The economics of National Socialism

How does the economic system from Nazi Germany worked? A little research led me to the information that they got out of the gold standard and the state backed the currency instead of the ammount of gold in the reserve. But how does that work? In a nation where the money is simply just printed by the government, is there a point to taxes? Also, i heard numerous times that Germany was deep in debt in 1939, but to who? All the info i could get was that they were putting a lot of money in the military while they weren't getting any money, but that doesn't seem like a problem when the government is printing money and the currency is backed by people's belief in the value of the currency instead of gold in a safe.

Also, about the jobs he got, i've come across some germans saying Hitler only was able to do his economic miracle because he took part of the unemployed and took them out of the statistics. Like women stopped being counted for unemployment statistics as well as jews and anyone that is considered antisocial. They also said that people who were classified as antisocial were taken to prison and not accounted towards the statistics. And that women were forced to work without payment. Is it true? If so, does it explain his miracle since he took people that were previously accounted for in the unemployment rates and made them not be accounted for while still being unemployed?

Did Lebensborn fail?

Did Hitler need to wage war to keep his economy going?Some may say no, but didn't he say taking over other countries was essential for Germany's economy?

And was it all due to Schleicher? We know he started building "autobahns" in miniature, we know that Hitler did not want to build the autobahns, and we know even the way the workers were paid was invented by Schleicher. Did Hitler use Schleicher's people to build the autobahns for him?

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Also, how does trade work? I know Hitler traded goods for goods, but what about businesses? Or were all the business controlled by the government, like in communism?


Invading other countries and seizing their assets sure helped their soon to fail war economy.

This video explains pretty well


The purpose of taxation in a fiat system is to create demand for the national currency - everyone will owe taxes and taxes can only be paid one way.

Work for food stamps

>he thinks Hitler was a communist
His economical revival worked before he even anschlussed Austria faggot.
Try harder.

>nazi economy
i'm sure this will be an objective and fair documentary

it is though, cultured thug is a pretty great channel

He did it to attract normies you silly, he's actually pretty redpilled

There was no real economic model to fix the economy, just whatever it took. He even privatized a bunch of public utilities and companies. You also need to understand the sentiment at the time. Worldwide depression, the treaty siphoning all of Germany's wealth, the commies destroying literally everything, Jews owning and controlling vast portions of the private sector, etc. Enough was enough. But yes, the war was to sustain economic growth. He said himself that he didn't want to but it was a necessity

Of all the numerous studies done in the nazi economic revival only one, written by a Brit long after the war claimed it was a total failure, and even those people who hated the nazis disagreed with him.

Hitler didn't discount the unemployed he created a micro economy using special money to employ them. Where 1 hour of work equaled 1 dollar, this money could then be funneled into the real economy to fight the depression from ww1. This "special money" has been used before by J.P. Morgan for similar reasons in 1907 to fight a recession, but they kept all the benefits and the people most effected I.e. the poor weren't helped.

The nazi economy was successful, they went against the lie that you needed a private banking cartel to loan you money in order for an economy to work. Think about that, the only thing that changed was that the government was in control of the printing presses, and they weren't being charged interest for their own money; that's apparently criteria for utter failure.

>We are overpopulated and can not feed ourselves on our own basis... The final solution lies in extending living space of our people and/or the sources of its raw materials and foodstuffs

This from Hitler. So, is he not saying he needs to expand because Germany can't feed itself? It wouldn't be weird after the lands they lost from WW1, but it points to war being essential for the economy as they had to expand and they could only do it through war.

Forgot to mention that the creation of the NS was in direct response to the communist taking over. The choices were corrupt capitalism, destructive communism, failed monarchy, or a socialized nation. Very similar to whats happening now.

nazi germany was gearing up for war from day 1, we don't know how it was meant to be without the looming shadow of war, probably the same as everyone else

>but to who
Jews actually.
The world wars were orchestrated by kikes to make money.
Jews are responsible for the holocaust.


>Hitler didn't discount the unemployed

Women were not counted as unemployed even though they were before Hitler. This means the numbers would change even without creating any jobs. I don't know if the claim that women were taken from their jobs and had them given to men, though i think having men work and women stay at home is better than the opposite, it would still lower the numbers while remaining basically the same.

