ARWA now recruiting ladies

Antipodean Resistance Women’s Alliance officially kicked off this month. We are currently looking for active ladies between the ages of 18-29 to join our ranks.

You will be required to take up a pseudonym to ensure anonymity for your own safety. We will train you on how to maintain this, communicate securely and ensure anonymity during activism.


If the power goes out, use this post to light up your home at night.

Anti Podean Resistance is going to be a total failure.

You will never get public support with the swastika, if public support isnt your goal then what is?

Do you have a goal and a gameplan or are you just LARPing in the woods until you inevitably all get doxxed by infiltrators or get criminalized by the government for LARPing a little too hard?

People who are scared of swastika have no place in such groups anyway. Stop sucking the normie cock

Keep up the good work. And teach your members how to build boom booms and boom boom sticks


what do you hope to achieve without public support?


>public support
what a sheep you are. Power is not exercised through (((public support))) but by posing a substantial danger to the money flow of certain organisations through terrorist attacks.

preperation for Day X

Is that capitalist army?

>aussies are allowed to display swastikas and use the hitler salute
>I'm not

I'd like to have a conversation not a shitflinging contest.

If Antipodean Resistances goal is to bring down the state through terror attacks, why are they openly advertising online? Why do they have a womens section? Why do they even have a name and flag and post pictures of them hiking if they want to be successful urban insurgents?

This is what AWD and NA did too, they had half a foot in urban terrorism to look cool but were firmly placed in the fuck around online and be edgy camp, as a result they were just jailed by the state easily. NA and AWD have achieved nothing of value, they've actually only resulted in the death of three nationalists, the 2 AWD murdered by that nutcase and the NA guy who committed suicide after being arrested.

this kind of tactic (which it isnt because its entirely superficial) will only result in bad news for white nationalists/nazis in Australia.

So nothing, then

Antipodean Resistance seems like a big ole AFP honeypot

You seem to underestimate the learning effect that failures offer and to misunderstand the difference between a public and private picture. I suggest you have a look into the history of left wing extremists and their moderate counterparts from the 70's to today.

Firstly, you know jack shit. AWD and similiar groups are the most suppressed/censored topics online. You have zero chance of getting accurate info.
Secondly, who is talking about terrorism? The system will implode sooner or late.


I was considering it but the have no idea about the reality of the situation or how to execute things beyond just hitting a beehive with a stick.

Just a bunch of kids larping, but good on them for getting fit and socialising.

Its pretty fucking clear APR hasnt learned from AWD or NAs mistakes, rather they're following them.

The right doesnt have the institutional support and there is no far-right version of SDS like the weather underground.

A bunch of kids from ironmarch arent more capable than the Australian police and special forces. Terrorism is retarded and will only backfire.

So AWD and APRs plan is to sit back and watch the state collapse?

thats not as bad as being terrorists but its still largely retarded.

Yeah I hope they dont go nuts and over edge themselves into prison. They should work like a support/social group for young nationalists and do activism rather than a pretend-terrorists with skull masks in the woods kind of outfit.

there is nothing wrong, or illegal about learning to defend yourself/ preparing for when shit hits the fan

You started the whole terrorist thing. Ask them about their goals , not me .
Now the best course of action is creating local nationalist cells, trying to pay as little taxes and possible going off grid.
>inb4 varg


Yeah I agree.

They need FAR better optics and to separate themselves from the actual 3rd Reich. Hitlers reign of "terror" has already been drilled into peoples heads for decades, no amount of Paul Nehlenry can undo that.

Imo, they need to rebrand themselves as your friendly neighborhood fascist. The person that cleans up the neighborhood, plants gardens, talks to the community about issues, and shows them that a fascist alternative is not only viable, but desirable.

I agree prepping isnt illegal, its largely useless considering the wipe the slate clean kind of collapse never happens historically, even in the Roman Empire it just resulted in localised kingdoms rather than total anarchy. Self sufficient intentional communities like Orania are far more useful in any SHTF situation that playing around in the woods and wearing skull masks.

I agree with that. Forming self sufficient separate communities for white nationalists is a great idea, it wont result in you getting black bagged by the authorities either. Something like the Hutterites but racist, Hutterwhites

Antipodean Resistance condemn any form of illegal activity.
Nice try kikes.

yeah otherwise the media will go berzerk & calling them terrorists; once they do something minor and go to jail.

I dont think optics are necessarily that important for some organizations, Im gunna bet these guys are Siegefags and so their ultimate goal is either insurgency of off the grid self sufficiency and separation from the system. If thats the case they shouldnt be advertising so openly at all, attention even if you're well presentable isnt always a good thing.

I hope so, Im not trying to be a douche to you I just dont want a repeat of National Action and Atomwaffen.

So what are your guys goals? short term and long term.

Orania is a much needed closed village/town in SA. We,fortunately do not need that as of yet.
Our main goal as youth activists is to promote and normalise imagery of WN and NatSoc.

The best image for a movement like this is farmers... living in the forest growing food. We could even seduce liberals with our rustic agrarian charm. Being in the woods means communication can be far more secretive and harder to track doings.... We need ham radios too...

My sister is living there, I'll let her know.

