I'm 100% European, all features are in sync except my eyes that are brown, why is that?
I'm 100% European, all features are in sync except my eyes that are brown, why is that?
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you are not white and thus not european.
Probably because of the fucking sun and natural selection of some shit. If you live in a cloudy area think of yourself as the sperge of gyppos
Brown eyes are common mate.
oh wait no I got a better excuse: you have brown eyes due to climate change
Go back to England, traitor
Brown eyes are superior anyways
You would almost think that brown eyes aren’t mutually exclusive with being 100% European.
shh don't public facts you'll go to jail
Two of the branches of the white race, alpine and meds, have brown eyes as a common feature
I don't know, a lot seem to be of that opinion
Brown eyes = nigger tier
LARPers and mostly Americans. Americans are mutts and not 100% European. They will make up their own definition of what it means to be white or European, hence is why their fetish for blond hair and blue eyes.
European is not a race. It just means you're born on a piece of geographical land called Europe.
You're Caucasian, and like 95% of Caucasians have brown eyes.
Common among amerisharts
No user, we need to unify the anglosphere
I'm not american. My family has both blue and brown eyes.
niggers don't have light brown eyes though, it's dark like chinks
Because brown eyes are extremely common in Europe?
Are you retarded?
Brown eyes are European.
Brown eyes are degenerate
I have chestnut brown hair and eyes, and I'm pure Danish. This is not uncommon here
Depends on where you live, brown eyes are a minority here. Germanics have primarily blue eyes, while other European ethnicities are closer to 50/50 or primarily brown.
Rape baby from Muslim hoards of 1000ad
Blue eyes are a bantu trait.
Seriously, you are more european than blue eyed people.
I'm 100% European, all features are in sync except my eyes that are slant, why is that?
do you think you would pass a genetic test, goblin?
Cuz you're one of (((them))). Not european
Most mutts here have blue eyes though.
sure, am currently waiting for results
Doesn't matter how blonde or blue your eyes are, you'll always be forbidden from taking part in the white race because of your cuckold nature as a swede
Khanate of Russia
>I'm pure Danish
>a nation in which nobody has straight teeth
FPBP, you a shit eyed crapskin.
Daddy Genghis :3
I have reddish rusty brown eyes and chicks dig it, and basically, you're a faggot.
>t. Ibero-moor-nigger-mongrel
A woman in your recent ancestry fucked a black, she wasn't impregnated, however her womb was marinaded in black seed and that shit is absorbed and traces of the DNA never leave, any future impregnation will allow some of the trace DNA to enter the embryo and influence its development.
So you have nigger DNA, only a tiny speck, but it's there for all to see, anyone who meets you and knows about genetics will understand that there is coal burning in your ancestral past
Irish grandpa?
I'm 100% European, all features are in sync except my face that are goblin, why is that?
in non whites lol
Kek, firstly unprotected sex is needed for that. Secondly, very few white women fuck niggers.
You have been brainwashed by larping teenagers on Sup Forums to believe that brown eyes are somehow impossible to belong to a white person because you're probably a gullible teenager yourself
Calm down faggot. You're not nonwhite because your eyes are brown. Don't let the divide and conquer kikes here tell you otherwise.
>implying brown eyes aren’t symbolic of soil, without which green doesn’t exist and blue is plain
My eyes have been changing from shit to increasingly green as i get older, what mean?
hi Mads
la creatura
>very few white women fuck niggers
You are joking, hahaha,
43% of polish girls born in London have given birth to brown babies.
78% of women under 30 who were rated 'attractive' by their peers admitted to having at least one black partner, of those 88% said they would never admit to it publicly.
It means god is slowly making you somewhat white
This girl from Belgium is 100% European and has brown eyes and brown hair.
/pol BTFO
Mako poisoning
I have blue eyes, brown hair but reddish almost ginger beard. What does that make me? I feel like I have filthy slav genes in me.
>100% European
>Says .04% North African & Middle Eastern
She's not white
Whether we want to accept it or not, black men are desired by white women, there are several key reasons for this.
>Hollywood movies pushing black male superiority
>Advertising agency pushing Black male white female partnerships as being desirable
>Generally black men are physically more impressive
>They dominate power and aggression sports
>Black music is everywhere
>Black culture is promoted while white culture is almost impossible to define.
>Porn, there is no doubt the extreme visual contrast between a petite white pale skinned blonde and a huge baseball bat dicked black bull is very very erotic for white women, rough sex with big black cocks is by far the most popular search for white girls under 21.
