EU IS DOOMED, discuss.
Mfw the USA begins a trade war with the EU right after we decide to leave
Remind me again who lost the last trade "wars" of EU vs US?
If Italy leave as well, it's only a matter of time
>bongistani caliphate thinks they are relevant on a global scale
>using a paki mulatto as mfw
Aside from VWs that emit 20x the allowed carcenogens making C02 look like a bitch in comparison I cant think of a single thing that comes from Europe we buy.
German here.
The EU is literally the best thing happened to Europe since ever.
I think the global financial collapse is getting closer with every threatening tweet by T...
When the debt comes calling, the war machine gets revved up.
A trade war between the US and EU would be great because it would herald the end of the US as a global power. Russian agents have their cocks out as we speak and they're stroking them harrrrd dreaming about Trump shrinking Murica's global influence through petty bean counting.
that automatically makes the UK the pet slave of the US
so much winning
>EU dissolves borders
>EU gets invaded
>EU invaders don't need to fire a single bullet
>EU invaders get paid by host countries
>EU being lead by childless scum
>EU best thing ever
you've been brainwashed
they pushed for the right candidate, Trump will destroy the US
that will have a positive effect on the world's economy
US hegemony shall be destroyed
Whistles nonchalantly.
Does USA even make something? Except for goblinos of course.
you are a disgrace to the world, and your ancestors look down on you in shame. That you would surrender your lands to foreign invaders, just allowing them to take as they please. Even offering up your women to them, it's not enough. You won't stop until every last shred of the great nation you once lived in is dead beyond resuscitation. Now, not even your flag remains and you champion behind it as if it stands for anything. You are a weak and feeble disgrace
Europe lost. That's how europe lost their colonies
>Fake news
>Fake news
>Fake news
>Fake news
>your point?
>True news
>you've been brainwashed
More fake news. Dumb redneck.
>your ancestors look down on you in shame
They can't, they're dead.
>More stormfag gibberish
I won't read all this edgy bs
Gas the whites, trade war now.
>since ever
First of all you're not german, drop the meme flag 44%er
Then after your next post revealing your true flag fuck off back to >>>reddit
You have to admit, it's a metric ton of cherries.
That's not what that word means you retard.
oi m8 thats a 9/10 over here
I write fiction in my spare time too.
look at all the women and children, so happy they're escaping the brutality of war...
Never leave /ptg/ again.
Go back in your moms basement, shitalian virgin.
Good post.
Are you even white, Enrico?
We had one more recently than that and it didn't go to well for the burgers.
Discussions like this always boil down to burgers thinking the EU will be BTFO and vice versa. They're both wrong.
It all peters out in the end and nobody looks while a couple tens of billions ended up changing hands between suits that belong in a gas chamber.
>The Schengen Area (English pronunciation: /ˈʃɛŋən/) is the area comprising 26 European countries that have abolished passport and any other type of border control at their common borders, also referred to as internal borders.
>So, in five years' time, and this number is likely to have become, about three to four million more people could live in Germany than at the beginning of 2015.
The United States hates you. We hate British Marxist.
>Turkey threatens to block EU migration deal without visa-free travel
Who was president then? Some retard that got elected because his last name? Some dumb globalist nigger?
read this: gods will be done
You truly are the dumbest fucking kike of them all.
Hello Rabbi
Yea merica' still leading the wolrd!
Burgers, guns, debt...
Fuck Europe right!?!
Europe has lost everything. We're now a continent run by spineless spastics with communist leanings and our own cities look like third world shitholes.
He's a brainlet that does whatever the British say.
This. And he's not even German.
what do you mean about EU?
he is fucking with everyone. or do you believe he wants the UK to get special treatment?
Maybe improve the dumpster fire that is America before you worry about eu.
Angloism is over. It's a dead cult.
there's no trade wars in globalism user, countries must sacrifice some degree of economic sovereignty to global institutions. All this is is a smokescreen for beaner amnesty
Fuck you're stupid. Its a misdirect by Democrats away from Chinese trade war.
It's good, desu. Europe needs to experience struggle once more if it plans to recover it's masculinity.
The only thing better from my perspective than the globalists, EU and China getting buttfucked is the US is doing it, and we're winning again.
Shouldn't you be at synagogue, anglojew?
Yeah! fuck Europeans. I hate white people.
shalom you cuntish shill
keep trying to deny the orchestrated invasion of Europe by the (globalists) you serve
Nice try Jew. White people don't support the British.
lmao you are the same retarded finn who didn't understand how basic trade worked arguing with the italian who was schooling your dumbass in just 2 posts
hillary and obama conceded trade while accomplishing the boost of their private coffers from these countries. its all coming out in our politics right now, and our government knows it now. this is why we are now coming to another trade war. only 5 countries within NATO paid their 2% out of 25 countries too.
