Plato or Aristotle, Sup Forums? And why?

Plato or Aristotle, Sup Forums? And why?

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That's a vastly complicated question.

It's like asking if dairy or fruit is "better".

deez nuts nigga


I prefer the advanced trolling of Diogenes to be honest.

Plato: authoritarianism, orthodox christianity, mysticism

Aristotle: libertarianism, catholic christianity, autism, science

Plato. Aristotle is the father of the metaphysical foundations of modern degeneracy. Plato's philosophy remains the inspiration of the transcendental alternative in modern thought.

Aristotle is the godfather of Western philosophy and culture. The answer is pretty straightforward.

Well said user

Aristotle was more rational, some of Plato's stuff strayed into fantasy novel territory.

Plato. Aristotle was a nigger

There are two problems in philosophy that have yet to receive a plausible explanation consistent with a physicalist worldview: consciousness and the status of abstract properties. On these two issues Plato's (and Platonistic) theories maintain tenability. Aristotle's in res realism never really took off even in antiquity and his notion of soul as entelechy pretty much reduces to modern functionalism.

Society needs a certain degree of idealism in order to hold it's collective soul together and push the people forward. Of one must still deal in pragmatics.


>Aristotle was more rational, some of Plato's stuff strayed into fantasy novel territory.

It's not Plato's fault that you take his myths and analogies literally.


hylemorphism > theory of forms.

I approve of this comment. Really is historical when a man who gives no fucks about anything has the balls to not give a shit when the most powerful man in the world visits him.


>Aristotle is the godfather of Western philosophy and culture.

I will grant you that Aristotle is the godfather of modern science. But that striving for the pure which distinguishes Western though from say China is purely Platonic.

Inspiring free thinkers to this day
Inspiring fascism to this day.

Aristotle and it's not even a challenge.
Too much made up bullshit by Plato.

other way around bro

Aristotle because he is superior to Plato in every way.

retarded rapebaby


>hylemorphism > theory of forms.

Ridiculousness. Plato had already anticipated hylemorphism in the Gorgias and implicitly refuted it. Furthermore, modern philosophers of mathematics, such as Benaceraf, only bother addressing an ante res form of realism.


aristotle because of this

plato wanted the state to treat men and women as equals and aristotle refined many things in philosophy

plato is important, but was plain wrong on a bunch of things

Plato is mah nigga for introducing me to Atlantis.

Go back to the desert and stay there with your cuck religion

Furthermore, Aristotle's hylemorphism presents signficant difficulties for a theory of language; he is forced to claim that conceptualization depends on the images (phantasmata) of objects being described in the imaginative faculty (phantasia).

Plato was a protocommunist, so Aristotle

Still have to read him, but Plato essentially described the current education system we have now, with academia calling the societal shots.

Plato wanted the state to treat men and women as equals but acknowledged very well that men were better at everything than women. Combined with his (or Socrates' I should say) theory of the justness of doing the duty most suited to you, it would then follow that even though society deems men and woman equal, men would still end up doing most of the tasks because that is what is most just.

>other way around bro

You're right. Plato's Laws is pretty much a manifesto of fascism.

Plato did not call for moral relativism that Aristotle called for.

It's not the ideal way for man to live yet I still have to admire his commitment

>and of course the epic bantz

Stefan Molyneux

But he said get out of the cage, aristotele said the cage it's all that there is.

Yeah, Plato was retarded too. Both were degenerates tbqh. Gorgias was the Chad of ancient philosophy. Sophism is the real redpill.

>refined many things in philosophy

Rather Aristotle didn't properly understand Plato's philosophy, hence he did not make much of a name for himself at the academy.

Fascists free the body and cage the mind. Commies cage the body and free the mind.

Aristotle. Plato was too easily trolled. Beta faggot to chad Diogenes

>Plato was a protocommunist, so Aristotle

That's not correct. He advocated communalism among the guardian class, not among average citizens.

Yet what good are minds that spiral out in all directions. Is it not better they be focused towards the advancement of humanity?

>But he said get out of the cage, aristotele said the cage it's all that there is.

You don't seem to understand fascism very well.

Is there a Plato + Autism?

or an Aristotle without science

the new testament was written by greeks, so this is actually very true

>>what is neoplatonism

Agreed, but that is just more credit to Plato.


I totally agree. In fact, my post wasn't supposed to show bias towards either side. Just stating facts.

I as well totally believe that having a totally free mind (out of own volition) is bad and learning to control your mind is actually a good thing and it's what has ascended humanity further than animals.

With that said I do believe exploration of topics and ideas is crucial to mental development, so the main idea is not to block out all learning, but to understand that while venturing out into the unknown worlds of thought, it is also important to ensure that you go back to the baseline from which you came and develop that mental aptitude that allows you to not stray from the path. I guess it's cognitive intelligence combined with emotional intelligence.

