Currently studying CCNA cert and getting into IT.
in the mean time tell me about the bell curve.
Are blacks really genetically less intelligent?
Currently studying CCNA cert and getting into IT.
in the mean time tell me about the bell curve.
Are blacks really genetically less intelligent?
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Blacks are less intelligent due to social conditions. Raise a black in a white Norwegian hard working and merit oriented family and his IQ will be as high as his adoptive parents.
short answer: yes
long answer: you can still compete with all other races on their own level and you're actually better at a few things. but still, it's a hard road.
>Raise a black in a white Norwegian hard working and merit oriented family and his IQ will be as high as his adoptive parents
[citation needed]
I belive it is the distribution of iq is lower than other races. Blacks average around 85. This it not suggesting the smartest person in the world couldnt be black. Just most blacks have an IQ around 85.
this is demonstrably untrue?
Yes. But you can cover most of the gap with effort and not scapegoating your failures on wypipo.
>Cisco salesmen.
Get the fuck out of my office and take that jungle booty gorilla affirmative action noise with you.
In average yes. The average of blacks in America is 85, the average of whites is 100. But this is only on the average level, 100+ iq blacks exist, they're only rarer than 100+ iq whites.
>The only notable advantage "removed" Aboriginal people achieved was a higher average income. The report noted this was likely due to the increased urbanisation of removed individuals, and greater access to welfare payments than for Aboriginal people living in remote communities. There seemed little evidence that removed mixed-race Aborigines had been successful in gaining better work even in urbanised areas.
As an aboriginal myself I put it down to 60% DNA and 35% culture, and 5% discrimination/fear/stereotyping from whitey.
That's the average, but how's the spread? Females score a couple points higher on average, but virtually every person over 150iq is male.
On average, like some have already stated, but I've met some pretty brilliant blacks. Usually in a university setting, as the smarter ones tend to get into higher education like with any other people.
CCNA does have a bias for Cisco devices for obvious reasons, but they do teach plenty of more "general" networking as well. I've had no problems configuring my various routers just from what I've learned from CCNA classes.
women who are very smart fuck up the spatial awareness part of the test. this happens to be the part of the test that smart blacks do well on. women must seem like easy game to them :P
>Are blacks really genetically less intelligent?
Yes. Read the 2015 intelligence article by Piffer. The intelligence associated genes are found on average in 20% of Africans compared to 50% of Europeans and 60% of NE Asians.
Your racial average is not your destiny. Go where your abilities and passion takes you.
I'm only an "abo". supposed to be like 1/4 but I look more Eurasian if anything. I don't get why I get a certificate.
was thinking about ccna cert too man. My customer said all you need is the cert and companies are in need of entry level IT techs that start around 80k /year like theres a shortage of techs.
so that cert is basically a cisco specific networking, but I am guessing it translates to other devices in a general sense where you could use it as a base for IT work
Well you are evidently not a nigger, but still yes. I advise you to socialize with other blacks as little as possible, this goes for all non-white races when I say you guys act very differently in numbers and they will taint your intellectual progress. For another example, I used to work construction. South Americans and Mexicans all over the place. Some legal some not. Well, most of them, the legal ones in particular were fantastic people. Great stories, infinitely kind and generous, very family oriented. That is, until they got in a group and started speaking Spanish. They become unpredictable and very aggressive, something changes in their eyes.
Another big problem with Blacks is that they continue to vote democrat and all the policies that hurt Blacks the most. The democrats love having blacks still voluntarily chained on their plantation.
also you are half white too bro if thats your pic. Every mixed person I know denies their white side because of the stigma fellow african americans have established
How do you even compete with this white cock black boi
Yeah you learn about standards like the OSI model that aren't specific to a brand. Also general concepts about network topologies and shit like that.
It's more like 80_90% genes, just look at the twin studies that seperate twins in different families of different socioeconomic backgrounds, they have the same iq when adult.
proven to be false
That guy in the pic doesn't look very black to me
El goblino
2 degrees 5 certs 121 to 200 iq range white male here. If you get hired, it will be because you are part nog, not because you can do and know yer job.
Where the fuck are you at? CCNA here. Definitely not gettin 80k.
CCNA exam was basically subnetting and spanning tree protocol from what I remember. Don't do the big test all at once, break it down into the two small exams.
most, yeah. evidently not you.
good job
on average yes
if the average doesn't apply to you congrats, you're above average but I think you already know that
Lib liars detected.
Holy shit fuck off with this ꧁꧂ bullshit
You can rise above. Look at Ben Carson. You dont have to be a liberal faggot either.
You are being lied too.
If you really are a black user and you live in America and you aren't a nigger, then you should already understand what you are asking. This reeks of lazy journalism/weak trolling
If youre black and supported obummer, you set yourself back 300 years.
So what you are saying is if the civilized man civilizes the people he uncivilized, I.Q. is just a fucking joke...
Yup. It can be a bit hidden since with simpler tasks given enough time blacks might catch up to whites in proficiency, but try to teach a mixed group something new and the racial intelligence gap becomes incredibly clear
it's public data, you could find it yourself. For a future IT guy you're pretty incompetent in searching information
Leans in to mic "WRONG"
If you had a CCNA with 5-10 years of experience and had tons of potential as well for growth I might hire you for 70k.
You are trash without CCNP+ in networking and some experience. This is coming from a cybersec guy with CCNA, CEH, Linux+, CASP, SEC+, NET+, GPEN and a few others all completed in the past.
Im gonna be a little redundant here but, you are a stupid nigger
if you want a career in IT why dont you take a fucking statistics class so people don't have to explain bell curves to you you dumb nigger
Why do people always ask this stupid fucking question?
Intelligence is mostly hereditary. If your mommy is smart and your daddy is smart, then baby Tyrone is probably going to be smart too. Black Americans have an elevated I.Q. over black Africans because 20-30% of their DNA is European. That's not to say ALL white people are smarter than ALL black people, but on average white people have higher median I.Q.
Most niggers are less intelligent. But as you can see on the example of people in United States intelligence isn't some fixed set in stone constant. Some groups become smarter and some become more stupid over the years.
My advice for you is to work hard on yourself and to find a smart east Asian woman if you want your kids to be smarter than you.