Perhaps the most important factor is white men's insecurity around the topic of black men, how many times do you hear white men saying negative things about black men? Bad mouthing anyone is always Beta, and often the opposite of the desired effect occurs, rather than putting white women off black men white men are inadvertently are planting the idea of the black man as forbidden fruit into the white womans subconscious mind, and no woman can resist what society tells them they shouldn't have, fucking a man daddy wouldn't approve of makes white women very very wet.
Other factors are the black mans innate criminality and lack of emotion, they are seen as bad boys, and a black man is happy to bang a beautiful woman and never see her again, very few black men fall in love with a white woman, sure they may keep one on the side for regular fucking, or even as a trophy wife, but women love men who they can't posses, and no white woman can possess a black man, not in the way they can a white man, and the idea of taming a monster, nothing gets them wetter than that.
Black men believe it or not are very discreet when it comes to sex, again there are studies that demonstrate this, for some reason white men cannot wait to tell people when they have banged a chick, black men on the other hand may confide in close friends, but on the whole they tell fewer people, women seem to know this, a white woman rarely wants casual sexual encounters broadcast around, she especially does not want anyone to know she slept with a black man, she is aware that something like that would be hard for some folks to deal with, especially white men, afterall many white women like to marry white but fuck black. The fact that she can get fucked senseless and know it's extremely unlikely anyone she knows will ever find out about it, that is very reassuring for a white woman.
Finally, we can't ignore the fact that everybody assumes blacks have bigger dicks, whether it's true or not white men with their insecurity have memed big dicks onto black men, there was a survey years ago that showed when a white woman first meets a black man one of the first thoughts she has is about the size of his dick, when meeting white men it very rarely enters into her mind.
It also cannot be ignored that on the whole, due to a welfare lifestyle which is funded by the tax payer, you in other words, black men in general have much more time to kill, time many spend on improving their sexual attractiveness and time spent banging white housewives and daughters when everyone else is at work.
White men have driven white women into bed with the black man
Anglos are degenerate and Polish women moving to London are infamously whorish. You can’t compare the UK with continental Europe.
> >Says .04% North African & Middle Eastern
> She's not white
I knew a girl back in my school days who looked like her. She is a jew.
> She is a Jew
True in Portugal
because light coloured eyed like green and blue eyes are regressive traits as opposed to brown eyes which dominant traits, so i think you have more nigger in you then your family is letting on or else you'd very likely have light coloured eyes
This literally killed the thread, OP you don't deserve brown eyes because of your stupidity go and get your blue defect gene eyes you subhuman.
Not only is your frankly embarrassing knowledge of biology a joke, your ignorance of human anthropology is absolutely astounding. Brown eyes is in no way indicitive of non-European heritage, brown eyes have been commonplace among European populations since forever.
Black men are feminine , their women are more masculine. And white women from what i seen the ones that do bad shit are spoiled or arrogant .
I've got blue eyes yet my hair is dark-brown and curls
>Brown eyes and brown hair is not European
No it's the best kind of European.
You’re probably an ethnicity mutt.
>tfw no >50% in any category
>father's whole side of family is aryan
>mother has dark foreigner eyes
>tfw I have weird eye color between green and brown
>people call it "hazelnut", "beer", "dirty green"
>no fucking idea if uropean or not
Aryans have brown eyes, white skin
> This Norwegian is not European according to /pol
stop being brown
because your dna has negroidism in it, sicilian
even the n°1 chess player in the world, Norwegian, got the wog hair/eyes combo, what are the chances lol
la atrocidad
She is ugly and look like a man. And what the fuck is with her neck?
Arabs are white
Hell fucking no. I'm not paying for a TV license.
Swarthy "dane" detected
She hit her 25 and went into trash like the most women.
Because your ancestors had brown eyes.
That was retarded, mister Darwin.
Just no, many famous Englishmen and Germans had brown eyes btw.
Doubt they were all part black lol
your gene pool will be shitted anyway
No European is "pure" anymore. Most Europeans have ancestry from other nations. In fact, it just so happens that Moor faggots like you have ancestry from the Middle East, so fuck off.
because ur gay lmao
scientific source that affirm these statements ??
tesla had blue eyes tho you inbred fuck
100&$@% pure aryan brown eyes pale skin here
>No European is pure anymore, you are mutts just like us guise!
Then let me ask you this: have you taken a DNA test and found yourself to be 100% Dutch? Oh, you haven't? Yeah fuck off, mutt.
Now this is what I call being a hypocrite.
> Flag
Only amerimutts are insecure enough to send their DNA to some kikes.