But i guess this doesn't really matter now that i think about it. Regardless of how he got the unemployment rate down, if by creating millions of jobs or by doing some clever math, the only thing that matters is the result in the economy of Germany and in the living standard. And it seemed to have worked kinda well untill the war started. But the war seemed to be necessary for the economy at a long term, wich means a drop in living standard.

Also, about the debt thing. Was he or wasn't he on debt to someone? Or is the debt simply calculated and assumed based on a gold backed currency system?

Did Jews lend money to Germany?

Great pic and great recommendation, cultured-thug is the man.

That doesn't make an sense. The economy was in ruins when Hitler took over and the nation prospered for nearly a decade. Germany didn't seize anything particularly kind sum from the Poles or French. The only seizure they did that added significant to the coffers was the confiscation the property of the Rothchilds.

There is no reason to be surprised at a commie defending the jewish bourgeoisie

I see. This way then they will have to get the governments currency otherwise they won't be able to live there. But what about people from other countries or international trade outside of the government trading with other nations? For example, buying something from another country like we can do in the internet?

Or better yet, a company tries to trade with another company from a different country, how does it go? Are all companies belong to the government or the government acts as an intermediary, trading goods for goods and paying the company in national currency?

it was because of autarky, Hitler wanted his economy to be self sufficient, that meant that imports from other countries should be very limited. The weather was also pretty gloomy for the farmers of Germany which yields were very disapointing even with rising production and rising number of farmers. It also doesn't help that germany was land poor meaning that a lot of the land wasn't meant for agriculture compared to countries like France.

money was set by the labor supply, Sot he government couldn't just print it.
The Government made notes to borrow money for their defense. Of course, since the Globalist Bankers literally had most of the rest of the money in the world under their control, they had More money, and the power with the most money wins the war.
Unearned income was removed, so most people save for pensioners had to work.
Women were encouraged to stay home and raise families.

Austria wanted to join Germany, as did the Sudeatenland. When the Slovacks asked to join Germany, it violated Hitlers "One People, One Government" theory but he did it. That left the Czech government in a bit of a predicament - the joined Germany too.
Poland's western half was Germany before WW 1. Germany took it back when the Poles began to slaughter ethic Germans still living there. Poland believed Germany to be weak and ripe for taking even MORE German lands.

Antisocial doesn't mean introverted or quiet. In a formal context it refers to those who display a contempt for the society they live in. In 1930s Germany, this would have been the Jews and (especially) their communist puppets.

National Socialist Germany was a slave state to France and the UK via the imposed "war reparations". The terms left Germany weak so the slaves couldn't revolt.
If you were a revolting slave state, you'd damn well have a way to defend yourself.
Also, Britain used an illegal naval blockaide to starve Germany, and took the German Agricultural colonies as war booty. Yes, Germany needed more land to feed the German people.

I see, so Hitler HAD to expand because there was little land to produce all the food his people needed. The shortage of land being mostly caused by the Treaty, correct? But was Germany's land always poor or did the better lands get taken in the end of WW1?

The German economy, up until the lead up to the WW2 could be split into two parts - 1933-1936 saw Hjalmar Schacht’s influence trying to co opt industrialists into getting unemployed back into employment, as well as launching massive public works schemes e.g. autobahn. This was very successful, though Schacht’s priority of consumer goods rather than rearmament got him kicked out.
Göring’s economic rule was rather different - a much greater emphasis on autarky and a real gear towards self sufficiency (e.g. trying to produce synthetic fuel snooks Buna). This was kinda mixed since Germany continues to have a lot of imports of consumer goods. Göring also pissed off those industrialists because of increased state influence.

>Also, Britain used an illegal naval blockaide to starve Germany

Really? When was that? And why illegal?

Germany was an industrial paradise, but not very much an agricultural one. It's land is mostly rolling hills, the occasionnal mountain, and finally huge areas of forests. Rich in ores, poor in fertile soil.
Germany's land was always poor, whether or not you count Prussia in it. Expansion was required if the German population still rose to an economically stable and self-sufficient medium.
Hitler wasn,t kidding with his Lebensraum. Using Russia and it's vast tract of semi-fertile lands would have benefitted the german people. However, considering it was poorlymanaged by the Soviet Union, another big fan of self-sufficiency, Hitler would have to go to war with Stalin eventually, whether to simply force the USSR to trade agricultural products and abandon communism or to annex them completely.