Our goals are to merely trigger the system. We are young adults, some of us still in our teens. We know we will never take political power with our optics. Our goal is to merely spread red pills to the masses.
Normalising our imagery is key

>recruiting ladies
HHAAHHAHAHAAHAHA your movement is done mate

I mean self sufficient communities like how James Mason advocates. Separate from society so it doesnt corrupt you, have a homebase incase of SHTF, have somewhere where you can truly have a community. Vegan hippies do it all the time easy enough.

>Our main goal as youth activists is to promote and normalise imagery of WN and NatSoc.

I largely doubt that will ever happen, atleast not with the swastika and skull masks. You can get white kids to stick together and be proud to be white but you're only going to recruit the fringe and unpopular kids with blatant nazi imagery and edgeposting.

She enjoy the BAC?

What about a Republic movement? Promote what the founding fathers wanted. There's already tons of writing on the subject and it's very compelling

I donno man.
She's too busy trying to make a living as an immigrant instead of being a fucking leech.
I'm saying this in a purely ironical fashion, she doesn't like the nazi crap, even though she wouldn't try to police you guys.

Give me her number so I can give her a good Aussie dicking

People will label anyone that shares conservative views as a “Nazi”
Why not just fully embrace it? That’s at least how we see it.

We have over 300 active members across the country.

(334) 956-8200
Go ahead dude.

Come to Denmark broder, its perfectly legal here too

>recruiting attention seeking roasties
Have fun destroying yourselves

What happens when members turn 30? Just kick them out?

What is AR's stance on animal rights and ecology?

dont listen to him. keep up the good work lads

You think I was born yesterday you God damn nigger?

Haha too bad I don't live in convict land

i reply to each post by you idiots on here with the same info- in late 2017 an asio report was either leaked or released that explicitly stated your group is under special investigation as an extreme racist group, and implied the group had been infiltrated by asio agents. you are either a wilfully uninformed and ignorant idiot member of the group or a government stooge trying to entrap people. Stop fucking posting on this board. also your braindead retarded if you believe women browse pol let alone hold right wing nationalist beliefs... in australia

pic related is my face every time i see a slimy recruitment post by you idiots on here when its a recognized fact government groups monitor Sup Forums etc


what's up with the catrina emoji?

hi afp
having a nice day?
that's good
you should really get a life
it's 4am
go to bed

>recruiting for women on Sup Forums
wew lad, you must be new here..take a seat we got a lot of talking to do.

Hello Son..... we meet again.

Why would we join an IRL group that achieves nothing when we can achieve far lot more as anonymous, leaderless shitposters on this Polynesian Coconut-Weighing forum?

Sorry ASIO, I'm just not seeing the point.

you are thinking in too small timeframes

Can i have a n/s waifu from your party if i join?

Underrated post.

Because most people dont care if someone gets called a Nazi and isnt, like Trump for example. He was called a nazi a million times but it was plain to see he wasnt so the white working class never fell for it.

Then why are you recruiting online? Plenty of leftists lurk and all it takes is one or two getting and making a terrorist threat for you to get shut down. You guys have to be really careful, and try to recruit irl primarily. Anybody who advocates serious crime or terrorism should be kicked out there and then and shunned, no second chances.

I hope you guys the best. ASIO is probably already inside your organization, and even if they arent you should act like they are.

fuck you dad
stop sucking muslim cock then spitting the proceeds onto australia so we become more like you

>Don't pose a substantial treat goy
>play according the rules goy
>you don't want to endanger the GDP and your freedom for the sake of your own tribe goy

>taking away youth support from an already established similar party that needs to shift its old folks, bumfuck town image

Siegefags are a waste of time.

Look at NA, half their members are in jail, one killed himself after facing terror charges. They were naive edgeposters that did zero damage to the system.

>mfw these lads didnt just join One Nation & infiltrate instead

I researched that suicide case you're talking about. That guy was 37 years old. How is a grown mans life so empty he's running around with rebelious teens?

Nice fear mongering, not really cut to the population you try to sway but still nice. Solid 6/10 Yid

Most NA guys werent teens, they were in their early teens. There was a few soldiers who were NA.

They attracted largely loners and weirdos, not to insult them but its the truth. Our society is sick and its bound to affect everyone, however there are some who are of no use and are largely just a danger to themselves.

>did zero damage to the system
They in fact strengthened the system's grip on nationalist movements. Now our government can ban any group they deem to be "NA-associated", like the System Resistance Network, who probably aren't affiliated with NA but have been accused of such and are probably on their way to being dismantled pretty soon.

2bh Ironmarch groups are just bad news, good for the Jews.

The KANGaroo is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.

Let's start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his dark skin. This dark skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of central asia, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The dark skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.

The KANGaroo's demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man-- Australian beta cuckolds.

The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The KANGaroo penis is largest of all the races. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the KANGaroo the most masculine of men. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent roo seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the KANGaroo impregnates.

In total, the KANGaroo expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint.

All this is the reason why the KANGaroo is the epitome of masculinity.

>How can Aussies even compete?

So let me get this straight, they use billions in tax money to kill some scouts, forcing a broader range of possible targets by the enforced policies to adapt more sophisticated and harder to shut down strategies, while tax incomes are in a steady decline and the welfare state system becomes more expensive by the day. Seems pretty effective over a longer time frame, assuming more non existing resources get put into shutting down entities which becomes more with every policy adaptation to the new and broader circumstances at some time reaching a critical point of no return where either the resources are not available or the targeted population gets to big and looking for security with entities who demonstrated that they are able to damage the traitors in charge