The time of worthless faggot countries getting one over due to corrupt cunts is over.
And with it Pax Americana will end too, I can't wait.
>muh imagination
Shut up your British sympathizing kike.
>is your economy measured in USD
>White people don't support the British.
By all means point out where I did so you thread-pushing faggot, you cunts get gassed first
Well fuck me there are a hell of a lot of cherries for the picking, don't you think?
shoot him last
>1 post by this id
You've been found out, Jew.
No, only one. Which is picking over and over for years now. Because you're all Jews.
The entire west is doomed, are you guys fucking redpilled? Srly??
Open your fucking eyes, we're all on this boat.
Ignore this baiting faggot, he's earned enough shekels from this thread already
el goblino la americana
Yeah, it is obvious what the British Jews are trying to do. Unfortunately, they have a few goblino neet retards ready to shill for them.
Not even white
This is good news for you. Kick out the migrants, uncuck your country and we can talk about trade. Because fuck the EU.
>meanwhile in Britain
>no pro white party at all
>no resistance
>no will to fight back
>UKIP is dead and wants less slavs and more curries and pakis because muh commonwealth and because they are overrun by them
>child sex gangs active for decades in every major city
>still no resistance
>muslim mayor of london
>over half of london non-white
>still no resistance
>brexit set to fuck Britain up because even may doesn't want it
>bongs are deluded enough to believe that the Tories who vowed and failed to bring down immigration repeatedly will suddenly change now
>instead of slavs they'll get even more poos and pakis and are somehow proud of it
>still no resistance
>edl is a fucking joke without power or influence
>pathetic number of gun owners
>carrying a knife is illegal
>buying tableware under 18 is illegal
>writing mean things on the internet is illegal
>police spares thousands of men to check facebook but none to fight literal rape gangs targeting thousands of english girls
Ah right so there aren't migrant hordes pouring into Europe right? It's just an illusion I'm sure?
Awww, the poor kike is mad.
Who the fuck do the EU think they are? Trying to hold the US hostage. Go fuck yourself Europe, we should have let you people die.
Why is that horse wearing makeup?
'Le boomer Zionist. Double digit IQ.
>we can talk about trade
You live in a trailer park.
>Sweden critiquing any country on anything
>1 post by this ID
Sad but true
I own a 3 bedroom house, so no. Why are all you gen z faggots calling people who are in their late 20's and early 30's boomers. We really should gas you and start over. You are beyond salvageable.
Yeah, that didn't end how the Turks wanted now did it?
The EU has problems sure, but it's also one of the few options for standing against the neghole pozzing ZOG elites that run the US. No offense mates, but you're posing an existential threat for us, because of a small rootless clique that have completely taken over your country's foreign policy.
That's cute, goblino.
SD's currently polling as the second largest party in Sweden. Sweden probably got the biggest alternative media per capita.
Nordic Resistance Movement, that actually got street present are also growing rapidly.
Where's your resistance? Oh, your gene pool is already tarnished and there's no chance for your kike ruled country to change your demographics. But you can always resort to obsess over Sweden to make you feel better I guess.
90% of those cunts are millennials, fuck-knuckle. Gen Z are almost entirely still kids and basically aren't even people yet.
Yeah, no short supply of goblino zionist taking the bait.
There will be no EU once Italy, Greece, Spain et al. finally get sick of shipping all their wealth to Brussels and decide to follow UK example and just leave. They have much bigger things to worry about than tariffs
When the fuck are you faggots going to actually leave already, its been years
get out newfag.
If there's anything I've learned from Sup Forums, it's to hate europeans.
>The US today stepped back from a trade war with the EU and Japan as George Bush lifted punitive tariffs on steel imports.
>The measures were designed to inflict maximum political pain on Mr Bush, with the EU targeting products from states that would play a crucial role in next year's presidential election. The World Trade Organisation last month ruled the US tariffs illegal and said the EU had the right to retaliate.
You have no hope of winning, we will retaliate and hurt trump in purple states. He WILL fold like a bitch he is. No question about it, if you want to be humiliated once again, so be it
>"I wants revenge on Europeans"
Look at this angry Goblino Zionist. You're not even White, faggot.
>muh civnat
I'll believe it when I see it Sven
>Gen Z are almost entirely still kids and basically aren't even people yet.
My point exactly, are you excited for high school next year user?