This anime cured my depression

This anime cured my depression

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Too bad it didn't cure Anno's.

Rei a shit. Asuka a best.

Was it because it was so bad that it made your shitty life look good? Me too.

Literally how



I hope it did. Battling it for 12+ years, depression is not some buddy of yours that you want sticking around. If you let it stay in your life, there may come a point where it gets bad enough that it'll take everything from you and eventually kill you. You're at probably one of your best times ever to kick depression off a cliff, and keep it off.

Just off yourself faggot.



I guess that makes sense

Eva never made me grow out of my depressive wimpiness in high school, but it did turn me on to all those amazing anime OSTs

How are Japanese BGM composers this good at setting mood, I just don't get it

It's Star Wars level

Eva actually made me depressed. But at the same time Anno’s genius direction inspired me to write and learn arts as a hobby, which is good.

Expect the first dream to kick in in like a month. I guess no one told you about the dreams?

What is the least painful way to do it? I cannot buy a gun here.

I've found that just waiting 40-50 years is the best way to do it.

>How are Japanese BGM composers this good at setting mood, I just don't get it
By copying John Barry


sounds like you feel better from the suffering of others user.

Eva is like the tape from Ring. You watch it, you lose your mind, you get someone else to watch it, and a shadowy female figure comes out of nowhere to choke you.

Why does it not surprise me that Anno likes James Bond. Romance novels written by women my ass.

I hadn't even heard this one before

wtf I feel young now

Writing like

a retard

Fuck you I'm already hated for being a dumb phoneposter I'll write the way I like

A regimen of Aria and Prozac was efficacious in treating symptoms of major depressive disorder in a large clinical study. Big Mecha threatened litigation and the study was never published, but the science is out there.


I feel those are more suited for YAY growth.
But I can see how they could be treatment for clinical depression.

I smelled you coming, Mulder.

It made mine worse.

How? Why? It has a positive ending/meaning.

>Anime can cure my depression.

Because despite understanding its message I couldn't apply it to myself

>Because despite understanding its message I couldn't apply it to myself

Sorry to hear that. It helped me becouse I have self hate issues. What are yours?

>self hate issues
Pretty much the same
Diagnosed SAD as well, I'm just a loser. I'd rather not blog about it though.

Not the same person, but before eva I thought depression is just a sort of phase you have to endure for a short while, like a strong cold or like resting after an injury. I had no idea about its inevitability.
Another thing is that, if eva is to be believed, I will only be able to connect with a person who is in a similar predicament.
Last thing was something about the unreliability of human senses and perception, in particular when dealing with the unknown, the alien and the insane.

I have a compulsion to make AI.

>I'd rather not blog about it though.
Who carss this thread is going to be deleted anyways.

“Anywhere can be paradise as long as you have the will to live. After all, you are alive, so you will always have the chance to be happy. As long as the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth exist, everything will be all right.”

Why didn't he just tell everyone to go fuck themself? They literally relied on him and still treated him like shit.

How can they paint so even?

He was preoccupied with the whole matter of aliens trying to destroy Earth. And eva was never about what a normal person would do.


FRWL is one of the best Bond films

How do I don't lose hope though?

I find myself thinking a lot that I will keep this suffocating and terrible feeling until I finally die.
I don't even know what I would do with my life if I would suddenly feel better.

I'm afraid to live and afraid to die, either choice seems terrible at this moment.

You could have depression, which is an illness with many treatments. I can't tell you what will work for you, but there probably is something. Don't give up, user.

I'll assume you're genuine based on your choice of words. There's some things you just can't make up.
Have you tried writing? Sometimes using your fears to make a good story means you can get rid of them for good, or at least for the time being. Everything that's written down stops being an unknown and becomes something that can be fought and dealt with.
Also, do you have an emotional vampire around you? Someone who guilts or shames you for being depressed, constantly pesters you with their fake positive thinking, or otherwise tries to obstruct you anytime you say something sincere or just use a long word?

It's got drums in a particular rhythm!
First it's Godzilla, now James Bond. EVA is a patchwork of cliches stolen from all kinds of sources and you pick the worst possible example.

I can definitely see why. Shinji's crawl out of depression is very, very well done.

To this day, I live with terrible depression Evangelion sunk me into. But you know what? This depression, this longing for understanding, this hopelessness made me into a better person, I understood that it's still important to exist, even if you'll never find happiness, even if there's nothing good left for you in this world. I wrote what I felt, I tried to understand myself, I made up stories and I developed my emphatic side. Eva helped me to see the hedgehog's dilemma in everyday life, to try and give advice to people, Eva helped me to connect to others, despite my depression that it inflicted upon me. It was both a blessing and a curse. It was really about this, wasn't it? It was about our lives, our relationships being disgusting and hurtful and how important it is for us to still seek love in each other, despite all the pain. Life is painful, it will always be this way. But it's one and only and nothing can change that.

>You never even loved yourself! You're all you have and you never even learned to like yourself!

Self hatred and depression is a spiral I'm still trying to dig myself out of. I saw too much of myself in Eva.

lol gay


See this is how you spot a fake one. The choice of words is almost like the script for one more final, which was probably open in another tab the entire time.
Now I want to die just a little bit, even though suicide isn't my thing. How disgusting.

>Too bad it didn't cure Anno's.
It did though, Kare Kano is proof. Well, until a point.

>implying placeholders aren't put in place until the composer finishes their work therefore influencing the director's and the composer's decisions

It's just me I think.

My family and friends are always positive about me, saying that it's just a false image in my head. I know that my self-loathing and now my depression distort my self-image and give rise to negative unconscious thoughts. Unconscious they may be but I find it difficult to change them to something that's more positive or atleast something that's constructive for my situation I'm in right now. I'm just disgusted by myself and I fear that trying or doing anything in life makes in worse.

I appreciate you replying to my blogpost though, you're too kind.

>a literal Murakami/Sartre-tier quote seems genuine
>this somehow doesn't
How's school?

I'd give anything for an anime entirely done with cheap sketches and marker/colored pencil coloring

It looks so much more alive than cel or digital coloring for some reason

stop listening to Swedish emo suicidal-black metal bands, that's my tip

Asuka is shit, Rei is the best.

Run. Definitely run. Find work, finish school if you're still studying, leave, don't look back.



It gave me depression.
Fuck you
Maybe I could learn to love myself

My nigga
I downloaded the ost with all the remixes/collections weeks ago and i'm still bumping to it