite.
also screw the risk anlge for a moment - even if there would be ZERO riks it is still fucking invasion of your privacy.
Like what the fuck is it any of other peoples business.
It is like theid make the information on your bowel movements public after you have visited the doctor or something. You pay your tax and now the fucks tell everyobody how much you made this year. what the everliving fuck.
Exact premise of a short story I wrote in 2008.
This is what a fat cunt sperging out looks like.
Eat a jew cock and die you fucking whore
>would pity fuck her and leave a her a Groschen
>but only if she wears and paper bag over her face
I'd tell you to re-read but I guess it would accomplish nothing.
Men aren't as dumb as you think, and you might be mistaking foolishness with thirst.
By the way, there's a chick I know that looks as natty as it gets. She doesn't even shave very clean, can definitely see some facial hair on her, which is SUPER rare in my city, and she's pretty beautiful regardless. Maybe not a 9 but easily beats 80% of makeup users I've seen.
Are doing fine enough, then again brown girls with pretty faces are a different market.
Both are rather slim.
>Bruh I said 8/10.
The confusion is understandable, but there's a reason he asked. More often than not, fat chicks are too dumb to realize they are unnatractive
Aye there's always outliers.
It makes me happy these girls are successful though, they seem genuine. Which is so rare in that industry.
The second one is your average pretty you would see on the streets but damn the first one...
So confirmed fatty. The only women who are jealous of other women are women who think they're something special when all they are is a fat dog in a dress.
Credit and women are the recipe for hell. Let alone letting them out of the kitchen, these creatures should have no access to anything resembling a credit card or financing of any kind.
I'll agree on the fake dye job whore issue, though it usually sparks my ire when I see a fake red head more than a fake blond, fake redheads are super fucking obvious and I can't understand why thotes bother.
As for the push up bra and ass pants no one tells us this shit, and it's not like girls are advertising this deception even when you are fucking. Always did wonder why my ex's tips looked better with clothes on than without, just another lie it seems.
>became genuinely rich.
Because jews paid her to be, so more people would go into debt with jews.
>b-but my grandmother smoked 15 packs of cigarettes a day and lived to be 2500 years old!
Is it possible she wasn't aware all those girls are degenerate whores?
No way is she 26. Maybe 36.
No non-idiot is fooled by makeup into seeing 9s and 10s, moron. The other user's point was she is delusional for being about a 5 and thinking otherwise.
>I swear to god beautiful women are a fucking myth.
You need to kill yourself for preferring makeup in the first place. Get out, underage b&.
>I'm gonna collect nazi scal-
Yes, the first one is an absolute stunner.
>natural 8/10
Lol k
Wow that's retarded
>white women
>natural 8/10
Pics or it didn’t happen
I swear, mixed races are either extremely ugly or extremely beautiful.
Not sure if I agree, but I also have a massive case of jungle fever so everything with a dark skin is automatically 2-3 points more attractive to me.
If they're tallish and slim then it's an automatic +5 points.
My theory about the idiots here who reject there being any such thing as a 9/10 or 10/10, despite it being an implicitly evenly distributed spectrum, is that it isn't because they're trying to diminish the looks of girls they could never get, or even that they're operating under some juvenile instinct like "Nuh uh I dun lik her!" but that they would feel too vulnerable in admitting such a rating, because it would surely be criticized by other anons ironically doing the same thing.
>The other user's point was she is delusional for being about a 5 and thinking otherwise.
I don't think we are referencing the same post
I was laughing at the roastie calling HERSELF an 8/10
>attention whoring for that like button
Exactly, idiot, like there's not a 20% chance of her being one.
>There's an equal distribution of 9s and 10s to 1s and 2s in the world
Reddit pls go
>men fall for their shit every fucking time
>learn what the hell a pushup bra is.
You idiot. Men know what these things are. They're not 'falling' for anything. They just know makeup caked cunts wearing pushup browns are more likely to fuck quickly.
Youre the biggest faggot reddit roastie in this thread and youre a brainlet
how can someone literally be this stupid
>unironically agreeing with a boobanimal
can't believe this happened to me
Sometimes I wonder if I am the only one who notices how few real nordic fems are left around here.
no u
It actually does.
You could do it yourself even. Just have some gimmick.
Document taking shits In luxurious bathrooms all over the world. Post it on social media. You’ll literally be famous and get some quick bank from going viral as the “world wide shitter”.
All you have to do is make sure you don’t let it get to your head. Cash out, take your money, invest the fuck out of it and chill out.
>suddenly crowded
you hear a faint voice in the back
>realize you have the most deranged fanbase ever
>look around at the fans
>half of them in pepe and meme shirts
>oh god
>all my fans are from Sup Forums
>In 10 years I'll look more or less the same
Why would it be equal distribution? It would be more like a bell curve.
Natural selection. Take the chance to sterilize her.
Most women are middle aged african. poo in loo or chink. It's not a bell curve it's a linear drop from 1 to 10.
It could be a bell curve if and only if there were some objective reference for their rating. The only reference for their rating is each other. Thus, it is an even distribution. If we have a rating system of 1-10/10, the only reason there couldn't be as many 10s as 1s is if there is some other, objective defining factor, but there isn't. And no, neckbeard butthurt doesn't constitute this defining factor, and thus nor the notion that there is more of one rating than another.
Homie you need some chill
instagram pls
Doesn’t matter. If it’s making you money then the jokes on them. That guy wants you to shit on him? Do it! More fucking likes! More money!
> berserk-tier jealosity
Okay, this roastie is real.
The roastie blames others for their own problems.