>Fascists free the body and cage the mind. Commies cage the body and free the mind.

You don't seem to understand Greek psychological terminology very much. What communists call "creativity" would have struck Plato as purely appetitive, having nothing to do with dianoia much less nous.

>I as well totally believe that having a totally free mind (out of own volition) is bad and learning to control your mind is actually a good thing and it's what has ascended humanity further than animals.

You should probably devote more time to understanding what the Greek term, nous/noos, usually translated as mind or intellect actually means descriptively.

Aristotle and Plato predated Christianity, linking them to it is pure nonsense and sullies the discussion because it puts imaginary barriers around the philisophical discussion because it causes autists to try and frame instead of understand it. Like the moron who called Plato a proto communist

Thinking that you can get truth from logic and arguments is gay. Arguments only exist to beat your opponent and advance your personal interests. And philosophy is only good for making you money.

Stop talking to me loser.


>Aristotle and Plato predated Christianity,

Yes, but early Christianity was informed significantly by Platonism in all its renditions.

Literally a nigger

"If the factic powers will control society anyway, why don't we make the politics of them"

>Thinking that you can get truth from logic and arguments is gay.

That was not Plato's claim. He posits another form of cognition called "noesis" as opposed to logismus--practical reckoning and dianoesis--formal logic. Noesis is understood to be non-represenational.

>Stop talking to me loser.

Awww, did I bully you with my knowledge of Greek philosophy? Maybe you should try posting in a different thread.

what? No. Did you read the republic?

No, you're just an irrelevant shitbird talking shit on the sidelines. Not even part of the conversations you're replying to. Could care less what you have to say so that's why I told you to not reply to me.

Fascism recognizes hierarchy, just as any transcendental metaphysics does.

Plato. He showed the error in democracy because people are too stupid to seperate their lives from politics.

I.e. current US


In Gorgias, the nigger Socrates tries to beat him with logical argument, but Chad Gorgias comes out on top

You obviously have no fucking clue what you are saying.

Commies don't believe in intellectual property.



>Could care less what you have to say so that's why I told you to not reply to me.

Awww, I see. Unfortunately for you there are no safe spaces on Sup Forums. You're better off posting somewhere else.

A tabula rasa for the mind is a free mind. You need to really think about these topics before you come to conclusions.


>In Gorgias, the nigger Socrates tries to beat him with logical argument

You must have not understood the dialogue very well. Gorgias is forced into the position that everything he says has no referential content; that he's just making noises.

Socrates is literally the GOAT



>A tabula rasa for the mind is a free mind. You need to really think about these topics before you come to conclusions.

A tabula rosa for the mind is a mind that will be entirely conditioned by its environment. Take your mind for instance, a complete pile of shit.


Now I understand. Tits or GTFO!

You are assuming the conditioning by the environment is the only factor involved in mental development or learning. OOPs that was wrong!

So much for that intellectual superiority, loser!

there are people who take plato's dramas as literal expressions of his political beliefs, and socrates as his unerring mouthpiece
99% of people are incapable of reading the republic in a way different from how they'd read a menu in a restaurant. it's one of the great trolls in political philosophy, up there with gulliver pissing on the Royal Palace in Lilliput


>free the mind

Oh yes. This is why communist regime always outlaw all political organizing of competitive ideologies, ban "counterrevolutionary" materials, and send artists, writer, religious, and political dissident to prison.

You are moron. Communism creates slave in body and mind.

I can see you like the cave.

What? I would say it is the opposite.

A free mind is the most powerful tool communists have. How do you think they achieve the moral relativism required to start the bloody revolutions?

Don't be a bakayaro.

isn't that what tabula raise posits?

Both are wrong about practically everything but Plato is at least entertaining to read

Plato, solely because of his application of geometry and his recording of Solon's research into Atlantis.

No, tabula rasa just means a blank slate. A mind without anything learned or experienced. Like starting from scratch.



>Gorgias is forced into the position that everything he says has no referential content; that he's just making noises.
That's his position to begin with. And then Socrates gets killed, so Gorgias wins in the end.

but doesn't something blank need to be imprinted? How else but by the environment?

>You are assuming the conditioning by the environment is the only factor involved in mental development or learning.

Actually, I assumed nothing of the sort in reality. However, I was claiming that it is a condition of your tabula rasa claim. You presented no counter argument in response. Nothing against you though, it just cannot be done. In reality of course, the mind is not a blank slate.

I sense a great intellect in our midst.

>Actually, I assumed nothing of the sort in reality.
1 post ago
>A tabula rosa for the mind is a mind that will be entirely conditioned by its environment.

Your words, not mine, loser.
